Kalinov Most #4 – Publicación Anarquista Internacional / Abril 2019

April 22nd, 2019



*Sobre la necesidad de continuar la lucha dentro de la cárcel: Prisiones, opciones y trayectoria subversiva en la región chilena.

*Estrategias y particularidades del control al interior de las cárceles en el Estado Español.

*Autoatentados, montajes y sospechas: Cuando la teoria del Estado entra en nuestras cabezas.

*La peste de la cripto-democracia (o cómo lo autoritario se nos colo a base de falsas oposiciones y errados conceptos.

(Aportes externos)

*Breve reporte informativo del Estado del tiempo.

*Pólvora y tinta. Reflexiones sueltas…Sin separar teoría-acción, contra toda especialización.


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Greece: Update on the 5th Trial of Revolutionary Struggle

April 22nd, 2019

Received by Mpalothia on 22.04.19:

On 24.04.2019, the 5th trial of Revolutionary Struggle continues, concerning the escape by helicopter attempted by Pola Roupa on 21.02.2016 with the aim of liberating Nikos Maziotis and other prisoners from Korydallos prison.

After the political statement of Pola Roupa and the political witnesses for the defense of the members of Revolutionary Struggle, the trial will be followed by the political statement of Nikos Maziotis and the statements of the other defendants.

Comrades in Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

(translated by Anarchists Worldwide for Mpalothia)

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Subversive anarchy past and present

April 21st, 2019

“Revolution is aimed at new arrangements; insurrection leads us no longer to let ourselves be arranged, but to arrange ourselves, and set no glittering hopes on ‘institutions’.”
Max Stirner

“Don’t follow me… I’m not leading you…

Don’t walk ahead of me… I’ll not follow you…

Carve your own path… Become yourself…”
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire,
Imprisoned Members Cell

“I know that there will be an end to this fight between the formidable arsenal of the State and me. I know that I will be vanquished, I will be the weaker, but I hope I can make you pay dearly for the victory.”
Octave Garnier

On this date over 100 years ago, 21st of April 1913, Illegalist and Individualist anarchist Raymond Callemin was executed by guillotine by order of the French state.
On the anniversary of his execution I write this in memory of all those that have fallen or been jailed in the social war against society.

The illegalist current is an offshoot of individualist anarchism. Refusing to be exploited, forced to work for some rich tyrant, instead the illegalist chooses to rob them. It’s an anti-work ethic for individual autonomy to be realised in real life right away through Individual expropriation also known as individual reclamation. Read the rest of this entry »

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International Animal Liberation Gathering 2019 – Rome (Italy)

April 21st, 2019

Rome, 26th-28th July 2019

An occasion to meet each other, to share analyses and skills and to discuss experiences and strategies in the fight against the oppression of animals and the destruction of their habitats. A fight that for us is part of the wider fight against every form of exploitation, oppression and authority, for total liberation.

This gathering wishes to connect individuals and small groups of like minded people working for animal liberation in a way that is radically different from that undertaken by the majority of animal right groups nowadays. Animal activist groups that lack wider politics, be it for political apathy or for well thought out choices, are becoming increasingly appealing to people with fascist, nationalist, sexist and racist views. Read the rest of this entry »

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Trentino, Italy: TV & Mobile Phone Tower Torched in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

April 21st, 2019

Local newspapers have reported that a TV and mobile phone tower was set on fire in Terragnolo, in the Potrich (Trentino) area on April 16th at around 10PM. Painted slogans reading “Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners”, “Stop Video Conferencing” (which replaces prisoner transfers to court hearings), “Stop Blocking Mail” and “The Spirit Continues” were found at the site.

Of the four incendiary bottles used to start the fire, only one managed to ignite the cables, the other three that were located inside the electrical transformers failed to ignite due to ‘lack of oxygen’ according to the carabiniers [paramilitary police] in charge of the investigation. A person who lived nearby spotted the flames from the street and notified the fire brigade, however they arrived to late to prevent many of the cables from burning. This location is also part of a region that has been selected to experience the 5G network in the near future.

