Aural Sculptors - The Stranglers Live 1976 to the Present

Welcome to Aural Sculptors, a blog aimed at bringing the music of The Stranglers to as wide an audience as possible. Whilst all of the various members of the band that have passed through the ranks since 1974 are accomplished studio musicians, it is on stage where the band have for me had their biggest impact.

As a collector of their live recordings for many years I want to share some of the better quality material with other fans. By selecting the higher quality recordings I hope to present The Stranglers in the best possible light for the benefit of those less familiar with their material than the hardcore fan.

Needless to say, this site will steer well clear of any officially released material. As well as live gigs, I will post demos, radio interviews and anything else that I feel may be of interest.

In addition, occasionally I will post material by other bands, related or otherwise, that mean a lot to me.

Your comments and/or contributions are most welcome. Please email me at

Sunday, 19 May 2019

The Damned Bristol Locarno 29th November 1981

Of the time, typically chaotic good fun from The Damned down in Bristol.


01. Intro
02. Lively Arts
03. Wait For The Blackout
04. Summer Nights
05. Disco Man
06. I Just Can’t Be Happy Today
07. Plan 9 Channel 7
08. Melody Lee
09. Gun Fury
10. Fan Club
11. Noise Noise Noise
12. Limit Club
13. Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
14. Love Song
15. Neat Neat Neat
16. New Rose
17. Smash It Up Pt 1
18. Smash It Up Pt 2
19. Looking At You
20. Citadel
21. Ballroom Blitz

‘This band will be around for a long time…… even with Rat in it’ SOUNDS 19th December 1981

Here's a new idea..... a band related article from some bygone copy of the UK music press followed by a contemporary recording..... let's see how it goes.

Captain Sensible looks forward to another five golden years with family favourites The Damned.

We arrive in dingy damp Blackburn and met The Damned just as they are being issued with writs for an unplayed gig earlier in the tour (for which they weren’t to blame).

The writ-server leaves after being given a poisoned drink. A message arrives from the local nick that a young girl who has attached herself to the tour is, in fact, a runaway. The guitars have been left at the previous night’s bash in Birmingham. It gets worse. Rat Scabies begins with his anti-journalist tirade:

‘There’s no such thing as an honest journalist. You’ve been ordered here to do a hatchet job. Some other paper sent a boy to interview us. We did it in a pub. He got legless, went out to the bog and came back all white saying he’d just puked up’.

I tell him he’s not being very positive.

‘But I am being positive. I know you’ve been sent here under orders to do a hatchet job’.

This doesn’t help out rapport. I hadn’t met or written about the band before and I came with an open mind and an interest in what they had to say. Scabies’ insults only enforce the nasty rumours about him. I wonder why I bothered to come.

Ordered to write? Nobody has ever ordered me to write. Do Nems order The Damned what to play? If Rat wants a hatchet job he goes the right way about getting one but he should also remember that such wounds can be self-inflicted.

It is not difficult to detect the other group members finding his obnoxious attitude unnecessary and annoying.

The Scabies press paranoia spreads to the tour manager who generally does his discreet best to ensure that we know we’re not welcome. The next day we arrange to follow the luxury coach to Stoke and stop en route at a suitable photo-location. It comes as no surprise when The Damned carrier speeds away at 80 miles an hour and all the camera helping hours of daylight are wasted.

Over an afternoon breakfast I mention some new bands I have seen. Rat confesses ignorance. ‘I never listen to new bands. I’ve become everything I set out to destroy. I’m a boring old fart’.

Anyway, enough of all that. Backtrack to Blackburn and the previous evening. A disappointing attendance but this fact more due to the biting recession than unpopularity of the attraction. My last visual of The Damned had been some 18 months previously when they appeared in the very hall where I was employed as a porter.

At that time they were little short of being a punky pantomime, a laughable caricature of their former selves. They only managed five or six songs in an hour, each had a lengthy drum solo and ten minute Sensible guitar break. The P.A. collapsed after a stage invasion and I spent the next week clearing up the blood and debris.

