19 April 2019

Mueller report re-ignites political warfare in Washington

By Patrick Martin, 19 April 2019

Congressional Democrats and their media backers are seeking to use the findings of the investigation to boost their right-wing anti-Russia campaign.

The media and the Mueller report

Egypt stages referendum to institutionalize General Sisi’s dictatorship

By Bill Van Auken, 19 April 2019

The consolidation of the bloody police-state dictatorship enjoys the support of both Washington and the major European powers.

Netanyahu prepares to form far-right government in Israel

By Jean Shaoul, 19 April 2019

Netanyahu’s victory marks a watershed, posing a serious threat to the working class in Israel-Palestine and throughout the region.

Opposition leader named Istanbul mayor, but election dispute continues amid multiple crises

By Ulas Atesci and Keith Jones, 19 April 2019

Even as its support among the urban poor has been seriously eroded, Turkey’s Islamist populist government is moving to impose a savage new round of capitalist austerity.

New round of US-China trade talks

By Nick Beams, 19 April 2019

Among the most contentious issues that remain unresolved are which US tariffs would continue force and the establishment of an enforcement mechanism.

USW forces rotten deal on Harley-Davidson workers in Wisconsin

By Jacob Crosse, 19 April 2019

The union rejected its membership’s demands for an improved contract and instead forced through the same concessions-filled deal workers rejected less than two weeks earlier.

Australian election dominated by false promises and diversions

By Mike Head, 19 April 2019

The mudslinging from all sides is to cover up the fact that there are no fundamental differences between any of these parties.

UK life expectancy continues to fall

By Dennis Moore, 19 April 2019

The fall in longevity appears to be a trend, with an analysis from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries showing a decrease in life expectancy by two months last year and this year by six months.

German government adopts new law to expand immigrant deportations

By Peter Schwarz, 19 April 2019

With its new law, the grand coalition is in effect enforcing the far-right policies of the Alternative for Germany.

Germany: SPD and Greens act as stooges for the far-right in Hamburg

By Sybille Fuchs, 19 April 2019

The coalition which controls the Hamburg Senate is acting as an extension of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) against anti-fascist students, teachers and parents.

New in Serbo-Croatian

Sloboda Džulijanu Asanžu!

Izjava uredničkog odbora Svjetskog Socijalističkog Vebsajta, 19. April 2019

Svjetski Socijalistički Vebsajt najstrožije osuđuje nasilnu grabež i hapšenje osnivača Vikiliksa Džulijana Asanža.

New in Bengali

মারুতি সুজুকি ১৩-শ্রমিকদের মুক্ত করো!
এক ভয়াবহ ষড়যন্ত্রে গাড়ি কারখানার শ্রমিকদের ভারতীয় আদালত যাবজ্জীবন কারাদন্ড দেবার দু-বছর

কিথ জোন্‌স্‌, ১৮ মার্চ ২০১৯

ভারত ও পাকিস্তান, দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার দুই পারমাণবিক অস্ত্রধারী রাষ্ট্র, এই মুহূর্তে এক পূর্ণ মাত্রার সামরিক সংঘর্ষের কিনারায় দোদুল্যমান।

ভারত ও পাকিস্তান এক বিধ্বংসী যদ্ধের মুখে দোদুল্যমান

কিথ জোনস্‌, ২ মার্চ ২০১৯

ঠিক দুই বছর আগে আজকের দিনে, এক ভারতীয় আদালত ষড়যন্ত্র করে করা মিথ্যা খুনের মামলায় উত্তর ভারতের হরিয়ানার মানেসারে মারুতি সুজুকির গাড়ি তৈরীর কারখানার ১৩ জন সংগ্রামী শ্রমিকদের যাবজ্জীবন কারাদন্ডে দন্ডিত করে।

New in Arabic

ترامب يعترف بضم إسرائيل لمرتفعات الجولان : ضوء أخضر لحرب شاملة

٢٥ آذار مارس ٢٠١٩

خلال الاختتام المتعجل لاحتفال البيت الأبيض الذي وقع فيه دونالد ترامب مرسوم اعتراف الولايات المتحدة الرسمي بضم إسرائيل غير القانوني لمرتفعات الجولان السورية هو فعل ، يبدو سطحياً أنه يغير القليل من الوقائع على الأرض في الشرق الأوسط لكن لا يجب على شخص ما بخس تقدير تداعياته بعيدة المدى الشاملة.

