Saturday, April 08, 2023

Main Blog Moved to!

Since March 2013, the main Kersplebedeb website has been migrated to a primarily wordpress format.

What this means in practical terms is that everything you are used to seeing on Sketchy Thoughts is now being posted straight to Kersplebedeb and simply being automatically mirrored here. So in general, you will probably have a better reading/viewing experience if you head over to Kersplebedeb.

For those who prefer the Sketchy Thoughts blogger layout for whatever reason, this page will continue to be automatically updated whenever something is posted to Kersplebedeb, for at least the short-term future. However, as additional functionality is added to the Kersplebedeb site via wordpress, the Sketchy Thoughts page will probably begin to show its age more and more.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

La Chine appuie le projet de loi sur la laïcité

Au moment où le projet de loi sur la laïcité de l’État suscite de nombreuses critiques, le gouvernement Legault vient d’obtenir un appui inattendu venant de… la Chine.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at La Chine appuie le projet de loi sur la laïcité

The land of the long white stain

The killer was an Australian. But New Zealand has a long history of white supremacist ideology, writes Scott Hamilton. Content warning: this article contains descriptions of racist behaviour and quotes racist language.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The land of the long white stain

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Jewish-Indigenous inmate alleges prison guard ‘brutality’ in new lawsuit

In his unproven statement of claim, Timothy (Mitch) Nome, 44, who is serving an indeterminate sentence for punching a guard in 2005, makes several allegations against correctional officers he says warrant compensation of more than $1.4 million — half in punitive damages.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Jewish-Indigenous inmate alleges prison guard ‘brutality’ in new lawsuit

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century

The globalization of production and its shift to low-wage countries is the most significant and dynamic transformation of the neoliberal era.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Empire of the periphery

Boris Kagarlitsky is one of Russia’s best known Marxist dissidents and who has written widely on a range of issues. His latest offering is one of his best. It is a history of Russia (and the Soviet Union) that situates it firmly in a wider European and world framework.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Empire of the periphery

Monday, December 31, 2018

Former Black Panther, in prison for 47 years, denied release for the ninth time

Jalil Muntaqim, a former Black Panther who has been in prison for 47 years, has been told he must spend at least another 15 months behind bars having been denied release for the ninth time by a New York state parole board.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Former Black Panther, in prison for 47 years, denied release for the ninth time

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Christmas and Resistance to Slavery in the Americas

It was a humid Christmas day in 1820 when twenty-five-year-old Santiago Martínez presented himself before the army commander stationed in the frontier Colombian town of Quibdó for service in the republican army.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Christmas and Resistance to Slavery in the Americas

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Flip Over Police Vans and Riot in This New Board Game for Anarchists

The first time you loot a shopping center in Bloc by Bloc—"The Insurrection Game"—you'll leave the streets covered in mutinous graffiti. The second time through, you'll set the buildings ablaze and salt the earth.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Flip Over Police Vans and Riot in This New Board Game for Anarchists

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Former Black Panther, in prison for 47 years, denied release for the ninth time

Jalil Muntaqim, a former Black Panther who has been in prison for 47 years, has been told he must spend at least another 15 months behind bars having been denied release for the ninth time by a New York state parole board.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Former Black Panther, in prison for 47 years, denied release for the ninth time

Monday, December 17, 2018

Dans les manifs de gilets jaunes, la guerre souterraine entre « antifas » et « fachos »

C’est une opposition souterraine, avec ses codes, ses points de rendez-vous et ses batailles.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Dans les manifs de gilets jaunes, la guerre souterraine entre « antifas » et « fachos »

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Macron and French racism as social relationship

References to “secularism”, “national identity” or “immigration” by Macron are not a mere “diversion” to from the supposed “real problems” put on the table by the #giletsjaunes movement.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Macron and French racism as social relationship

Sunday, December 09, 2018


Today’s fascists aren’t like yesterday’s fascists. Today’s antifascists aren’t like yesterday’s antifascists. What will tomorrow bring? 2017 was the year the “alt-right” entered the mainstream.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Anti-Anti-Antifa

Friday, December 07, 2018

#ThotAudit Is Compiling Massive Databases of Sex Workers and Reporting Them to PayPal

Misogynists are compiling massive databases of sex workers in and effort to threaten, harm, and harass them for making a living. People participating in the viral harassment campaign known as #ThotAudit seek to make it more difficult for those in the sex trade to work.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at #ThotAudit Is Compiling Massive Databases of Sex Workers and Reporting Them to PayPal

Friday, November 09, 2018

Three Months Inside Alt-Right New York

An undercover antifascist descends through all nine circles of the alt-right inferno. During my three months inside New York’s alt-right, The Daily Stormer Book Club never got around to reading any books.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Three Months Inside Alt-Right New York

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Un-mappable Fascism: What maps can (and can’t) explain about the Brazilian election

Brazil has been lobotomised twice in the last two months. In the first lobotomy on 2 September, the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro was burnt down, in a catastrophe directly attributable to the austerity policies of current president Michel Temer.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Un-mappable Fascism: What maps can (and can’t) explain about the Brazilian election