Thanks From M!


Remember a week ago when the Defence Fund sent some $ to a server in Louisville that lost her job after refusing to snitch on the antifa that handled some Proud Boys dickbags that showed up to her work to disrupt a DSA Louisville meeting and wound up sexually and racially harassing her all night?  Well she sent us a lovely thank you note!  It reads:

THANK YOU SO MUCH. I haven’t been able to find a job as of yet because I had to go out-of-state due to a family medical emergency, which sucks, so I really, REALLY appreciate this so much. I love y’all. Solidarity.

If you’ve donated to the Defence Fund, part of what you gave went to her, so this thanks is for you!

If you haven’t donated to the Defence Fund, don’t you think it’s time you did?

If you’re a member of DSA Louisville: last week we challenged to match our donation.


DSA Louisville wrote back to say that they’re working on it.  But so far from what we can tell, not a dime from the democratic socialists that held an event without adequate security that resulted in a woman losing her job.  It reminds us of a certain time when the DSA collected $200,000 for Charlottesville victims and then never gave anyone any of the money and couldn’t publicly account for what happened to the money, either (but did offer a bullshit apology almost a year later).

Louisville democratic socialists – talk is cheap, this woman needs help, your event ultimately resulted in her losing her job, and your organization already has an appalling track record of fucking over anti-fascists.  Come on now.
