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Zali Steggall at the business end of Warringah

What do the locals make of Abbott's competition? They quite like her. Or at least they want to like her.

Labor targets Indigenous health priorities, but where’s the workforce?

Labor has unveiled a boost to Indigenous health, recognising the need for Indigenous communities to be central to program development and implementation. But that requires a workforce.

Burning buildings and blind faith

A burning building is a chance for rebirth. A West entirely blind to its own insoluble faith is a chance only for death.

Inside the campaign to unseat Dutton

Grassroots campaign group GetUp has its sights on seven seats this election — and Peter Dutton’s marginal seat of Dickson is the priority target.

One Nation fans hit up GetUp in Western Australia

It was a battle of the orange t-shirts in Perth this week.

Is a great wave going to swamp Australia’s housing market?

With a small but growing percentage of homeowners owing banks sums greater than the value of their homes, what are the looming risks to the economy?

Assange’s ‘hacking’ indictment the crime of protecting a whistleblower

Julian Assange did what any good journalist should do: minimise his source's chances of being found out. But that is now conspiracy to commit a crime in the eyes of the US government.

Can social media algorithms automatically delete hate speech?

Scott Morrison claims algorithms can do all the heavy lifting on this front. Is he right?

This could be Australia’s stupidest election ever

It's been a stupid election campaign so far and all signs point to it getting stupider.

This is Labor heartland policy and I thank them for it

Is Labor focussing too much on health? Crikey readers debate Bernard Keane's recent piece.

Trending news

The right’s fragmentation problem is causing cracks

Divided votes and increased competition — David Leyonhjelm's recent failure may be a bellwether for things to come on May 18.

Which major party politicians are avoiding Q&A?

We take a look at the stats: who's on high rotation at the national broadcaster, and who is steering clear completely?

Zali Steggall at the business end of Warringah

What do the locals make of Abbott's competition? They quite like her. Or at least they want to like her.

The clock is ticking for the Coalition and time is short

The Coalition has to turn around the polls — and the the election is approaching even more rapidly than it might initially seem.

The dominant story of the election is weak household income

The only economic issue in the coming election should be household income and how wages policy can lift it.

Smoking is down but it’s still bringing in big bucks for the government

Pulling in a budget surplus from tobacco excise has knock-on effects that need to be considered

Ridiculous budget oversight could be a baby bonus (or a mistake)

Using a six-year-old statistic to plan for fertility rates could point to an attractive possibility for Morrison: baby bonus redux.

Letting down start-ups: how the government has abandoned innovation

By stunting the growth of the start up sector we're turning our backs on innovation and setting up the country for issues down the road.

Also trending

Inside the campaign to unseat Dutton

Grassroots campaign group GetUp has its sights on seven seats this election — and Peter Dutton’s marginal seat of Dickson is the priority target.

The political business model of angry white men

There is now a small but lucrative niche on our politics for angry white men to attack women. And One Nation is effectively exploiting it.

Welcome to the fight for Warringah

Tony Abbott is in danger of losing his seat for the first time in 25 years. The implications for the Liberals and, beyond that, our understanding of Australian politics are huge.


They really said that?

Well, I don’t think [Josh Frydenberg] became deputy prime minister by accident, did he?


The GetUp! national director makes a few mistakes while mistakenly implicating the Treasurer (!) in the last leadership spill.


The Thirst World War

This week: looooooong-hand multiplication, the coming war with Iran, and Ellsberg and Chomsky on Assange.


All about the oil: a history of Australia’s relationship with Timor-Leste

Australia views itself as Timor-Leste's liberator. But the reality is that Timor-Leste has suffered for decades because of Australia's pursuit of oil revenue above all else.

Don’t underestimate the climatic danger of ice-melt water

Crikey speaks to climate change experts about last year's IPCC report, the gaps it contained, and the real picture of things to come.

Labor’s health obsession too much of a good thing

Labor is talking about nothing but health, which is a positive for Bill Shorten but serves voters poorly when there are more critical issues to be dealt with.

Which major party politicians are avoiding Q&A?

We take a look at the stats: who's on high rotation at the national broadcaster, and who is steering clear completely?

How many candidates will we lose between now and election day?

With the political body count already rising, surely it's time for change to our parties' broken vetting processes.

What is the ABC for?

Crikey tries to unravel and distill some of the crucial questions we think the ABC should be asking itself in this post-Guthrie/Milne era.

Labor to announce Indigenous health package

Today in the election campaign Labor is expected to focus on Indigenous health and climate issues, and South Australian independent senator Tim Storer will not be seeking re-election next month. It's the news you need to know, with Chris Woods.

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Free to your inbox every weekday morning.

News Corp boss lashes NYT ‘hatchet job’, ignoring his own papers’ scandals

News Corp CEO Robert Thomson attacked the New York Times and social media platforms in making the annual Keith Murdoch oration in Melbourne on Tuesday night.

Why shutting down over Easter is a bad idea for commercial networks

Traditionally the Easter holidays have been a non-ratings period — but with the rise of streaming television, commercial networks need to re-think their strategy.

The WikiLeaks arrest is about the journalism, not the journalist

The debate over whether Julian Assange is a journalist or not serves no purpose other than to undercut future press freedom.

No winners: crowd gathers for final scene in Rush courtroom drama

Outside court, Eryn Jean Norvill, decked in purple, said she stood by her evidence at trial and called for change in her industry.

Media obsesses over Packer deal, but the Oz scoops them all

The latest update in a long media obsession with the Packer family has shown the perils of an early deadline.

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