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  • EEA Grants Polish seed money fund to be launched in mid-December


    A contract between the Financial Mechanism Office and the ECORYS Polska consultancy for the administration of a €2 million seed money fund was signed on 27 November, paving the way for assistance to the development of promising project ideas by Polish actors and their partners from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

  • Status of the implementation of the EEA Grants in Poland


    The implementation of the financial mechanisms is a joint effort from the donor states Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein and the 13 beneficiary states, including Poland. This joint effort has the overall aim of reducing economic and social disparities, help integrate new EU member states into the Internal Market and strengthen bilateral relations. A successful outcome is dependent on cooperation, dialogue and mutual agreement between the donor states and the beneficiary states. Consequently, the donors have been engaged in a continuous dialogue, on the political as well as the technical level, with Poland and the other beneficiary states ever since the financial mechanisms were established in 2004.

  • Official opening of the project Thalassocosmos Cretaquarium


    A new aquarium in Gournes, Crete, was officially opened on 22 July 2006 as one of 29 projects in Greece funded under the EEA Financial Mechanism 1994-1998. The aquarium was already open to the public in December 2005, and became an immediate success with more than 100,000 visitors having passed through its doors since then.

  • Estonian-Norwegian seminar on energy efficiency


    On 13 June the Norwegian embassy in Tallinn and the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications organised a joint seminar on energy efficiency in buildings, a topic which corresponds to one of Estonia's focus areas of the EEA Grants. A call for proposals for € 23 million under the EEA Grants was announced on 1 June. The seminar gathered around 40 participants, mostly from Estonia.

  • Czech 10 million NGO fund established by EEA Grants


    A €10-million fund to support Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) was launched at a well-attended seminar in the Czech capital Prague on Wednesday, 14 June, representing the first such approved fund under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism that have been established by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

  • Seminar on the Scholarships funds 5-6 October in Norway


    On 5-6 October a seminar will be held in Norway on the 11 Scholarship funds to be established under the EEA Grants. Fund intermediaries in the beneficiary states and their counterparts in Norway and Iceland will have a chance to exchange experiences and strengthen their cooperation.

  • Norway Foreign Minister meets with Polish Regional Development Minister


    Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and the Polish Minister for Regional Development Grażyna Gęsicka met in Oslo, Norway, on 2 February 2006 to discuss cooperation within the framework of the implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, which will contribute around 559 million euros to social and economic cohesion in Poland.

  • Hungary announces 102 million open call for individual projects and funds


    On 25 January 2006, Hungary announced its €102 million open call for individual projects and block grants/fund intermediaries under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism established by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This makes it the first call of 2006 and the second largest call of the financial mechanisms to date.