The Australian GreensVerifizierter Account


The Time To Act Is Now. Vote Climate. Vote 1 Greens. 🌱🌏 Authorised by W. Hogarth and C. Garner, Australian Greens, Canberra 2600

Beigetreten August 2007


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    We need a plan to transition away from coal, fast, and create new sustainable jobs for the people who previously worked in those industries. This, across north & central . Free, unrequested copies of the Oz in . Serves only a narrow, short-term goal 🤦‍♂️

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    Greens at the Convoy – Brisbane Rally. On Monday 22 April 1pm Senator & QLD Greens will join to rally in Queens Gardens & march to Adani's headquarters. Come along in your Greens t-shirts to show your support 💪

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    Today is #420 - should be legal here in & the are the only party with policy that supports legalisation. If you like the green, this election is your opportunity - vote

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    Happy 420 Day! Here's the Greens' plan to .

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    This is why an anti-corruption commission should’ve been in place years ago. The Greens will work hard in the Senate to make sure the commission has retrospective powers, so that no matter when corruption occurs, justice will be served.

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    We must firmly slam the door on the Intervention, the cashless debit card and the CDP which undermine self-determination of First Nations communities and any chance we have at closing the gap

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    We have only one planet earth. Let’s Let’s move to 100% renewables. Let’s act on climate change now. and is in Parramatta.

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    I am writing to the Auditor General today requesting an urgent audit into all water purchases signed off by Barnaby Joyce. The Auditor has a responsibility to investigate how $80m of tax payers money was paid for water that doesn’t exist. We need a Royal Commission.

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    19. Apr.

    Chag sameach to our Jewish friends 💚

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    18. Apr.

    Just a reminder: Australia had a working carbon price. Conservatives, polluters & Rupert Murdoch tore it down, not climate activists. If you’re over revisionism that pretends climate policy was always conflict &ignores when &a more gutsy ALP got action, read to end👇

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    18. Apr.

    Confidence in reading and writing is fundamental for social interaction, education and employment, but some are being left behind by a lack of resources because successive Governments have ignored this important issue. The will fix that

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    18. Apr.

    Today the have launched our youth mental health policy that will support young Australians to access high quality mental health services wherever they live

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    17. Apr.

    We’ve just seen bushfires and floods in Queensland at unprecedented levels. People are hurting from climate change. This is not some future thing, this is hurting us now. We have the technological ability to transition to 100% renewables by 2030, creating 180,000 new jobs. 1/2

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  18. 17. Apr.

    Thanks for the endorsement! If you'd like to help show our video to more people, you can donate at

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    17. Apr.

    Totally inspired by a packed house to hear and the plan for a renewable future! This is a room full of people ready to make sure the climate election puts politicians who will deliver real action in parliament 💚

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