Monday, September 15, 2014

Establishing a New Caliphate & Ushering in the End of Days...

This report seeks to clarify the IS's doctrine based on the organization's official writings and speeches by its leaders. It will argue that, unlike Al-Qaeda, the IS places priority not on global terrorism, but rather on establishing and consolidating a state, and hence it defers the clash with the West to a much later stage. In this, it is emulating and reenacting the early Islamic model...

Understanding Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi And The Phenomenon Of The Islamic Caliphate State
By: Y. Carmon, Y. Yehoshua, and A. Leone*

The successive atrocities committed by the Islamic State (IS, previously called the Islamic State in Iraq and Al-Sham – ISIS) have diverted the discussion away from an understanding of this organization's political program, creating the erroneous impression that it is simply a more vicious version of Al-Qaeda. According to this view, this organization presumably intends to attack the West by means of its foreign militants who hold Western passports and could return to Western countries to carry out terror attacks – and hence it is paramount to destroy the IS forthwith. Saudi King 'Abdallah bin 'Abd Al-'Aziz promoted this approach when he said that he was certain that those jihadists "would arrive in Europe within a month and in America within two months"...[1]


Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 - Never Forget

Never Forget - Never Submit

The Islamic Jihad Conquest Formula

For the first time in history, today we are seeing what the previous millions of victims of Muslim conquests have experienced for 1,400 years. The recent beheadings and crucifixions in Syria and Iraq are not new or novel. What is new and novel is that today these Muslim jihad atrocities are being filmed and transmitted for the purpose of spreading the propaganda of Islamic State terror, to encourage their next intended targets to submit and surrender without resistance...

By Matthew Bracken August, 2014Mohammed’s unchanging formula for conquest is time-proven; variations were also used in history by the invading Mongol hordes among others. Emissaries ride forward of their advancing armies, offering to spare the lives of the targeted population in return for their unconditional surrender and explicit submission to their new rulers. In the Islamic context this submission is exemplified by the fresh converts repeating the Shahada prayer before Muslim witnesses. There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger. The Shahada prayer is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam. The Shahada prayer is also what is written on the black battle flags of Islamic jihad. Along with Allahu Akbar—our God is greatest—the Shahada is the battle cry of advancing Islamic armies. In fact, the very word Islam means submission, and not peace, as it is often intentionally mistranslated by duplicitous Muslims practicing taqiya, or sanctified lying for the cause of advancing the spread of Islam. It’s purposefully made very easy for a town or a city to submit and convert to Islam. But the entire city must surrender without posing any resistance at all. In the event of any violent or even physical resistance, a new formula applies: the Islamic jihad conquest formula. From the time of Mohammed until today—as we are seeing in the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq—the formula has not changed.  

1. During the battle and immediately afterward, there is a period of unbelievable savagery and wanton hyper-violence. Any of the defeated population from infants to grandmothers may be subjected to the most extreme cruelty, including beheading with knives or swords, crucifixion, being burned or buried alive, or thrown down wells or off cliffs or high walls. During this period, women, girls and boys are routinely gang-raped by frenzied jihadists, to the point that survivors almost always suffer lifelong crippling internal and external injuries. Suicide among the survivors of these savage gang rapes is common. The Christian and Zahidi girls and boys in Northern Iraq are only the most recent victims of this traditional Muslim depraved cruelty. Those who survive until the victorious jihadists have consolidated their hold and sated their blood-lusts are the fortunate ones. They may have caught a potential protector’s eye, or hidden themselves until the jihadists’ most bloodthirsty passions have subsided. No jihadists will ever be called to account by Muslim jihad leaders for their atrocities committed during the battle and victory consolidation phase. For the first time in history, today we are seeing what the previous millions of victims of Muslim conquests have experienced for 1,400 years. The recent beheadings and crucifixions in Syria and Iraq are not new or novel. What is new and novel is that today these Muslim jihad atrocities are being filmed and transmitted for the purpose of spreading the propaganda of Islamic State terror, to encourage their next intended targets to submit and surrender without resistance.  

