This 23-year-old who is charged with posing as a NYC lawyer to grift 'clients' also co-founded 'Students for Trump'

John Lambert, a 23-year-old Tennessee man, has been charged by prosecutors with pretending to be a Manhattan attorney and grifting thousands of dollars from his would-be clients.

Oh, and by the way: he was also the co-founder of Students for Trump. Read the rest

'Confederate militia' boss who abused immigrants at gunpoint attacked in jail with 'non-life-threatening injuries'

The apparent leader of a gang of white supremacists who terrorized immigrants along the US-Mexico border, holding hundreds of them at gunpoint, has been attacked in jail and reportedly received non-life-threatening injuries, say authorities. Read the rest

Facebook expects up to $5 billion FTC fine over privacy

$5 billion is about one month's revenue for Facebook.

Trump campaign won't say no to hacked political dirt, Democrats agree not to use illegally obtained data

Rudy Giuliani: “nothing wrong with taking information from Russians.”

Here's how primary elections work, and how to vote

Spread The Vote is a non-profit that works to help educate and empower voters on the voting and political process. Boing Boing invited the group to help everyone understand how primary elections work, and how you can participate in them if you are an eligible U.S. voter. Sign up for their state-specific voter education packages, which are really an amazing educational resource. —Xeni Jardin


When most voters think of election day, they likely imagine a general election where they vote to determine which candidate on the ballot will win the position of elected office. However, voters may be less familiar with primary elections. This may explain, in part, why voter turnout is so different for general and primary elections. That’s where Spread The Vote comes in. We want every eligible voter to understand and participate in primary elections because they are such an important element of our democracy. Read the rest

Clever 'Avengers: Endgame' flipbook

Are you ready for 'Avengers: Endgame' to hit movie theaters this weekend? Read the rest

Trump and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey held a closed-door meeting

Said Dorsey to staff: “Some of you will be very supportive of our meeting [with] the president, and some of you might feel we shouldn’t take this meeting at all." Read the rest

Thief sucked used Burger King grease into 1,600 gallon truck container to resell for biofuel

Guess used Burger King grease is the new copper wires nowadays. Read the rest

This 2015 Facebook/Instagram post was 'earliest evidence' of Russia's attack, says Mueller report

"Good evening buds!" the post read.

Read the full text of the Mueller report here, as redacted by Barr

Dems fight for unredacted report's release

Facebook working on creepy new voice assistant nobody wants or needs

Just what we needed, said exactly no one.

Male tech execs accused of sexual misconduct now getting second chances

* whether they deserve one or not

Texas lawmakers want Death Penalty for women who get abortions

They're pro-life, you see.

Stunning photo of the media reflected in Trump's eyes

No, not that one above -- that's an iconic still from 'Blade Runner,' which today's Trump shot reminds me of.

Below, a jaw-dropping photograph from Associated Press photographer Pablo Martínez on Twitter. Read the rest

Most Americans believe Trump has made race relations worse in America: Pew Research

Americans have a mostly negative view of the state of racial progress under Trump.

Barr: We'll release the Mueller report in a week but first we gotta color code it and redact the bad stuff

Trump's handpicked Attorney General Bill Barr says the report prepared by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office will be ready for public release within about a week. Read the rest

Mar-a-Lago mystery Chinese malware lady to stay in jail for another week

COURT SKETCH: WILLIAM HENNESSY. Yujing Zhang, the Chinese woman who was arrested for illegally entering the president's Mar-a-Lago resort, appeared in court Monday.

Yujing Zhang was arrested in March for lying to Secret Service agents at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, to gain access to the private club. According to investigators, the 32-year-old Chinese national had malware on her person, and behaved more like a bumbling spy than anything else. So who is she? Read the rest

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