September 2015 – Quarterly Report

In its first three months of this Fund’s existence, supporters in six different countries have made contributions. So far, we’ve donated about 40% of that to anti-racists in France, Germany, Spain, and the U.S. who’ve been injured or arrested as a direct result of standing up to bigots (the remaining amount placed in reserve). Here’s where the money has gone so far:

1) Valentin is an anti-fascist from Bremen, Germany that defended himself and his friends against a planned assault by a gang of neo-nazis after a football match. Valentin is now facing various charges for this “crime.”

2) Sergi is a Spanish anti-fascist currently facing a lengthy prison sentence for defending himself at a protest against a neo-nazi concert.

3) Stephen was charged with “breach of peace” for standing up against a KKK rally in Columbia, South Carolina, USA in July.

4) Eddien was also charged with various “crimes” for confronting the KKK at the same action Stephen attended. Eddien was just released after reaching a plea deal with prosecution!

Jeremiah, recovering in hospital.

5) Jeremiah was at a concert when two neo-nazis showed up and started making trouble. Jeremiah confronted them and was nearly stabbed to death by one of the racist scumbags.

6) Paul is a German anti-fascist who was arrested at a July anti-Pegida action for the “crime” of carrying a flag with a flagpole the police was decided was “too short.” He was just released from prison and is now serving a probationary sentence in the community!

7) Maxime Bugsel, a 19-year-old French antifascist, was shot to death in the early morning hours of August 29th in Bruay-la-buissière. We contributed to the funeral costs and to help out his family.

We’re proud to be able to help anti-fascists and anti-racists all over the world when they need real solidarity and support the most! JOIN US BY DONATING!
