Neighbor Democracy


Videomaker covering DFNS, EZLN, and anywhere people are taking territory to be governed autonomously by all who live there.

Halfway between the new + old
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@industrialdemoc را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @industrialdemoc را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. توییت سنجاق‌شده
    ۱۵ تیر ۱۳۹۷

    An in-depth look into the inner workings of the commune system of Rojava and how they work in practice; I also call for people to form communes throughout North America and the world. (43 minutes, see description for time tags to skip to certain sections)

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  2. بازتوییت کرد
    ۱۰ ساعت پیش

    Solidarity to the 50,000 workers on strike today against nationwide. CEO made $22M while many GM workers struggle to make ends meet. This is the largest strike by a union against any business since the last GM strike in 2007💪

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  3. بازتوییت کرد
    ۹ ساعت پیش

    As soldiers retreat to “super camps” that are more easily defended, ISIS in Nigeria runs riot in the areas the troops left behind.

  4. بازتوییت کرد
    ۱۲ ساعت پیش

    A delegation from the British government has arrived in North and East Syria, and will be giving a press conference in Qamishlo tonight at 8PM local time.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  5. ۹ ساعت پیش

    The whole nuclear debate rarely covers the fact that there is no sustainable future without a significant *reduction* in power usage, ie. degrowth, whatever the source it comes from.

  6. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۴
  7. بازتوییت کرد
    ۱۶ ساعت پیش

    Why is this even a debate? why is 's active threat of terrorism and violence, in light of his long history of supporting terrorists like , not taken more seriously by Europe? The EU will probably just respond by giving more 'refugee bailouts'.

  8. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۴

    Nice work by this vendor at a ren faire creating a clear, contextual, and complete explanation of why people who like runes need to be wary of neonazi associations

  9. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۳

    I've waited a decade for someone clever to sum up the austerity con in one simple sentence. Take a bow Alexei Sayle.

  10. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۳ ساعت پیش
  11. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۱ ساعت پیش

    The Trump administration is actively working toward drilling for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge. Coincidentially, they’re also working with Bolsonaro to ‘develop’ the actual Amazon rainforest as well.

  12. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۲ ساعت پیش

    Your regular reminder that there's free food in supermarket bins.

  13. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۳

    SAUDI ARABIA: [bombs 18 orphanages with British ordinance] UK: well, look, you can't make an omelet right HOUTHIS: [bomb some oil] UK: you monsters, that oil hadn't hurt anyone

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  14. بازتوییت کرد
    ۱۸ ساعت پیش

    It begins, the largest strike in over a decade as 49,000 workers walkout st General Motors nationwide – در GMCH Main Lot

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  15. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۳ ساعت پیش
    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  16. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۳
  17. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۴

    Turkey's proposed 32km 'buffer zone' on North East Syrian territory is home to: 📋c. 850,000 people total 📋650,000 Kurds (76%) 📋180,000 Sunni Arabs (21%) 📋10,000 Turkmens (1%) 📋 10,000 Christians (Syriac, Chaldean, Assyrian) (1%) Source:

  18. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۴

    "Smash turkish fascism. Join the resistance. Women Defend Rojava Revolution" 📍Barcelona skyline seen from Park Güell

  19. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۴

    14.09: Several hundred anarchists marched through in downtown , in solidarity with squat threatened by eviction.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  20. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۴


  21. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۲۴

    Ankara taking a page out of Baath party’s demographic warfare against Kurds - Haaretz |


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