2. Captured men will be beheaded, shot or enslaved. Following a fresh conquest, when the defeated men are tied up, imprisoned, or held under the barrels of Muslim guns, they may either be murdered or enslaved. Their fate depends upon the tactical situation and the best advantage as perceived by the victors. If the Muslim victory is thought to be temporary, the jihadists will immediately murder all of the men and boys over the age of twelve, eliminating them as future threats. They may be beheaded if there is sufficient time, otherwise they will be shot in ditches as we have recently seen in Iraq. The heads of the decapitated will be stuck on poles, fences or walls as a gruesome public warning against further resistance by the living. If the latest jihad victory is thought to be secure and slave labor is desired, the captured men and boys will be fettered in chains and put to work under conditions similar to those experienced by slave laborers under the Nazis during World War Two. They may be fed or starved at the sole discretion of their new overlords. They may be worked fifteen or more hours a day, every day, in all weather and climates with no shoes, gloves, coats or hats. Often they will be both starved and overworked to the extent that a significant percentage of them will perish every month. When these wretched slaves are too weak to haul boulders or dig trenches, they may be executed at the sole discretion of their overlords. No discipline will ever be meted out for starving, beating or killing “infidel” slave laborers.  

3. Women and teenage girls will be kidnapped as sex-slaves, to be sold at auction to the highest bidders. The prettier young women and girls will be fortunate to become the concubine of one powerful man. The plainer women and girls will be sold as house or field slaves, doing fifteen or more hours of hard work every remaining day of their lives: hauling water, cleaning floors, cooking and so on. They may be raped, starved, beaten or killed at the whim of their owners. They may be subjected to forced female genital mutilation—the razor-blade excision of their clitoris and other horrors—depending on the whims of their new masters. No discipline will ever be applied to their masters. They are chattel property with no rights at all.  

4. Children younger than twelve will be kidnapped and raised under Sharia law by the very men who murdered or enslaved their parents. Girls may be assigned to the victors or sold off as future house slaves, beginning their arduous life of toil as soon as they are able to gather firewood or haul water, often by the age of seven or eight. Young girls showing the promise of becoming pretty teenagers may be assigned to harems for sex-slave indoctrination. At the whim of their owners, the luckiest might even be adopted and raised as family members. From starvation, beatings and overwork, to being assigned to a harem as a sex-slave, to being adopted and raised in some comfort, the relative misery of the kidnapped and enslaved girls will be entirely up to their new masters. The young kidnapped boys will be sent to madrasa schools to memorize the Koran by repetitiously chanting it, in order to become fully brainwashed Islamic killer zombies as adults. Perhaps most perversely cruel, in time they may join with the murderers and enslavers of their very own forgotten parents, while engaged upon new missions of Islamic jihad conquest. Black slave boys from sub-Saharan Africa will routinely be castrated, turning them into placid adult eunuch slaves.  

5. Conquered property will be looted as legitimate war booty. Buildings and homes will be occupied by the victorious jihadists after the murder or enslavement of their former owners. Any moveable property will be stolen by the victors. Concealed money, jewelry or other valuables will be found by serially torturing family members until someone breaks and reveals the hiding place. This looting, like the rape and murder of enemies in battle, is fully sanctioned by Mohammed’s Sharia Law. This is nothing more than the worst kind of piracy codified into practice and called a “religion.” It is worth noting that before Mohammed descended into the desert cave to hear the messages of Allah, he was an actual desert pirate, falling upon caravans and plundering them—after beheading the men, and raping and enslaving the women. He later applied the same formula to conquer the Arabian deserts in the name of Allah. If it was good enough for Mohammed, Islam’s perfect man, then it is good enough for any believing Muslim, then, now or in the future. Thus the Islamic jihad conquest formula is unchangeable and Islam can never be reformed. Would-be reformers are beheaded as apostates to true Koranic Islam.