Nowadays they’re a whole lot better. A full quota of tunes drawn from their entire career and only one drum solo. Plus there is a light show from the guy who normally beams and projects for Nik Turner and who was hired by Mood Six.

The audience is extremely youthful, barely anyone looks over sixteen. Consequently there are no cheers for the many-moons-old first album material. The biggest reaction is for the opening chords of ‘Smash It Up’.

My favourite moment though, is the high powered polished cruise through the MC5’s ‘Looking At You’. As ever the performance concludes with Scabies at guitar, Sensible at drums and a fully anarchic rendition of ‘Pretty Vacant’.

The new E.P. bodes well, generally acclaimed by the cognoscenti to be the best Damned waxing for some time. My photographer colleague hears a rough tape of potential tracks for the next album (don’t mention the Chiswick ‘Best Of….’ Compilation, it’s somewhat unpopular). He describes the embryonic sounds as ‘psychadelic’ but coming from him that can mean anything.

What is certain, is that aside from the usual Sensible/Scabies composing partnership, Paul Gray has about 20 songs penned and standing by and even Vanian has scribbled a few.

For current live purposes the four are joined by the keyboarding Tosh, formerly a member of Cardiff’s premier psychedelic (that wicked word again) combo The Missing Men. The Damned ‘squeaky organ club’ – membership qualification is a liking for sixties Nuggets and Pebbles sounds – comprises Sensible, Vanian and Gray.

Scabies is non-plussed by the whole idea. Liking from the sixties only a few Dave Davies b-sides and really early Nazz he says ‘I told the world last year that everyone would soon be wearing Paisleys and grooving to sixties sounds. I was right’.

Backstage, après set, a queue of signature and souvenir hungry fans line the corridor outside the dressing room. The Captain signs elaborate autographs (’Lady Di kills stags for fun’ is one example). While writing he begins to tell me about the single he’s recorded with Crass. Anarchy and autographs. I’m struck by the contradiction. The bereted guitar player is full of them.

Like at breakfast when he asks Paul if he believes in murder as he’s tucking into a chicken. Ten minutes later the captain sits chewing a similarly slaughtered bird. He confides he’d like to be a vegetarian if only he could find someone to cook the food for him.

In the crowded hotel bar I tell him I’ve dispensed with the idea of doing an organised interview. Due to the rodent problems I’ll just write up my impressions.

‘Fine’ he trustingly replies ‘just do what you want. Rat just really hates  journalists. I’ll do a short interview on my own if you like’. We sneak into the lift and find a vacant room.

Tell me more about the Crass record. ‘I saw all these geezers with Crass on their backs and all these anarchy signs. So I made a point of getting hold of one of their records and listening to it. I thought the words were bloody good, excellent stuff, but I hated the music. I thought it was turgid and moronic old dogshit. So I thought if I wrote the music and they wrote the words together we could make a decent record’.

 ‘I find it really hard to write lyrics, it’s not that I don’t have the ideas but I just can’t string words together that well. I’m not a poet but I love writing melodies it’s great fun and I thought writing some music with their lyrics would be the ultimate’.

‘That drummer geezer Penny Rimbaud wrote the words and I sang it with Dolly Mixture doing back up vocals. That’s an unlikely combination innit?’ Crass, The Damned and Dolly Mixture. It’s called ‘This is Your Captain Speaking’. (He cringes) daft title really innit?’


‘The Dolly Mixtures are excellent people, they giggle a lot. I produced their single (‘Been Teen’) and put a cello on it.  She sat over this cello screaming with laughter but I couldn’t see anything funny about it. She was just rattling out a few notes but it was great. I love people who enjoy their work. I’d like to produce more people but only those I like and respect. I wouldn’t do Siouxsie for example.

Are you pleased with the new E.P.?

‘Yeah, we’re all really happy with it. It’s got something that the ‘Black Album’ didn’t have. The ‘Black Album’ was too clinical, we were trying to be too clever. With the new record we just had a real laugh doing it, we weren’t trying to be serious.’.