New in Portuguese

A vida de Julian Assange está em perigo

Eric London, 19 Abril 2019

A acusação oficial do governo dos EUA contra Assange é uma clara mentira com o objetivo de fornecer ao Reino Unido uma cobertura legal para extraditar o fundador do WikiLeaks.

O papel reacionário da política nacional-oportunista na América Latina
O WSWS rejeita convite para conferência de falidos políticos em Buenos Aires

Bill Van Auken, 19 abril 2019

A conferência em Buenos Aires foi convocada para fundar “uma nova esquerda, sem amarras e sem condicionamentos a qualquer ‘sagrada escritura’”.

New in Norwegian

Bak Trumps sammenstøt med Federal Reserve: Økonomisk krise og klassekamp på horisonten

Nick Beams, 19. april 2019

Med sitt krav om at Fed intervenerer for å drive opp aksjemarkedet har den amerikanske presidenten åpent uttalt hva den amerikanske sentralbanken har gjort over flere tiår.

Ecuadors politi undertrykker masseprotest med krav om Julian Assanges frihet

Bill Van Auken, 19. april 2019

Protestmarsjen som var sammenkalt under slagordet «ikke én rettighet mindre» brakte tusenvis ut på gatene i Quito, der de ble møtt med ridende politi, hunder og tåregass.

Hvorfor forsvaret av Julain Assange er nødvendig for alle arbeidere

Styringskomitéen for Koalisjonen av grunnplankomitéer, 19. april 2019

Følgende uttalelse til forsvar for Julian Assange ble utstedt av Styringskomitéen for Koalisjonen av grunnplankomitéer.

New in Spanish

¿Qué hay detrás del conflicto de Trump con la Reserva Federal? Una inminente crisis económica y conflictos de clases

Nick Beams, 19 abril 2019

El mandatario estadounidense, al pedir la intervención de la “Fed” para dar un impulso al mercado bursátil, ha declarado abiertamente lo que el banco central estadounidense ha estado haciendo por décadas.

El fiscal general de los Estados Unidos ordena la negación de fianza y la detención indefinida de solicitantes de asilo

Patrick Martin, 19 abril 2019

La acción de William Barr anula más de una década de precedentes legales y prepara el escenario para la criminalización de los refugiados que buscan asilo.

El extraordinario récord de periodismo de investigación de Julian Assange

Oscar Grenfell, 19 abril 2019

Un repaso a la actividad editorial de WikiLeaks demuestra que Assange ha desempeñado un papel sin parangón en la denuncia de guerras, intrigas diplomáticas y operaciones de vigilancia ilegal.

El régimen argelino intensifica la violencia policial contra protestas cada vez más grandes

Will Morrow, 19 abril 2019

Cuatro días después de que la policía atacara a manifestantes con gas lacrimógeno y balas de goma, el general Gaed Salah dio un discurso televisado a todo el país amenazando a los manifestantes.

New in German

Drohende Wirtschaftskrise und Klassenkonflikte treiben Trumps Angriff auf US-Notenbank an

Nick Beams, 19. April 2019

Mit seiner Forderung, dass die Fed durch ihr Eingreifen die Aktienkurse hochtreibt, hat der US-Präsident offengelegt, was die US-Notenbank seit Jahrzehnten tut.

Ecuador: Polizei unterdrückt Massendemonstration für die Befreiung Julian Assanges

Bill Van Auken, 19. April 2019

Unter dem Motto „Nicht ein Recht weniger“ strömten Tausende auf die Straßen von Quito, wo sie berittener Polizei mit Hunden gegenüberstanden, die Tränengas gegen sie einsetzte.

„Das Schicksal von Julian Assange liegt in den Händen der internationalen Arbeiterklasse“

Chris Marsden, 19. April 2019

Wir veröffentlichen hier die Rede, die Chris Marsden auf der Auftaktversammlung der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei zur Europawahl hielt im Wortlaut. Marsden ist nationaler Sekretär der Socialist Equality Party in Großbritannien, der britischen Sektion des IKVI.

Bundeswehr auf der Suche nach Kanonenfutter

Marianne Arens, 19. April 2019

Mit einer aggressiven PR-Aktion bemüht sich die Bundeswehr, unter Autoarbeitern, die ihren Job verlieren, neue Rekruten zu werben.

Griechenland: Syriza-Regierung mobilisiert Bereitschaftspolizei gegen Flüchtlinge

John Vassilopoulos, 19. April 2019

Bei der Umsetzung der Anti-Immigrationspolitik der Europäischen Union an der Südgrenze des Kontinents agiert Syriza bereitwillig als Gefängniswärter aller Flüchtlinge, die in Griechenland gestrandet sind.