6. The promised Islamic reward for dying in jihad is a perpetual orgy in “paradise” with 72 virgins. For impoverished Muslim men with little hope of finding a women to marry during their earthly lives, this is a strong inducement to engage in violent jihad. If they are victorious in jihad, they might capture, rape and enslave actual living, breathing infidel girls (and boys). If they die while engaging in jihad, they are vaulted to the front of the line into paradise, and immediately obtain their 72 virgins. This is why suicide bombers often rush toward their “infidel” enemies to blow themselves up: they are convinced that their perpetual orgy will begin the instant after their self-detonation. The Islamic promise of 72 virgins in “paradise” means that jihad is a win-win proposition for a fervent Muslim man. They may well enjoy their jihad rape-fest in this world, but if not, they will enjoy it in the next world immediately following their violent jihad deaths.  

7. The Black Flag of Jihad has been the battle flag of Islam from the time of Mohammed until today. The Saudi Arabian flag also carries the Shahada prayer, but on a green field, indicating that the home of Mecca is part of the Dar al Islam, or House of Submission. Outside of nations living under Sharia Law, in the Dar al Harb, or House of War, Muslims fly the Black Flag of Jihad to indicate their clear intention to violently force that country to submit to Islam. Islam began with a cruel desert pirate named Mohammed, and it soon took to the seas. In the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Flag of Jihad was simplified to show only a scimitar sword or an arm holding a scimitar, indicating to the crew of the “infidel” ship being attacked their simple choice: surrender and submit to Islam, or face beheading at worst, or enslavement at best. During the Corsair era, lasting into the 19th Century, many captured Europeans chose to convert to Islam by repeating the Shahada prayer, rather than to be killed or enslaved. Many of these “renegade” Europeans even signed on as crew aboard Muslim pirate vessels, some even rising to the rank of corsair captain. Islam is always welcoming of converts, and under Islam what we call piracy is fully sanctioned as “sea jihad.” Some of these European converts-of-convenience to Islam later escaped and took up piracy on their own accounts. The Black Flag of Jihad was the origin of the familiar non-Muslim black pirate flags, borrowing its fearsome reputation to cow and terrorize targeted ships into surrendering without resistance. Simply put, the Black Flag of Jihad is the black pirate flag of an evil pirate “religion.”  

8. The lure of capturing male and female slaves and obtaining other forms of loot and plunder is the Islamic jihad conquest formula. Average men in polygamous Muslim societies have little hope of obtaining a wife, not when the wealthy and powerful already have several wives apiece. Jihad offers ordinary Muslims a chance to obtain wives or sex-slave concubines by force in battle, or 72 virgins in the afterlife. Jihad also offers poor Muslims a chance to obtain a home and other forms of wealth by force, as we are seeing today in Iraq. Unlike Christianity with its Golden Rule, Islam has always appealed to the worst desires of evil men, and the most ruthlessly evil men, like its originator Mohammed, are its greatest beneficiaries. Normal human beings ask the question: what kind of a sick and twisted so-called “religion” promises its highest rewards in exchange for engaging in organized looting, mass murder, mass rape, torture and slavery in the name of its god? Only Islam, which has been an insane rape and murder cult since Mohammed crawled out of the bat cave and barked at the crescent moon. Moses and Jesus are reported to have climbed to the tops of high mountains to communicate with God. Just who was whispering the gospel of plunder, rape and murder into Mohammed’s ear, deep under the surface of the earth in that dark Saudi Arabian cave?  

Who taught Mohammed the Islamic jihad conquest formula?

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Islam 201: Meet The New Caliphate

It's a whole new world now - it will never be the same... THANKS OBAMA!

What The New Caliphate Means For The World

Exclusive: Joel Richardson says the potential for lone-wolf terrorism just skyrocketed

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Reining in America's Greatest Lawbreaker, President Obama

We are exceptional not by national origin, but because our national origin guarantees that we have law that rules the government that rules us. 

That is our English heritage.  President Obama is hostile to this view of the law, believing he can fundamentally transform America by undermining this law....