Technicians were able to restore TV service during the night, however mobile phone reception is still not properly restored.

Freedom For All,
Fire To The Prisons

Source and some good photos:


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Liebig34 – For Resistance against Eviction (Berlin, Germany)

April 21st, 2019

As many people might already know, our lease agreement with real estate speculator Padovicz -who owns more than 2,000 properties in Berlin-, expired at the end of 2018. Since then, we have been living without a contract in the Liebig34, love our house as always and are ready to defend it. Padovicz and the Senate won‘t get us out of here either, because this is our house! Today we want to update you about our current situation.

What happened so far:

Almost a year ago, in April 2018, we addressed a letter to our house owner Gijora Padovicz in which we announced our interest to stay „legally“ in our house after 2018. There was no reply. In the summer, city councillor Florian Schmidt asked us to initiate a dialogue with the owner. This brought long discussions: too little what could be expected from it, too much what should have been discarded from our convictions. Nevertheless, the curiosity, the interest in gaining information and the hope in finding ways to keep and save our house, despite all our reservations, led to a meeting between individuals from the Liebig34 and Florian Schmidt. The later offered to organize a meeting with Padovicz, to which we, as a collective agreed to in order to receive direct and concrete information from the owner. Read the rest of this entry »

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Athens, Greece: Grenade Attack Against the Russian Consulate by FAI / FRI Revenge Cell ‘Mikhail Zhlobitsky’

April 19th, 2019

We assume responsibility for the grenade assault on the Russian Consulate on Tzavella Street in Chalandri [suburb in Northern Athens] on March 22.

Each state seeks continuity, which is of particular importance both for its existence and for the preservation and expansion of its vital space. We define the vital space of a state structure as a concept that raises every economic and spatial interest. Applying this policy to us is what we commonly call imperialism. This policy is not a strategic choice of a state, but it is indistinguishable from its very existence. Automatically, each state applies or follows the imperialist policy of an alliance in that country. This position comes to overthrow the rhetoric of the holy fellowship of the smaller ones in dynamic states towards the more powerful ones, which the left has been trying to make for years and parts of the anarchist space embraces. Over the years, many alliances have been built up and, as a result, many skirmishes, depending on the interests at stake. Under the veil of these inter-axiomatic contrasts in combination with the economic and political conjuncture, discrepancies in the dynamics of each state are created or adjusted. Relationships between states have always been a dynamic condition that is modified on the subject rather than a static situation. Read the rest of this entry »

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[Den Haag, Netherlands] Bannerdrops in solidarity with the anarchists being prosecuted in Belgium

April 19th, 2019

Today we have hung up four banners at various locations in The Hague, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the anarchists being prosecuted in Belgium. Hundreds of flyers were also thrown around.

From 2008, the Belgian State started a large investigation aiming at different struggles – but always without concessions – against detention centres, borders, prisons and the world of authority and exploitation. In its viewfinder: the anarchist library Acrata, anarchist and anti-authoritarian publications (Hors Service, La Cavale and Tout doit partir), dozens of flyers and posters, more than a hundred actions, attacks and sabotages…in other words the fight against Power in all its different expressions.

Initially charged with “participation to a terrorist group”, it is finally under the accusation of “criminal association” that 12 comrades will be on trial during the week of 29th April 2019. Read the rest of this entry »

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Dzmitry Palijenka arrested again, charged under three criminal articles (Belarus)

April 19th, 2019

Dzmitry Palijenka was detained on March 20, 2019 on suspicion of committing a crime under part 3 of Article 339 of the Criminal Code (“Extremely gross misconduct”). He was accused of pepper spraying a
drunk man at the entrance of the block of flats where the activist was expecting a friend. The man tried to warn him against smoking and initiated the conflict. Only a week later the police raided Dzmitry’s flat and detained him.