Die reaktionäre Rolle der national-opportunistischen Strömungen in Lateinamerika
WSWS lehnt Einladung zu Konferenz politischer Bankrotteure in Buenos Aires ab

Bill Van Auken für die World Socialist Web Site, 19. April 2019

Nachfolgend veröffentlichen wir die Antwort auf eine Einladung, die im Namen der Gruppe Razón y Revolución an die World Socialist Web Site erging. Diese Gruppe veranstaltete gemeinsam mit der brasilianischen Transiçao Socialista am 12.-14. April 2019 eine Konferenz in Buenos Aires.

New in Turkish

Paris’teki Notre-Dame katedralinin yanması

Alex Lantier, 18 Nisan 2019

Pazartesi günü, Fransa’da ve dünya çapında milyonlarca insan, yüzlerce yıllık bir tarihi eserin yanıp kül olduğunu görerek buz kesildi ve dehşet içinde kaldı.

New in Russian

День уплаты налогов в США: Шестьдесят гигантских корпораций не платят ни цента подоходного налога

Патрик Мартин, 18 апреля 2019 г.

В результате сокращения налогов для богатых, проведенного Трампом в 2017 году, количество компаний из списка Fortune 500, не платящих подоходный налог, удвоилось.

New in Urdu

نیوزی لینڈ پر دہشتگردی کا حملہ اور فاشزم کا بین الاقوامی خطرہ

ٹوم پیٹر

مسلح شخص نے جو دہشتگردی کی کارروائی کی اْسے تیار کیاگیا تھا جسے فاشسٹوں کے بین الاقوامی نیٹ ورک اور سفید نسل پرستوں کی جانب سے عمل میں لایاگیا ۔

Other Languages


Twenty years since the Columbine High School massacre

19 April 2019

The Colorado event, in which two high school seniors shot and killed 12 of their fellow students and one teacher before committing suicide, represented something qualitatively new and disturbing in American social life.

Earlier Perspectives »

Free Assange and Manning

US preparing more charges against Julian Assange

By Kristina Betinis, 19 April 2019

A report by CNN confirms the warnings made by the WSWS that if the journalist is extradited to the United States, additional, possibly capital, charges would be brought against him.

Julian Assange’s extraordinary record of investigative journalism

By Oscar Grenfell, 18 April 2019

Unsealed affidavit demonstrates US seeking to prosecute Assange for his journalism

The media’s role in persecuting Julian Assange

Growing popular support for Julian Assange in Australia

By Oscar Grenfell, 19 April 2019

Since Assange’s illegal arrest by the British police last Thursday, 75,000 more people have signed a petition demanding that the Australian government take action to defend the WikiLeaks founder.

Australian filmmaker James Ricketson demands release of Julian Assange

By Richard Phillips, 19 April 2019

Ricketson was arrested in Cambodia in 2017 and imprisoned for 15 months on bogus claims that he was spying for “foreign states.”

“Without truth and a free press we are doomed to further oppression”
Teachers demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 19 April 2019

Teachers have been in the forefront of a wave of global strikes and struggles over the last year, which terrifies the ruling class and is motivating its attack on free speech and democratic rights.

Why the defense of Julian Assange is necessary for all workers

By the Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees, 18 April 2019

Socialist Equality Party intervenes at Paris rally in defence of Assange

By Anthony Torres, 19 April 2019

Socialist Equality Party members intervened at the rally on Saturday in defence of Assange at the invitation of the alternative news site Le Grand Soir.

Ecuadorian police repress mass march demanding Julian Assange’s freedom

By Bill Van Auken, 18 April 2019

Called under the slogan “not one less right,” the march brought thousands into the streets of Quito where they confronted mounted police, dogs and tear gas.

Falsifying history and repudiating democratic rights: Floyd Abrams’ attack on WikiLeaks

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »

The Fight Against Fascism

Over 140 attend lecture by Christoph Vandreier in Michigan on “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It”

By our reporters, 17 April 2019

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

“What will be required is a very high level of political and historical awareness”
David North appeals to readers to attend US meetings against fascism

SEP (US) National Chairman David North said, "The visit next month of Comrade Christoph Vandreier to the United States is simply the application of a strategy of the international organization of the working class against the fascist threat. They will not conquer again, we can be certain of that."

David North to address public meetings with Christoph Vandreier: “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It”

2 April 2019

Christoph Vandreier kicks off US speaking tour with well-attended meeting at UC Berkeley

“In order to fight fascism, we must understand where it comes from.”
Author Christoph Vandreier to tour US

Christoph Vandreier, author of the newly released book Why are They Back? Historical Falsification, Political Conspiracy and the Return of Fascism in Germany, explains the importance of his upcoming speaking tour in the US.