By Mark J. Fitzgibbons

The Hill reports that Republican members of Congress are contemplating actions to combat President Obama's lawbreaking methods of ruling from the Oval Office.

"GOP officials have long claimed that the president has violated the law and the Constitution through administrative actions on issues ranging from immigration to nominations to the U.S. military involvement in Libya," writes The Hill.  Conservative Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah is quoted, "There are a lot of examples of this."

A lot, indeed, and not just recently.  As reported at American Thinker last year in March, nine GOP state attorneys general issued a report on Obama's unprecedented officious lawbreaking.

Obama has now reached the tipping point, however, with his illegal "fix" of Obamacare designed to overcome his lie that Americans can keep their health insurance.  The president's open lawbreaking following his notorious lying puts Democrats' electoral prospects at risk.  It frustrates the unquestioning goodwill and endless love of some members of the political establishment.

Obama has lied to the American people many times, which is unbecoming of his office.   But his unilateral actions in violation of the Constitution and even statutory law are so brazen that they seem calculated to undermine our very system of government, even to the point that they can be called "un-American" from the perspective of our heritage.

British Member of Parliament Daniel Hannan has a marvelous essay at The Wall Street Journal adapted from his new book, "Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World."   The topic of his essay helps us understand why Barack Obama is actually the greatest lawbreaker in American history.

If you consider that claim hyperbole, factor this:  No person, corporation, union boss or corporate CEO -- no criminal -- who has violated the law could count every American as their victims.  President Obama can...

Read more:

Friday, November 08, 2013

Obama Lifted Iran Sanctions Secretly - Months Ago!

Exclusive: Obama’s Secret Iran Détente

Long before a nuclear deal was in reach, the U.S. was quietly lifting some of the financial pressure on Iran, according to a Daily Beast investigation. How the sanctions were softened...


'Pretty Good at Killing'

No nation can unite under a president who calls down hatred upon those who have seen through him, and have understood his agenda from the outset.
By Jeffrey T. Brown
It has been disclosed in a recently published book about the 2012 campaign, Double Down by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, that the president told aides that he is "really good at killing people" with drones. I think the president is being far too modest. Drones aren't the half of it. He's really good at killing lots of things...

Read more:

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Saudi nuclear weapons 'on order' from Pakistan

Saudi Arabia has invested in Pakistani nuclear weapons projects, and believes it could obtain atomic bombs at will, a variety of sources have told BBC Newsnight.

While the kingdom's quest has often been set in the context of countering Iran's atomic programme, it is now possible that the Saudis might be able to deploy such devices more quickly than the Islamic republic.

Earlier this year, a senior Nato decision maker told me that he had seen intelligence reporting that nuclear weaponmade in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery...


I Am Now a Dissident (and You Should Be, Too!)

By Joe Herring

dissident n. a person who opposes official policy, esp. that of an authoritarian state.
We live in a nation where the constitutionally respectful are becoming increasingly outnumbered by those who neither understand the underpinnings of our founding nor recognize the benefits that flow from those foundational values. 

In place of legitimate constitutional scholarship in our educational system, we see a systematic and unrelenting effort to overturn the original concepts of our Constitution in favor of some "living" replacement -- an "updated" document made for a diverse and evolving population, or so we are told.

Those who hold offices created by the Constitution itself are the very people using the power of those offices to usurp constitutional authority and undermine its place in American law.

After Obama utilized his entire first term to levy insult after insult against the rule of law in our nation, we conservatives appealed to our fellow citizens to vote with us to halt his lawlessness.  We discovered to our eternal dismay that we -- not they -- are the minority.

Abraham Lincoln said:
We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
This role has fallen to us now.  We are both more and less than the citizens we were before 2012.  We have become dissidents.  In our own land.  We are, however, in good company.  After all, Jesus was a dissident.