Having spent about 20 days in detention, he was finally charged with three crimes: extremely gross misconduct, desecration of buildings or other structures with cynical inscriptions or drawings, and inciting racial, national or religious hatred or discord; intentional actions aimed at inciting racial, national or religious hatred or discord, humiliation of national honour and dignity. Read the rest of this entry »

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Greece: Anarchist Comrade Panagiotis Argyrou Released from Prison

April 17th, 2019

Panagiotis Argyrou was arrested on November 1st, 2010, following over a year of living in illegality during a campaign by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire to send parcel bombs to European leaders, offices of European institutions and embassies of foreign countries.

He immediately claimed full political responsibility for his involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and remained in prison for 8 years and 5 months with several convictions against him that reached a total of 220 years before the second instance (initial sentences: Halandri Case 37 years, Bombs Case 10 years, Phoenix Project Case 21 years, case involving all actions by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire 23 years, Escape Plan Case 115 years, City Bus Arson Case seven years). After serving 1/2 and 1/3 of his merged sentence (25 years under the sentence cap), the comrade was released on the 8th of April, 2019.

Freedom to all!

Until the last prison has been destroyed!

We support the imprisoned fighters morally, materially and politically…

Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters

(via Athens Indymedia, translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)

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For a Subversive May 2019 In Solidarity with the Imprisoned Comrades in Italy

April 17th, 2019

Against All Authority and Repression!

In Turin and Trento, 14 people are accused of forming a subversive association, inciting crime, and possessing, manufacturing and transporting explosives to a public place. Furthermore, the operation “Scripta Manent”, where the public prosecutor’s office demands a total of 204 years in prison for the attacks of the Informal Anarchist Federation and the operation “Panico”, where 3 comrades are accused of having attacked a fascist library with an explosive device, is still running.

Those who have decided to oppose any domination in the social conflict must live with the constant uncertainty of sooner or later being held accountable for their own actions by the opponents of freedom and self-determination. The idea and the longing for a society liberated from exploitation and oppression cab then be nipped in the bud.

This is especially the case for the anarchist movement in Italy. This is being tackled by the state. The affected prisoners are to be buried alive in their cells with draconian sentences. Their accomplices and the solidarity environment unequivocally profess their permanent enmity against the regime with regard to their kidnapping. Read the rest of this entry »

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Greece: Court of Appeal Trial Against Revolutionary Struggle Continues

April 17th, 2019

At 9:30AM on Friday, April 12th, the trial in the Court of Appeals against Revolutionary Struggle will continue at the special courthouse in Korydallos Prison.

It is worth noting that the prosecutor, as well as condemning the actions and communiques of Revolutionary Struggle, admitted during his speech that the attack by the Revolutionary Struggle cell COMMANDO LAMBROS FOUNDAS against the Bank of Greece, could have led to the overthrow of the government and had negatively affected the economy, tourism and investment.

The goal of the Prosecutor’s Office is to ensure that the sentences do not change, including those of Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa who received life imprisonment for the explosive attack against the Bank of Greece in Athens that was carried out in response to the policies of 2 of the three Troika institutions- the ECB and the IMF. Revolutionary Struggle claimed responsibility for this action on April 10th, 2014. At the next trial (we will announce the date once it is known) the decision of the Court of Appeal will be delivered.

Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

(via Athens Indymedia, translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)

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PDF: Contra las elecciones

April 17th, 2019

Cartel (Din A3)
Octavilla (Din A4)

Compartimos este llamado a la abstención activa, ante el circo eufórico de los procesos electorales (en España) que ya están aquí de nuevo. Con esto no sólo incitamos a la abstención, sino al ataque directo contra cualquier máquina, institución, Estado o colaborador de éstos.

Es un Cartel para colgar en la calle, y una Octavilla para buzonear.
El Catel es Din A3.
La Octavilla se imprime en Din A4 por las dos caras, y se recorta en 3, y se dobla el papel por donde está la imagen del gato, y se deja en el buzón dejando que sobresalga del buzón sólo la parte del gato y el “no votes nunca” para llamar la atención del vecino de turno.

No es un llamado “ciudadanista”, es un llamado a deslegitimar y atacar todas las estructuras de dominación que se ciernen sobre nosotros a diario. Read the rest of this entry »

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