Apologies for the delay of several weeks getting this report up for your perusal. Here is what The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund got up to in the first three months of 2018:
- We helped our friend Oleg pay for some medicine he needs to mitigate the harm done to him by a fascist assault;
- We helped to keep food on the table and a roof over the head of an anti-fascist nursing a broken leg after NYPD cops attacked him at an antifa protest against “alt right” shitfucks;
- We helped with the legal costs involved for an antifa in Bristol, UK + two antifa in Paris, France – all of whom were accused of “crimes” associated with defending their communities against Islamophobes and literally murderous neo-nazis.
- Oh, one more thing! Remember that time we helped Yvette Felarca hire a good lawyer to defend herself against bullshit charges resulting from the violent-but-failed white supremacist rally in Sacramento? Her lawyer’s case research uncovered serious collusion and collaboration between the knife-and-gun-toting neo-nazis there and the police, which was then reported the world over in papers like The Guardian. Sooo money we spent on legal defence of antifa in 2017 exposed the dangerous ties between cops and the Klan in 2018!
All in all, we think any reasonable person would agree the thousands of dollars it took to accomplish all of that in the last three months was money well-spent. But it’s also money that comes solely from donations from people like you. And we’d like to make you an offer:
We’re currently printing up a brand-new batch of top-secret antifa stickers to reward our donors with. If you sign up to donate at least $5USD per month to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund between now and when the new stickers arrive in a couple of weeks, we’ll send you a complimentary set of 30 of those new stickers + 30 of our old ones, too!
Sign up to make a recurring monthly donation of at least $5USD via our paypal or Patreon accounts and these stickers are as good as yours!