But let's look at a more approachable example for our time: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Born 95 years ago, Solzhenitsyn became one of his country's most famous citizens, and, in the view of many of his countrymen, its most notorious traitor.  By chronicling the forced labor abuses of the Soviet Union's political prison system, he revealed the inherent nature of communism to the world.

Solzhenitsyn was born a year after the Soviet revolution of 1917.  Soviet statism was his world.  He drew the ire of Stalin's regime by simply discussing how far the reality of communism was from the promise of communism.  He saw through statist ideology from the beginning and dedicated his life to warning others of its inevitable outcome. 

His first published novel, One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, was a tightly focused exposé on the lives of those in the labor camps.  It revealed much, exposing the abusive excesses commonplace in the camps, but did not take the final step of offering judgment on the system that oversaw those camps.  That would come later, in his seminal work, The Gulag Archipelago.

In Gulag, Solzhenitsyn deconstructed the moral case for communism.  In more than two thousand pages over three volumes, he contrasted communist ideology with the natural free state of man, daring to illuminate for shuttered Soviets that place in the pantheon of existence that man holds between God and the angels -- his relationship to good and evil -- and the illegitimacy of the state's intrusion into the equation.

Almost singlehandedly, his work removed communism from among the legitimate forms of government recognized on Earth.

He didn't stop there.  He cast a critical eye on Western societies as well, faulting them for replacing God with the pursuit of wealth, just as Communism had replaced God with the State.

He particularly disliked the West's conflation of legality with morality, abhorring the idea that because it is legal, it is also right.  He decried the application of this distorted concept to the practice of abortion, declaring that the imprimatur of legality granted by the State will not be enough to pass muster with God. 

As he grew older, his faith became increasingly important to him.  He spent his declining years urging his fellow citizens in Russia to rediscover their connection to God as partial recompense for having allowed the State to usurp God's throne.

He died in 2008, still writing, still agitating, still wearing his greatest title, that of dissident.

So, what can we learn from Solzhenitsyn?
  • Stories teach better than arguments. People may not understand the "takings clause" of the Constitution, but they will become incensed about a story of government forcing people from their homes.
  • Teach with stories, not just with information. Stories internalize truths we recognize, but don't fully understand. A story is accessible to anyone, regardless of education or political inclination. After all, Hollywood was built on exactly that, and we know the extent of their cultural power.
To that end, here are some pieces of advice.

1) Never underestimate the power of mockery. 

It is irrational and, as such, irrefutable.  It allows for the bludgeon of humor to strike your opponent without drawing blood.  Mockery does all its damage on the inside, unnerving your opponent and derailing his arguments.

2) Learn from Solzhenitsyn's methods. 

Focus on the result of a policy or initiative, and force those responsible to explain and defend it.  Solzhenitsyn didn't simply decry Communism.  He illustrated the brutality, and forced Communists to explain why it must be that way.

3) Know your stuff. 

No one can be knowledgeable about everything, so pick your battles, do your homework, and know more than your opponent.  This is how you poke the bear without getting mauled.  Embarrass your opponent into either admitting he knows less than he should or lying to cover up his deficiency.  Either way, you have the upper hand, and he will forever be on the defensive with you.

4) Always remember: volume is not a substitute for facts. 

A whisper will drown out the sounds of armies, if that whisper is the truth.  Make them squirm as they try to defend the indefensible.  Remember always: the tyrant's greatest weakness is his belief that he has no weaknesses.  Exploit that.

Those who will oppress their fellow citizens are not imported from another land for the purpose.  They are your neighbors already.  They are your friends and family, and in some cases, they might even be you. 

These government employees will rationalize their assistance in the confiscation of liberty as "simply doing their jobs," as did the members of the National Park Service when they followed the petulant orders of the president to close open-air memorials during the recent government shutdown.

Even the most complicit bureaucrat often believes to the end that he is serving the people, even if that "service" results in the abrogation of liberty, or ultimately, life.

While the bureaucrat may feel a vague sense of molestation as he follows orders he knows to be wrong, he will in the end side with his pension and benefits time and again, until, as Solzhenitsyn describes it, "the arrest is made."

