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"...anyone with a sense of humanity and social justice who has ever worked in a factory will eagerly turn the pages..."

David Ranney's Living and Dying on the Factory Floor continues to make waves

“Apart from its merits as literature—it made me laugh and weep—Dave’s account of and reflections upon his experience working in the southeast Chicago/northwest Indiana region is valuable to young activists for at least three reasons: 1) It provides information about the nature and significance of the point of production to a generation that has no more knowledge of what it was like than would a Martian. 2) It offers an example of persistence to a generation that tends to measure commitment in days or weeks rather than years or a lifetime. 3) It shows the possibility of personal transformation, both in those like Dave who set out consciously to change the world and in those he met in the course of his efforts to do so—transformation which is, after all, the whole point.”—Noel Ignatiev, author of How the Irish Became White

Listen: A Public Affair on WORT FM
Read: Antipode Review
Read: Jacobin Interview
Buy Living and Dying on the Factory Floor: From the Outside In and the Inside Out

Birth Strike in The Progressive Populist, Against the Grain, Behind the News


"Brown calls for increasing the social wage versus payments in cash, taxations benefits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit or allowances for kids, e.g., taxable deductions. Why? Upping the social wage allows chronically underpaid women and their families to disconnect from the tyranny of the “family wage system” where the boss does not have to be right; s/he just has to be the boss and by force of power rules the increasingly union-free workplace..."—Seth Sandronsky, The Progressive Populist

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Jenny Brown on Against the Grain
Jenny Brown on Behind the News with Doug Henwood
Buy Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work

Dr. Michael Fine's Abundance -- Out Now!


“Michael Fine’s novel, Abundance, is a riveting, suspenseful tale of love, violence, adventure, idealism, sometimes-comic cynicism, class conflict and crime . . . a story that displays both the deep disconnect between the First and Third Worlds and our commonalities.”
—Robert Whitcomb, former finance editor of the International Herald Tribune and former editorial page editor of the Providence Journal

Buy Abundance

Science Fiction's Gay Elder Statesman


"April Fool’s Day was the 77th birthday of science fiction writer and public intellectual Samuel R. Delany. Chip, as his friends call him, is a genius. Though his reputation continues to ascend like the twin moons that suddenly appear in the night sky in his science fiction masterpiece “Dhalgren” (celebrating 45 years since its publication this year), even if he continues to be underrated, in my view, as both a writer and as a leading light of queer sexual and civic liberation.

When the leviathans of science fiction like Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov were at the height of their popularity, it was Delany who won the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America’s Nebula Award two years in a row, in 1966 for “Babel-17” and the next year for “The Einstein Intersecti­on.” He did this as an African American man. And as  a gay man. That was completely unprecedented in American sci-fi writing."—Christopher Murray, Gay City News NYC

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