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  • A way back to society


    “I need to be re-integrated before getting out of prison. During the past years I have lost my connection to society, I don’t know the new laws, and I need to establish relations with my family again.”

  • The fight against unhealthy eating habits


    “The structure of the modern society is one of the main reasons behind unhealthy eating habits. Because we don’t prioritise food in a stressful everyday life, we often eat food that don't give us the sufficient amount of energy we need. The biggest problem in Portugal is the lack of knowledge related to food."

  • Uniting to better promote and protect fundamental rights


    Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) have agreed on a cooperation framework to better promote and protect fundamental rights across the EU under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.

  • More efficient and sustainable tunnels


    With support through the EEA Grants, Spain and Norway are working together to develop solutions to improve energy efficiency in tunnels. By taking the appropriate measures, electricity bill savings may reach 50%.