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Matrix dropout. She/her
Folge ich
TRUE 21 Std.
The tyranny of the personal brand.
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TRUE 5. Mai
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TRUE 3. Mai
I’m training my mind to ban hateful thoughts from all its platforms.
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Morgan Campbell 1. Mai
Testosterone is not a male hormone. It's a hormone.
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TRUE 2. Mai
Antwort an @EwdatsGROSS
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TRUE 2. Mai
Wait, this is a real commercial?!? 😮
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TRUE 1. Mai
A battle for souls.
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TRUE 30. Apr.
My mind is not a closed box inside my head. It’s a part of nature. Fertile, ever-changing, limitless.
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TRUE 29. Apr.
My alma mater. It is upsetting but unfortunately not surprising to find out the admin turned a blind eye to a potentially dangerous situation. I hope this shines a light in such a way that SLC changes for the better.
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TRUE 29. Apr.
We are spirits in the material world.
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Greta Thunberg 26. Apr.
Honoured to have met this incredible hero.
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TRUE 27. Apr.
Do something. 💫
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TRUE 25. Apr.
Antwort an @project5am
Good stuff
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Jack Jupiter 25. Apr.
Freedom is where you are looking from, never what you are looking for.
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TRUE 25. Apr.
Thread by : "Because so many people seem to be judging the idea of letting incarcerated folks vote based on the most extreme and unsympathetic examples, […]"
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southpaw 23. Apr.
You fall into a coma shortly before the contested 2000 presidential election. Almost 19 years later, you wake up. This is the first video you see.
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TRUE 23. Apr.
Several references to Nabokov popped up in unexpected places throughout today, which is his birthday.
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Maria Popova 22. Apr.
“The real wealth of the Nation lies in the resources of the earth — soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife… Their administration is not properly, and cannot be, a matter of politics.” with Rachel Carson, who started it all
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TRUE 22. Apr.
We can all be gurus of kindness. Starting now. 💖
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TRUE 22. Apr.
Any so-called guru or maestro or leader who isn’t able to be kind is just another misguided person on an ego trip.
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