March 2018 – Quarterly Report


Bristol Antifascists confronting Islamophobes, 2017.

Apologies for the delay of several weeks getting this report up for your perusal.  Here is what The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund got up to in the first three months of 2018:

All in all, we think any reasonable person would agree the thousands of dollars it took to accomplish all of that in the last three months was money well-spent.  But it’s also money that comes solely from donations from people like you.  And we’d like to make you an offer:

We’re currently printing up a brand-new batch of top-secret antifa stickers to reward our donors with.  If you sign up to donate at least $5USD per month to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund between now and when the new stickers arrive in a couple of weeks, we’ll send you a complimentary set of 30 of those new stickers + 30 of our old ones, too!


The old stickers.

Sign up to make a recurring monthly donation of at least $5USD via our paypal or Patreon accounts and these stickers are as good as yours!






Antifa Solidarity On Both Sides Of The Channel!


Bristol Antifascists.

Last week we handled two requests for help from either side of the Channel!  Over in the UK, an antifascist in Bristol was dealing with legal costs related to their arrest after protesting an Islamophobe hate rally last fall.  If there were true justice, our Bristol pal would have been lavishly awarded for standing up to hate in their community, but no such luck.  So we were happy to do what we could do to help them pay off the financial costs of putting themselves on the line like that.

Meanwhile on the other side of the Channel, two Parisian antifa are facing serious charges after they allegedly attacked a neo-nazi implicated in the murder of Clément Meric.  It’s interesting how white supremacists can stab people to death with total impunity and face no repercussions from the state but when they turn around and fabricate utter nonsense about being set upon by “vengeful antifa,” the full force of the law comes down on whichever antifa the fash point the finger at.  And by “interesting” we mean “fucking disgusting.”

Anywho, we stand with our Parisian friends and will do whatever we can do to ensure they are well-equipped to defend themselves – in the courts or in the streets!

If you’ve made a donation to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund then please know that you are directly responsible for helping out our three comrades in Bristol and Paris, along with everyone else that we’ve supported over the last 2.75 years.  Here’s to you!  If you haven’t made a donation to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, here’s how to do it.

KKKops And The Klan

nypd racist

As the old saying goes, “cops and the Klan go hand-in-hand.”  The longstanding and cosy relationship between police forces and white supremacist gangs has been well-documented.  So it should surprise no one that when bigoted troll Mike Cernovich held a publicity stunt in NYC, the cops were there to fuck with protestors.

And fuck with protestors they did!  One of our friends, J, stood up to defend his community against the genocidal scum that crawled out from under their rocks for this event, only to wind up with a broken leg and a list of fabricated charges against him, all courtesy of the NYPD.  This has left J with a looming mountain of medical & legal bills all while his broken leg prevents him from paying his usual bills by working his regular job.

J’s friends reached out to us for some help paying his rent and keeping food on his table while he recovers from his injuries and we were happy to oblige.  The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund was established to help out antifa and anti–racists when they run into trouble because they took a stand against hate and this was a textbook example of why we do what we do.

The only reason we were there for J was because of the generous donations from people just like you.  The Defence Fund is 100% funded by donations, so if you want us to keep doing what we do, please make a donation to the Defence Fund today!