Beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

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33% of the web uses WordPress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news sites online.

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Derfetên bêsînor. Tê çi biafirîne?

  • Customizable
  • SEO
  • Responsive
    Mobile Sites
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    on the Go
  • Ewlehiya
  • Powerful
    Media Management
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Extend WordPress with over 54.000 plugins to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and much more.


Hundreds of thousands of developers, content creators, and site owners gather at monthly meetups in 436 cities worldwide.

Civaka WordPressê ya xwecihî bibîne

Get Started with WordPress

Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — join the family.

Nûçe Ji Bloga Me

WordPress 5.1 Bi Navê “Betty” Weşiya

Her roj ber bi baştirbûnê ve Guhertoya 5.1ê ya WordPressê bi navê vokalîstê cazê Betty di 21ê sibata 2019an de hate weşandin. Êdî dikarin guhertoya nû dabarkin an jî ji malpela heyî di qada hildemkirinê de dikarin hildemkin. Hişyariya hildem kirinê êdî di paceya rêvebirîya malpelê de tê xwuyakirin. Bi WordPress 5.0 ê edîtora nivîse ya […]

It’s Easy As…

  1. Find a Web Host and get great hosting while supporting WordPress at the same time.
  2. Download & Install WordPress with our famous 5-minute installation. Feel like a rock star.
  3. Read the Documentation and become a WordPress expert yourself, impress your friends.