The Brexit pantomime threatens to fracture the traditional political set-up of the British ruling class. Meanwhile the whole issue is diverting attention from the dire situation experienced by...

An organizing campaign that has been going for several months finally came to a head a few weeks ago, involving a sizeable number of migrant workers from primarily Hungary and Romania heavily...

SI Cobas.

The far-right League (Lega) has called on the Emilia Romagna Region authorities to outlaw SI Cobas,...


Podcast episode about the later history of the revolutionary union the Industrial Workers of the World 1918-1950s. We went to Chicago to talk to our friend Warren to learn more about this little-...

Cleveland, IWW, unions, USA


Micky Fenn, docker, socialist and anti-fascist.

Interview with Micky Fenn, a socialist and trade unionist on the London Docks, discussing how he and other dock workers confronted racism among their workmates, particularly after the notorious...