Solzhenitsyn writes in Gulag:
At what point, then, should one resist? When one's belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When the policeman illegally crosses the threshold of one's home?  The arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that alone do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about any one of them individually...and yet all these incidental irrelevancies, taken together implacably constitute an arrest.
Our arrest is in ObamaCare.  Our arrest is in an abusive and rogue IRS, and a myriad of other government scandals ignored and unpunished.  Our arrest is found in every mewling surrender our "representatives" negotiate with the lawlessness of anti-constitutional governance.  

Our belts have been taken.  We are facing the corner, and the state is approaching the door.  Civil disobedience is the right of every free citizen when faced with injustice.  Embrace that right, and make the most of your new status.  Be a dissident.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Marriage Is In obama's Crosshairs... Again...

MUST READ AND PASS IT ON!!!! This is just about the scariest article out there - a dose of clarity.... a clear view of the truly diabolical nature of the beast in the WH...

Tying the Knot Under ObamaCare By Eileen F. Toplansky

The heinous intrusions into our lives as a result of ObamaCare swell each day. Now, in true Marxist form, the ludicrously named “Affordable Care Act” mounts an all-out attack on marriage. In 2010, in a Web Memo, the Heritage Foundation pointed out that

Under the bill, couples would face massive financial penalties if they marry or remain married. Conversely, couples who cohabit without marriage are given highly preferential financial treatment. If the Senate bill becomes law, saying ‘I do’ would cost some couples over $10,000 per year.

In fact, the “… anti-marriage penalties and heavy ‘cohabitation bonuses [were] built into the Senate ObamaCare bill [.]‘” Furthermore, “low income couples are not immune from the bill’s aggressive wedding taxes. A 60-year old husband and wife, each with an income of $15,000 would pay over $4,000 per year if they remain married. Put in other terms, the government would offer an annual bonus of $4,212 if the couple divorces and then cohabits.”
Well, ObamaCare is now law and the effects are being felt nationwide. As a continuing job killer, ObamaCare will now adversely impact clergy, wedding halls, caterers, musicians, singers, floral arrangers, and other party planners.
Consequently, “an all-out war on ‘old and outdated’ institutions like marriage and family” is being conducted “so dominance of the state can be achieved.” Incommunist Russia this was euphemistically known as “unions of affection and comradeship.”

In Russia in 1920, abortion on demand arrived. Hence, how convenient that via ObamaCare, every American must now pay for someone else’s abortion — a direct assault on religious freedom. Thus, the state’s monstrous power keeps enlarging under the dictator occupying the White House.

Monica Showalter in her article entitled “Five Ways Lenin’s Propaganda Destroyed Marriage and the Family in Russia” describes how Lenin destroyed the traditional family structure as his tyranny affected women through high-sounding propaganda. Eventually, however, the women who were lured into idealizing Lenin, found that their rights and their wages disappeared, thereby making them “wards of the state.”

Thus, the idea behind breaking down the family was that women without husbands could be socialized more easily. In practical terms this meant [that] men were free to leave their wives and abandon their responsibilities.
How ironic that Obama’s policies “most directly hurt women,” Thus, ObamaCare essentially “eliminates consumer driven health insurance with health savings accounts which was the fastest growing choice… for women.”
In addition, women see doctors more often than men, but now they will be “subjected to the consequences of ObamaCare edicts [.]” Mammogram screenings were to be reduced until a hue and cry arose wherein this was rescinded showing that ultimately “the federal government has the power to giveth and taketh away.” And as has been publicized, women who were covered as dependents through their husband’s employer-sponsored health insurance are losing their coverage when their husband’s employer drops coverage.

Moreover, more than half of all Medicare beneficiaries are women. But ObamaCare cuts Medicare payments. Thus, “by 2019 [the cuts] will be so draconian that payments will be even lower than Medicaid, a system in which doctors already lose money and… refuse to accept patients.”

