This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • TOPICS: How Clinton-Bush-Obama paved the way for Trump.

What Will It Take For Trump to Get His Due?

It is hard to recall now but before the 2016 election, blatant contempt for the rule of law and other longstanding (small-r) republican values, public displays of stupidity, extreme character flaws, and irrefutable evidence of psychological instability could wreck a presidential campaign; and it was practically axiomatic that no presidency could be headed by anyone More

Is the American Psychological Association Addicted to Militarism and War?

When hijacked planes hit their targets on the morning of September 11, 2001, the American Psychological Association (APA) sprang into action. Within hours, through its disaster response network the APA mobilized expert practitioners and worked with the American Red Cross to provide psychological support to families of the victims and to rescue workers. The APA’s public affairs office moved quickly as well to assist the public—and especially families, children, and schools—by developing and disseminating materials that provided psychological guidance about coping with fear and trauma. More

Roaming Charges: Time is Blind, Man is Stupid

Some names always seem to resurface in American political scandals, so it was no surprise to stumble across “Ledeen” on page 63 of Mueller’s Report, highlighting a scheme by Barbara Ledeen (wife of Iran/contra figure and Mike Flynn pal Michael) to track down HRC’s emails at Flynn’s request on behalf of the Trump campaign, an operation that funded in part by a $30,000 contribution from the blood-drenched accounts of Erik Prince. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Wall From the Other Side

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on how Mexico views Trump’s border wall; Master of the Lost Cause: Lee Ballinger on Robert E. Lee, Then and Now; Trump Does Africa: Nick Pemberton on the 21st Century War on Africa; Abbie Hoffman: American Environmentalist by Jonah Raskin; The ESA: Noah’s Ark or Titanic? by Craig Collins; Plus: Dan Glazebrook on Alexander Dugin and the New Fascism; Ron Jacobs on the Antiwar Movement in Olympia; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on the Politics of Violence in Europe; Pete Dolack on Trickle-Down Economics’ Latest Failure; Ruth Fowler on Magnet Schools; Jeffrey St. Clair on Honduran Refugees; Chris Floyd on Virtual Reality Politics; and Charles Pierson on Trump and the New World Order.

Steve Miller and the Nationalist Takeover of the White House
