

anarcho-syndicalist sharing anti-capitalist inspiration, resistance updates & counter-info. focus: direct action, insurrection & social revolution

Beigetreten November 2012


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    19. Juni 2018
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    4. März

    When the authorities try to strike a blow against us, as they did with the eviction or the repression, we should make it cost them for years afterwards. Cheers & solidarity to everyone who observed the 12-year anniversary in Copenhagen.

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    4. März

    : Angry protests erupted in Mistral of after two teenagers, aged 17 and 19, were killed in a crash following police chase on Saturday. Against repression and police states.

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  4. hat retweetet
    6. Dez. 2018

    Μαθητική πορεία για τον Αλέξη 6-12-18

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    5. Dez. 2018

    Καλημέρα από Γαλλία...επίθεση των ΜΑΤ πριν λίγο σε μαθητές

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    5. Dez. 2018
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    15. Okt. 2018

    , , 15.10.18: Police Station in Attacked by Anarchists with Molotovs, 4 Cops Injured. Omonoia is where Queer activist Zackie Oh! was publicly murdered with the help of cops on Sept 21st.

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    1. Aug. 2018
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    12. Juli 2018
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    30. Juni 2018
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    1. Juli 2018

    : Violent protests with barricades and fire erupted in the city of , last night, as police forces tried to repress a large demonstration against shortages of drinking water.

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  12. hat retweetet
    30. Juni 2018

    As prepare to cast their ballots Sunday, the Purepecha people of , burn ballots outside the polling stations and block roads with barricades to keep out electoral authorities.

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  13. hat retweetet
    28. Juni 2018
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    28. Juni 2018
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    7. Juni 2018
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  16. hat retweetet
    27. Juni 2018

    , : Barricades, molotovs, and violent clashes with police forces erupted in , last night, after a protest against the reopening of a garbage dump near their town.

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    27. Juni 2018
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    26. Juni 2018
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  19. hat retweetet
    24. Juni 2018

    : A 24y/o man stabbed to death & 4 others injured during yet another neo- pogrom against people in , last night. Meanwhile, neo-fascist & Svoboda party, are the recipients of Youth & Sports Ministry grants for "national-patriotic education projects"

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  20. hat retweetet
    24. Juni 2018

    , 22.06: Protest with barricades and fire in downtown by the workers of the Astillero Rio Santiago shipyard, against government reforms and numerous austerity measures.

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