Communism has always seen the home as “potentially subversive.” Communists long to see natural ties between mother and child “severed so that the state becomes the dominant force.” This president’s communist tiesdominated his life; he is merely following in their footsteps.

Moreover, Obama, who without consent of Congress and in his now systematic assault on the Constitution eliminated the work requirement of the welfare program — the one element of the welfare program that moved people off dependency. By reversing this policy, the dependency-inducing welfare industry which undermines the importance of fathers, has been given a boost.

Obama is setting America on the same path as Lenin did for Russia almost 100 years ago. Recall that we now have 48 million Americans on welfare as a result of Obama’s economic policies. Couple this with the “work disincentives” embedded in ObamaCare where “many will conclude that earning extra money isn’t worth it, or will strive mightily to find ways to earn income under the table” and American opportunity is further eroded.

In Showalter’s article, the word “community organizer” pops up and one learns that “Lenin dispatched Kollontai to set up the Zhenotdel, a communist organizing group financed by the Communist Party for agitation and propaganda of the new model.” Recall the Occupy Wall Street movement, the newly renamed Acorn Party, and even the current despicable bid by Obama to get donations to help fund ObamaCare all packaged as a charitable approach to help him and his cronies.

Obama and the Democratic Party continue to cast aspersions on Tea Party conservatives because they know that these conservatives see right through their linguistic double talk. Those who try to shed light on Obama’s covert and overt attacks on this country will continue to be isolated and excoriated because they elucidate the historical truths of the past.

So when socialism fails, as it always does, the “socialists blame funding.” Consequently, once Lenin had ensnared women into the state controlled system as a result of his lies, the women sadly did not blame the ideas of the state controlled government; instead “they went to the state for not distributing enough money.” Government gives, government takes away, and then government gives again. In Obamaland, some 47 million food stamp recipients are having their benefits cut in a month and don’t even realize it. This is “the essence of ObamaCare. Government has the ultimate authority over health care decisions because government decides what must be included in health insurance and who must pay for it.” Echoes of the past are coming to haunt America.

Lest one argue that Lenin’s ideas are no longer potent, recall that the “legacy of the social wreckage continues to this day. Russia still ranks No. 1 in the world in both divorces and abortions.”

This ObamaCare wedding tax, is of course, a boon to divorce attorneys as the government demolishes the sanctity of marriage. Collette Caprara at The Foundry asserts that “the impact of this discrimination will affect couples at every income level and creates a scenario in which couples’ wisest financial decision would be to divorce or to forgo tying the knot.” How perverse is this?

If ObamaCare is not completely dismantled, this profound bias against marriage asserts that “married couples are second class citizens.” Consequently the law establishes cohabiters as “a privileged special interest, quietly channeling tens of thousands of dollars to them in preferential government bonuses.” In addition, this wedding tax is a spiritual violation that Obama and the Democrats are only too glad to inflict upon Americans. Same sex married couples should take heed of this as well.

Eric Hoffer in his 1951 book entitled The True Believer writes that “one of the most potent attractions of a mass movement is its offering of a substitute for individual hope” (15). Obama and the Democrats keep undermining Americans ability to succeed, inculcating the idea that there is no future in America unless it is totally guided by the government. Obama continues to destroy individual hope when jobs are scarce, college tuition is exorbitant, unemployment benefitsare worth more than solid, honest work — each of these disaffects far too many Americans who see no future before them.

Obama, an ideologue who is “so fanatically committed to this cause that no amount of reality can make him abandon it” keeps offering his empty “hope and change” speech. But, as the evidence mounts and the facts become known, it is up to us to come out of our stupor and halt this battering ram that is deliberately grinding down the people. It is equally important to remember Pascal’s advice that “…the embarrassment wherein [a person] finds himself produces in him the most unjust and criminal passions imaginable, for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults.” As Obama is thwarted, be prepared for the true vision of this demagogue.

There are so many reasons to abort ObamaCare completely — the assault on marriage is now one more.