How have The Damned changed in the last five years?

‘The roadcrew reckon we’ve changed but I don’t think so. Mind you I sometimes which I hadn’t smashed up all those guitars. I had some really nice ones. I detest incompetence. When people used to say I couldn’t play it used to get up my nose because I knew I could. I try a bit harder now although playing guitar is bloody easy’.

Everyone’s got this idea that punk was a movement. They seem to think that a lot of groups got together and talked about how they were going to change this and that. But none of the groups knew or liked each other. In fact there was total rivalry.’

‘When people said we were a punk group I didn’t know what they were talking about, I bet The Clash didn’t either’.

‘I knew I didn’t like what had gone on earlier. All the glam rock shit with stack heels and 20 minute guitar solos. Almost all my contemporaries have headed for the star thing, headed for it with open arms. They wanted to be stars like David Bowie, they were all little David Bowie fans weren’t they? Walking around in outrageous clothes’.

But hasn’t the star thing happened to The Damned. Like it or not?

‘Listen, I make no bones about the fact that I’m doing this for the money but I never want anyone to think of me being a star. I find the whole thing disgusting.  I couldn’t stomach it if someone thought that I was better than them. Some people do think that though, to an extent, but you have to let them know’.

‘Like being asked for autographs. If you don’t sign you’re a sod and if you do sign you are laying yourself open to the accusation that you’re a jumped up, arrogant pop star’.

‘It’s a total shame really. In the first two years of punk no one ever asked for an autograph. It was really good. It was people from the audience up on the stage. They were the same except that they were raised up so the people at the back could see them and they had guitars in their hands’.

‘This is the best job I’ve ever had and I’ve had a few. I never want to be a gardener or work in an office for British Rail again. When we split up it was because of the amount of hate between certain members of the band. I spent nine months without a penny.  I never want to go through that again. This band will be around for a long time…… even with Rat in it’.

Straighten Out Half Moon Bishops Stortford 11th May 2019 - The Verdict

As a general rule I avoid tribute bands. I guess they have their place in the entertainment spectrum especially if the original act is no more. Over the years I have seen several tributes to The Jam and that’s okay…. much to my regret I never saw The Jam so the opportunity to hear their material live is limited. In the case of Straighten Out, they do their thing whilst the originators of that material are still out there playing those songs. I get that Straighten Out play an early set in the type of venues that The Stranglers outgrew by mid-1977 but I can’t say that I have made great efforts to see them (twice prior to tonight). The first time was at the Hope & Anchor, but that was more to see that iconic and very much Stranglers’ associated venue and the second time was at the Finchley Boys 40th Anniversary gig, again a Stranglers related one-off event.

So why you ask bother on this occasion. Well The Half Moon in Bishops Stortford is my old local (my son's christening party was held in the same room as well as Gunta's 30th birthday party). Even now, although I am on the other side of town it is still only a ten minute walk away from home.

On arrival, the band were somewhat bemused by the size of the stage. Whilst the venue does play host to rock bands, it is better suited for blues and folk gigs. The keyboards were an issue, so the stage set up needed to be different to what they were used to, but strangely enough, the compromise was to adopt a formation more akin to The Stranglers stage set up with drums and keyboards behind. Bass and guitar were relegated from the stage and were on the audience level in front of it.

The set that they play is deliberately focused on the earlier years up to and including 'La Folie' i.e. before the band challenged their fan base with acoustic guitars!

Rattus era;               9 tracks
Heroes era:              8 tracks
Black & White era: 4 tracks
The Raven era:        4 tracks
La Folie era:            3 tracks

I would estimate that the crowd numbered about 60 which is a comfortable size for this particular venue.

