Donate to Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth campaigns support communities who are most impacted by environmental destruction. 

Your donation will support our powerful grassroots network.

Friends of the Earth is a member-based organisation that has a huge impact on a shoestring budget. Together we are making a difference.

Become an Active Friend member today by selecting monthly payments and join our powerful activist network. Your membership provides vital campaign resources to our grassroots campaigns and involves a monthly tax-deductible donation of a self-nominated amount*

Active Friend members receive:

  • A discount on all purchases at the Friends of the Earth Food Co-op on Smith Street.
  • A subscription to our national Chain Reaction magazine, sent to you three times a year.
  • A printed newsletter three times a year, which doubles as a fun poster artwork made by artists from the Melbourne activist community.
  • Special prices to FoE ticketed events.

Friends of the Earth is a member-based organisation that has a huge impact on a shoestring budget. Together we are making a difference.

We do not take funding from big business. We are dedicated to the communities we work with, not corporate donors.

Read more about membership here.

*Minimum monthly contribution is $10 per month. A small membership processing fee of $30 per annum is taken which is not tax deductible.