Dance | News & Reviews | The Sydney Morning Herald
FOUND review: Sharp and often spectacular

FOUND review: Sharp and often spectacular

WE.ARE Dance Company find a happy centre in this sharp, televisual production.

  • by Jill Sykes


Plenty of vigour but little electricity

Plenty of vigour but little electricity

The Australian Ballet's triple bill has plenty of vigour but seems to lack a little spark.

The Great Attractor No 3 review: A house of wonder

The Great Attractor No 3 review: A house of wonder

The Round House is an unlikely wooden building on the Sydney University campus.

  • by Jill Sykes
Sydney Dance Company review: Virtuoso display thrills with speed and stillness

Sydney Dance Company review: Virtuoso display thrills with speed and stillness

In the first instalment of its 50th anniversary program, the Sydney Dance Company is showing off its outstandingly skilled dancers in contrasting works that focus on speed and stillness.

  • by Jill Sykes
A trip to the wild side as K-pop meets reggae

A trip to the wild side as K-pop meets reggae

Body Concert is fun, frantic and fresh – like nothing you’ve seen before. K-Pop meets reggae meets baroque; crazy as butoh but without the angst.

  • by Kim Dunphy
Unconventional dance work points to great discoveries

Unconventional dance work points to great discoveries

Melanie Lane's Nightdance may not be wholly original but, in Melbourne, it's refreshing.

  • by Jana Perkovic
An absorbing new work from a new dance ensemble

An absorbing new work from a new dance ensemble

Lady Example may be more style over substance but there's something exciting about this 'small miracle', writes Jana Perkovic.

  • by Jana Perkovic
A sublime saturation of pink

A sublime saturation of pink

Queer eroticism and bawdy humour co-exist in BalletLab's Glory.

  • by Jana Perkovic
Neon Aether: Choreographer Gabrielle Nankivell's imagination makes air apparent

Neon Aether: Choreographer Gabrielle Nankivell's imagination makes air apparent

"How do you make a work with the idea of air?"

  • by Valerie Lawson
Darting and daring drives cast to triumph over downpour

Darting and daring drives cast to triumph over downpour

What drives Francesca Zambello’s new production of West Side Story – the first staging of a musical in the Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour series – is the energy of the dancers.

  • by Peter McCallum
Audience transfixed by unnerving performance

Audience transfixed by unnerving performance

We had couches and comforts but the dance work that unfolded at Abbotsford Convent was quite the opposite.

  • by Kim Dunphy