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  1. Duela 5 ordu
  2. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 30

    What a Wonderful World #7. Celebrations in Santiago de Compostela for the annual Feast of St James Festival. Capital of northwest Spain’s Galicia region, also the end point of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route.

  3. mar. 31
  4. mar. 30
  5. mar. 30

    Airline review: Keep your expectations low to avoid disappointment

  6. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 29

    There are those who say because we’re not travelling, we’re not thinking about travel. The team says ‘don’t dream it’s over’ in day two of our campaign to keep alive the spirit of travel, imperfect as it may be, that has so enriched our lives.

  7. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 29

    What a Wonderful World #6. A different angle of the Horseshoe Falls at Niagara Falls. Captured from the Canadian side in Ontario, which is considered the best side to view all the falls.

    , , eta beste 5
  8. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 28

    It’s likely that when we can travel again, the first places we’ll be able to go will be in Australia. If you’ve never hiked Tasmania’s Cradle Mountain, put it on your list.

  9. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 27

    The Taj Mahal, the worldwide symbol of love, weathers a storm ... just like us! Love (and love of travel) will prevail! I was visiting India as part of an Abercrombie & Kent Tour - the first time back there in 20 years. And the Taj hadn't changed a bit.

  10. mar. 28
  11. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 27

    One of my travel highlights of 2019 was taking a camel trek through the red desert of Wadi Rum and learning from generations of Bedouin camel herders about what it takes to live as a nomad. Snapped this portrait of our guide preparing his camels.

  12. mar. 28
  13. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 27

    Deadvlei in Namibia, where a forest stands frozen in time, it’s blackened trunks casting shadows across the bleached-white hide of the baked salt pan. They’ve stood like this for 700 years, they’ll still be there, arms outstretched, when this crisis is over.

  14. mar. 28
  15. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 27

    Sea kayaking in Croatia? Yes please. Clear water, high cliffs, deserted bays - and this was pre-pandemic. Posting pics to keep our travel dreams alive while we're all grounded. Enjoy.

  16. mar. 27

    Don't dream it's over: The 13 reasons Australians will never stop travelling

  17. mar. 27
  18. mar. 27

    Hotels offering 'special' self-isolatingpackages - what's like to self-isolate in a hotel?

  19. mar. 27

    Don't Dream It's Over we know it is a tough time for everyone who loves travel. To keep you all inspired about exploring the world, we're asking you to share your most inspiring travel photos and stories with hashtag tag a friend to share theirs

  20. (e)k Bertxiotua
    mar. 26

    My piece on why innocent cruise passengers don't deserve to be vilified by us or our governments. via


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