
Mark Steyn

Behold the Power of the Cardboard Hashtag!


In an age of moral vanity, it is necessary only to advertise how much you care - in a passive, hand-wringing, long-distance kind of way. Half a decade ago - April 2014 - hundreds of young Nigerian girls were captured from a school in Chibok. And, although half of them are still missing or presumed dead, the good news is their seizure led to one of the great breakthroughs in virtue-signaling moral narcissism: the birth of the cardboard hashtag. With just a tilt of your head, a furrow of your brows and a cardboard hashtag held up for the camera, you too can demonstrate how much more you care than anybody else ...and all without leaving the comfort of your armchair! As I wrote back then, in a column with the striking headline ...

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Politics & Current Affairs

Fire and Faith


Twenty-four hours after Notre Dame de Paris began to burn, there is better news than we might have expected: More of the cathedral than appeared likely to has, in fact, survived intact - including the famous rose windows, among the most beautiful human creations I've ever seen. The "new" Notre Dame will be mostly high up and out of sight, which is just as well given that modern man prides himself on having no smidgeonette of empathy with his flawed forebears and thus the chances of historic recreation of the animating spirit of 1160 are near zero. There is an architectural debate to be had, I suppose, about whether a reconstructed twelfth-century cathedral requires nineteeth-century appurtenances such as its spire. But the minute that ...

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Steyn on Fox

The Heartbreak of Notre Dame


Just before 7pm Paris time on Monday, fire broke out at Notre Dame cathedral - and, within a couple of hours, the spire and roof were gone. Tucker and Mark discussed the loss of one of the glories of Christendom live on "Tucker Carlson Tonight":

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Politics & Current Affairs

The Gay Blade


Gillette made an impressive contribution to the lowest-rated Super Bowl of all time by turning its "The best a man can get" pitch into an indictment of "toxic masculinity" and its own customer base. Still, there's always Gillette's line of lady razors...

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Steyn's Song of the Week

San Francisco


The city that let no stranger wait outside its door - until Nancy Pelosi started to object

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The Mark Steyn Weekend Show

The Sweeter Melodies Unheard


ImageThe bicentennial of John Keats' amazingly productive spring of 1819 - and its loads of odes:

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on...

Thus Keats contemplating a Grecian urn...

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Mark at the Movies

The Death of Stalin


Joking and jockeying back at the dacha

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Steyn on Culture

An Hegsethian Humiliation


Transgingers, transcatheters, and a "Final Exam" catastrophe...

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Steyn on Fox

Revenge of the Deep State


Mark and Tucker on the arrest of Julian Assange:

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Politics & Current Affairs

The Craven Pile-On of Hollow Conservatives


Distancing yourself into the distance

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Steyn on the Air

Under Pressure


The Adorable Deplorables are back together! Mark joins Dennis Miller to chew over everything from changes at Homeland Security to water pressure at Niagara Falls:

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A Clubman's Notes

Suppling Visibly


Welcome to the final episode of our current Tale for Our Time - in fact, a brace of tales by Rudyard Kipling about the protean world government of the twenty-first century, the Aerial Board of Control...

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A Clubman's Notes

Pillars of White Fire


The latest installment of my serialization of Rudyard Kipling's sci-fi stories about a protean world government - the Aerial Board of Control...

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A Clubman's Notes

Crowd-Making in Chicago


Welcome to the second half of our double-bill of science fiction by Rudyard Kipling:

Isn't it almost time that our Planet took some interest in the proceedings of the Aerial Board of Control..?

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A Clubman's Notes

A Sky-Scraping Chimney Sweep


Welcome to Part Two of The Mark Steyn Club's latest Tale for Our Time - a rare venture into sci-fi by Rudyard Kipling...

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A Clubman's Notes

Kipling Does Sci-Fi


Welcome to the twenty-third yarn in these Tales for Our Time. We're going to be spending the next few days with a brace of stories featuring the Aerial Board of Control. What's that? Well...

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A Clubman's Notes

Announcing... The Second Annual Mark Steyn Club Cruise


Following last year's sell-out maiden voyage, we decided to make the Mark Steyn Club Cruise an annual event. And so the second Steyn cruise will leave Vancouver on September 4th and sail through Alaska's beautiful Inside Passage to Glacier Bay. I'll be doing double-duty, hosting the cruise, and also hosting live editions of The Mark Steyn Show at sea - with among others the great Dennis Miller...

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On the Town

Twelfth Night Live!


with Mark and his guests Comden & Green, Everything But The Girl, the Georgian Voices, Stubby Kaye, Emma Kershaw with Tim Rice, the Klezmer Conservatory Band, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Russell Nype, Paul Sorvino, Carol Welsman and Koko Yamamoto & Tal Bachman

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Steyn's Song of the Week

Aba Daba Honeymoon


For this week's live-music edition of Steyn's Song of the Week, Maria Muldaur temporarily abandons "Midnight at the Oasis" for a wild jungle ride:

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Katz & CRTV vs Steyn

CRTV vs Steyn: The Verdict


A case that should never have been brought finally ends.

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The War on Free Speech

The Vertigo at the Top of the Stick


Michael E Mann's defamation suit against me enters its sixth eighth year in the constipated bowels of DC justice...

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Mann vs Steyn

Football and Hockey


The Corner post that launched a lawsuit...

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