Straighten Out played the set below with competence and thankfully an accurate ear to the original versions, something that The Stranglers themselves lost sight of during the Paul Roberts incarnation of the band. Great too to hear some songs rarely taken on by The Stranglers themselves i.e. 'Choosey Susie', 'The Man They Love To Hate' and 'Everybody Loves You When You're Dead'. Of particular note was the run out to 'Down In The Sewer' that is of a duration in keeping with the album version, or previous live versions. In this there is general agreement, that whilst it was great to hear 'Sewer' back in the set this year, the end is curtailed too soon. Just a bit longer there lads if you don't mind.

Great to see some local friends and Steve Williams who roadie for the night.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

RESTORED LINK - Dom Sportova Zagreb, 22nd May 1990

Here's one from May 1990, newly upped. It can be found here.

20 From '86 (15) The Ramones Edinburgh Playhouse 14th May 1986

The Ramones, an institution. For some it was witnessing the Pistols that proved to be a seismic event that changed lives. For others though it was the first hearing of 1976's Ramones album. It still saddens me that a band who brought some much pleasure to music fans the world over were so troubled, dysfunctional and divided in their relationships both within the band and without. If you have't seen it I thoroughly recommend 'End of the Century', it does not make for easy viewing but it tells the tale of the Ramones as it was, warts an' all.

By 1986 much water had flowed under the Ramones bridge, like many of the original punk bands that had survived for 10 years they had evolved into something of a conventional touring rock band, although I really liked the late Dee Dee albums, 'Animal Boy' from 1987 and 'Halfway to Sanity' from the following year.

Throughout their career, The Ramones rarely strayed into political territory with their songwriting, but one exception from this period stands out. 'My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)' appeared on the 'Animal Boy' album and it was an open criticism of the then US President Ronald Reagan, who on a visit to a cemetery in Bitburg laid a commemorative wreath before delivering a speech at a nearby airbase that paid tribute to the victims of nazism. The problem was that among the 2,000 graves of Wehrmacht soldiers 49 members of the Waffen-SS were interred.... the very people responsible for the atrocities to which Reagan referred in his subsequent speech. The gaff prone President further fanned the flames of condemnation when he said en route to Germany that those buried in Bitburg 'were victims, just as surely as the victims in the concentration camps.' Penned by Joey and Dee Dee, the song infuriated the staunchly Republican Johnny Ramone. They did play the song in the following years (although rarely) but surprisingly it doesn't appear in this contemporaneous set...... perhaps Johnny was still too angry!

01. Eat That Rat
02. Teenage Lobotomy
03. Psycho Therapy
04. Blitzkrieg Bop
05. Do You Remember Rock'N'Roll Radio?
06. Freak Of Nature
07. Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
08. Rock 'N' Roll High School
09. I Wanna Be Sedated
10. The KKK Took My Baby Away
11. Crummy Stuff
12. Loudmouth
13. Love Kills
14. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
15. Glad To See You Go
16. I Just Wanna Have Something To Do
17. Too Tough To Die
18. Mama's Boy
19. Animal Boy
20. Wart Hog
21. Surfin' Bird
22. Cretin Hop
23. I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You
24. Today Your Love Tomorrow The World
25. Pinhead
26. Chinese Rock
27. Somebody Put Something In My Drink
28. Rockaway Beach
29. Do You Wanna Dance?
30. California Sun
31. We're A Happy Family
32. Go Mental
33. Judy Is A Punk

The Roots And Roses Festival Lessen Lessines, Belgium 1st May 2013

This was a somewhat bizarre outline for Owen and I that took us back to Lessines. The full story can be found here and is now accompanied by the recording of the gig.


01. Instead Of This
02. Strange Little Girl
03. Always The Sun
04. In The End
05. Don’t Bring Harry
06. Cruel Garden
07. Never To Look Back
08. I Hate You
09. Long Black Veil
10. In The End
11. English Towns
12. Midnight Summer Dream
13. Northwinds

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Straighten Out Half Moon Bishops Stortford 11th May 2019

Established Stranglers cover band 'Straighten Out' play my old local, The Half Moon, in Bishops Stortford tonight!

Report to follow.