Statement from Chelsea Manning’s Support Team Regarding Assange Indictment and Punitive Nature of Chelsea’s Continued Detention

Alexandria, VA — Today, Chelsea Manning’s legal team will file a reply brief in their appeal asking the Fourth Circuit to vacate District Court Judge Hilton’s March 8 finding of civil contempt. Ms. Manning, a staunch advocate for government transparency, asserted legal grounds for her refusal to participate in what she views as an assault on the free press. She remains in detention as a result of the contempt finding. The Assange indictment disclosed this morning strengthens their claims of grand jury abuse, say Manning’s attorneys.

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Update on Eric King’s Confinement

We have word from Eric. He is being held in segregation at McCreary. He was immediately intercepted by SIS officers upon arriving and put into the special housing unit. It appears McCreary is just a spot to hold him while the BOP is working out where they send him.

Right now he can not receive books, photos, postcards or cards. EVERYTHING needs to be written in blue or black ink on standard paper. Please do not use any thicker stock or borders on the paper. Letters with mailing labels will be rejected. Eric is only being allowed 2 envelopes a week so there is a good chance he will not be able to respond to letters, nonetheless, they are appreciated and something for him to continue to feel connected to the world.

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Judge in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case blasts Krasner for trying to block Latest appeal

In December, Common Pleas Judge Leon Tucker breathed new life into Abu-Jamal’s case by reinstating the former Black Panther’s appeal rights, citing new evidence that emerged during the appeal’s legal discovery allegedly showing that a former Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice who denied Abu-Jamal’s appeal was biased against him.

Abu-Jamal was convicted of killing a city police officer more than 30 years ago, and, during some of the appeals, Ron Castille was Philadelphia district attorney. Castille later became a state  Supreme Court justice, then chief justice of the court, where he was among the judges who rejected Abu-Jamal’s final appeal in 2012.

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Running Down the Walls 2019!

ABCF’s Annual Running Down The Walls 5K Run

Every year Political Prisoners look forward to the day that we all collectively Run Down The Walls together. These events link us forever in a struggle, together in solidarity we all set out on our paths with the same intentions. We jog for justice, we walk for peace, and we run for our comrade’s freedom.  This event (while only metaphorically liberating) is insurmountably important to those behind the walls, they need to know that we are here and we not only stand with them but we will run with them.

We have set the date for this year’s run on Sunday, June 9rd 2019. June is coming up quickly and we need to stretch our legs and warm our muscles for the run that has called to us in our sleep for the last nine months. This run means so much to so many people, and now this early summer run will be the first time we will be holding it in June and we hope this time of year allows more of our friends and comrades to make the time to gather with us. We jog for justice, we walk for peace, and we run for our comrades’ freedom.

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Running Down the Walls 2018: June 3rd

ABCF’s Annual Running Down The Walls 5K Run

Every year Political Prisoners look forward to the day that we all collectively Run Down The Walls together. These events link us forever in struggle, together in solidarity we all set out on our paths with the same intentions. We jog for justice, we walk for peace, and we run for our comrade’s freedom.  This event (while only metaphorically liberating) is insurmountably important to those behind the walls, they need to know that we are here and we not only stand with them but we will run with them. Continue reading

Running Down the Walls 2017: September 17th

ABCF’s Annual Running Down The Walls 5K Run

Every year Political Prisoners look forward to the day that we all collectively Run Down The Walls together. These events link us forever in struggle, together in solidarity we all set out on our paths with the same intentions. We jog for justice, we walk for peace, and we run for our comrade’s freedom.  This event (while only metaphorically liberating) is insurmountably important to those behind the walls, they need to know that we are here and we not only stand with them but we will run with them. Continue reading