Arts Review

Freep Film Festival 2019 in Detroit—Part 2
Midnight Family from Mexico, The Last Truck and American Factory—about a former GM plant, murderous Detroit police and I Am Richard Pryor: A mixed lot

By Joanne Laurier, 19 April 2019

In some cases, good intentions are mingled with a socially non-committal attitude—in others, an obvious feeling for important issues is marred by middle-class prejudices and conceptions.

Freep Film Festival 2019 in Detroit—Part 1
Glimpses of social life: The Feeling of Being Watched, Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool and Bill Traylor: Chasing Ghosts, among others

By David Walsh and Helen Halyard, 17 April 2019

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part five

By Andrea Lobo, 17 April 2019


Behind Trump’s clash with the Fed: Looming economic crisis and class conflict

By Nick Beams, 18 April 2019

US attorney general orders denial of bond, indefinite detention of asylum seekers

By Patrick Martin, 18 April 2019

More on North American immigrant issues »

The burning of Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris

By Alex Lantier, 17 April 2019

Pentagon ordered to draft military plans to counter Russia and China in Venezuela

By Bill Van Auken, 17 April 2019

Trump, the Fed and the New York Times

By Nick Beams, 17 April 2019

An assembly of political bankrupts: Historical Materialism and Jacobin host “Socialism in Our Time” conference

By Joseph Kishore, 16 April 2019

Who funded the ISO? An analysis of the financial basis of pseudo-left politics

By Eric London, 15 April 2019

Factional provocation, middle-class hysteria, and the collapse of the International Socialist Organization

The reactionary role of national opportunist politics in Latin America
WSWS rejects invitation to conference of political bankrupts in Buenos Aires

By Bill Van Auken, 13 April 2019

Socialist Equality Party

Support the Socialist Equality Party in the 2019 Australian Federal Election
No to Militarism and War! For Socialism and Internationalism!

By the SEP (Australia), 16 April 2019

The Socialist Equality Party candidates in the 2019 Australian election

By the SEP (Australia), 16 April 2019

Twenty years since the death of Australian Trotskyist and Aboriginal worker, Comrade Yabu Bilyana

Message of condolence from David North
“He based his life on the ideals of justice, equality and human solidarity”

Yabu Bilyana addresses ICFI World Conference: “Genocide of indigenous peoples is still practiced throughout Australia”

Powerful start to German Socialist Equality Party campaign in European elections

By our reporters, 16 April 2019

Workers Struggles

South African platinum miners may join gold miners’ strike; German Amazon pay strikes
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

19 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Polish government vows to fight wage rises as teachers’ strike enters second week

By Clara Weiss, 17 April 2019

The resurgence of the class struggle in Poland

Strike of 31,000 New England Stop & Shop workers in sixth day

By our reporters, 17 April 2019

31,000 Stop & Shop supermarket workers strike at over 240 supermarkets in New England

The political lessons of the University of Illinois graduate student strike

By Andy Thompson, 16 April 2019

25 years ago: Fascists enter Italian government for the first time since Mussolini

On April 16, 1994, members of Italy’s right-wing Freedom Alliance coalition were elected to head both houses of parliament.

More »

50 years ago: Gustáv Husák replaces Alexander Dubcek as head of Czechoslovak government

On April 17, 1969, the Central Committee of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia (KSC) voted to remove Alexander Dubcek as First Secretary.

More »

75 years ago: Amid series of offensives, Soviet troops capture Tarnopol

On April 15, 1944, Soviet troops expelled Nazi forces from Tarnopol, in German-occupied Poland.

More »

100 years ago: French sailors mutiny in the Black Sea

On April 19, 1919, sailors on the French battleship France, anchored near the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, revolted over orders to shovel 700 tons of coal during the Easter weekend.

More »


First imagery of black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope

By Bryan Dyne, 11 April 2019

The results from the planet-wide array of radio telescopes are the first direct measurements of the structure of a black hole and its surrounding environment.


One hundred years since the formation of the Communist International

By Peter Schwarz, 20 March 2019

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

History of the ICFI

From the arsenal of Trotskyism
The Political Report by David North to the International Committee of the Fourth International—February 11, 1984

12 February 2019

Thirty-five years ago this week, David North, then the national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), presented at a meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International a critique of the British Workers Revolutionary Party’s abandonment of key theoretical conceptions and programmatic principles of Trotskyism.

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018