Health & wellness | News | The Sydney Morning Herald


Health & wellness

Health check: can caffeine improve your exercise performance?

Health check: can caffeine improve your exercise performance?

Our review included more than 300 primary studies with more than 4,800 participants.


'High sitters' need 30 minutes-plus daily exercise to reduce heart risk

'High sitters' need 30 minutes-plus daily exercise to reduce heart risk

High sitters who incorporated just 20 to 40 minutes of moderate intensity exercise into their day, drastically reduced their risk of premature death.

  • by Sarah Berry
From the Archives: Australia's first liver transplant

From the Archives: Australia's first liver transplant

On April 23, 1968, staff at Sydney Hospital carried out still-radical liver-transplant surgery on a 45-year-old Strathfield man.

  • by Staff reporter
Is silence always golden when it comes to studying? Yes and no

Is silence always golden when it comes to studying? Yes and no

Do we really learn best when it's quiet or does some background noise help to focus the mind?

  • by Linda Blair
Alcobore or woke abstainer: what kind of drinker are you?

Alcobore or woke abstainer: what kind of drinker are you?

It's not only no longer cool to boast about your midweek hangover, it is 100 per cent more woke to have left all that behind.

  • by Shane Watson
Kids make you happier - as long as you can pay for them
Mental health

Kids make you happier - as long as you can pay for them

Is raising children a source of happiness? The data tells a more complicated story.

  • by Matt Wade
Documentary to blow the whistle on harmful food we’re feeding our pets

Documentary to blow the whistle on harmful food we’re feeding our pets

Bone to Pick aims to forever change the way you think about what you feed your pet.

  • by Lucy Manly
My day on a plate: Mark Schwarzer

My day on a plate: Mark Schwarzer

Soccer commentator Mark Schwarzer, 46, shares his day on a plate.

  • by Nicole Economos
The crippling reality of living with premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Women's health

The crippling reality of living with premenstrual dysphoric disorder

"I have had to learn to spend my time wisely because I didn't have a lot of good days," says 44-year-old teacher – and sufferer of crippling premenstrual symptoms – Genny Mathews.

  • by Melissa Singer
Rheumatic fever: An entirely preventable disease that kills

Rheumatic fever: An entirely preventable disease that kills

Experts say rheumatic fever, and the heart disease it causes, is preventable. Yet the rate among Indigenous Australians is the highest of anywhere in the world, contributing to the gap in life expectancy.

  • by Julie Power
Gene therapy rids infants of 'bubble boy' immune disease symptoms

Gene therapy rids infants of 'bubble boy' immune disease symptoms

After decades of painstaking research and heartbreaking setbacks, the treatment appears to have cured an "incurable" genetic disorder with no side effects.

  • by William Wan