Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/17/2019

According to the latest reports, no renovation workers were present at the site when the Notre Dame cathedral caught fire. Nevertheless, French authorities are treating the disaster as an accident, rather than arson.

In other Notre Dame news, a Turkish newspaper celebrated the fire as divine intervention for France’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Diana West, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Who Needs Tyranny With a Democracy Like This?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suffered a significant loss when the mayoralty of Istanbul fell into the hands of the opposition in the recent local elections. But he and his party are not willing to concede without a fight.

JLH, who translated the following article about what happened in Istanbul, includes this introductory note:

Why does this sound so familiar? Perhaps Ilhan Omar can explain
the close philosophical resemblance of Democrat socialism and Turkish Islam.

The translated article from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (which itself was translated from Turkish to German):

Letter From Istanbul: We Simply Do Not Accept That We Lost the Election

By Bülent Mumay
April 11, 2019
Translated from Turkish to German by Sabine Adatepe

Erdogan has not yet overcome the shock of having lost Istanbul, where he began his regime 25 years ago. The head of state who had made the “will of the people” sacred and transfigured the voting urn to a mythical icon, is trying every possible trick to avoid handing over the city, which he lost by a nose. On March 31 he lost the metropolis and its nine million voters by 20,000 votes. Although he had publicly conceded defeat in his balcony speech after midnight, he tried several strange schemes in the dawning hours of April 1. Erdogan was able to remain dominant in several communities, but lost in several metropolitan areas. Why is he fighting above all for Istanbul?

We begin with how Istanbul was lost. Before the March 31 election, there were two prominent names: Erdogan’s candidate for mayor of Istanbul was Binali Yildirim, his comrade since the days of working in local politics, to whom he had left his post of Prime Minister. Yildirim’s opponent was Ekrem Imamoglu, who had administered a smaller district of Istanbul for the CHP (Republican People’s Party [Kemalist]). When his candidacy was announced two months before, only 30% of the voters knew his name. How did it happen that the AKP (Justice and Development Party), which had run the city for 25 years, lost to a less popular challenger?

There are several reasons. Two elections preceding March 31 showed the AKP losing strength in Istanbul. In the referendum of 2017, Erdogan’s constitutional reform had won nationwide approval. But in Istanbul the nays were slightly ahead. In the presidential election of 2018, Erdogan barely made 50%. The economic crisis, which was more pronounced in metropolitan areas, hastened the weakening of the AKP. The integrative approach of the CHP candidates versus Erdogan’s polarizing rhetoric assured that the social democrats also received votes from the center-right. To the question of whether the regime’s repressive policies worked in favor of the opposition: Those responsible for the fact that the opposition was invisible in 95% of the controlled media now think, “Keeping the opposition off television backfired.”

When it was clear that Istanbul would be lost, Erdogan instituted an interesting plan. He intended to prevent the opposition from going into the streets to celebrate its triumph and also to postpone the feeling of defeat among his own voters. The AKP had raised no objections in the local elections, but as the results began to turn negative, it claimed there had been irregularities. While they were in the lead, they said nothing. But when they began to lose, they claimed irregularities in the system of the election commission, which was under their control. The AKP’s demand to recount the invalid votes again was accepted by Erdogan’s hand-picked members of the commission. This yielded a slight lessening of the CHP’s lead, but not enough to endanger Imamoglu’s victory.

Democratic Elections as a Putsch

In their 25 years of local rule and 17 of national rule, the AKP had, with consistent outrage, denied objections by the opposition at elections. And now they themselves raised objections. AKP Interior Minster Süleyman Soylu had even maintained: “We are among the few countries where elections are not doubted.” The palace Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin had proudly declared: “In Turkey, there is no deception at the ballot box.” And former Vice President Bekir Bozdag said: “Anyone who says there was fraud at the ballot box has already lost.” Mehmet Özhaseki, the defeated AKP candidate for Ankara, had reproached the opposition just days before the election: “When they encounter facts, they say ‘Votes were stolen’.” The sharpest turnabout came fro the vice-chair of the AKP, Ali Ihsan Yavuz. Shortly before the election, “We are probably worldwide the country with the greatest election security.” After the loss in the cities, he said: “This election is a monstrous stain on our democracy” and called for AKP supporters to gather before the election commission.

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A Forest Fire in the Loft of Notre Dame

The upper regions of the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris were a veritable forest of ancient oak beams, an immense stack of tinder just waiting for a spark to set off the great conflagration. That’s why no electric wires were run into the loft — to reduce the chance of fire.

The following video clip is an excerpt from a documentary about Notre Dame that aired last year. Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Crucifixion of Roger Scruton: Britain’s Pivotal Moment

Paul Weston gores the Pygmie Left in the once-great Britain:

I didn’t realize until now that many of Paul’s videos have been taken down. Do you see why we need what those alternatives to YOOTube have to offer? Bitchute, etc., are slow, but as they move out of beta mode look for improvement. It will come with usage.

Here are the essays Paul linked:

Roger Scruton: An apology for thinking

Roger Scruton’s sacking exposes the Tories’ cowardice

The Smear Of Roger Scruton

The Real Roger Scruton Scandal

Read and weep for the death of Truth and Beauty…and yes, the murder of Goodness while we’re at it. Is England’s karma catching up with its history? Even I do not wish on Britain such a fate.

Still Criminal After All These Years

It has been nearly eight years since Fjordman was driven into hiding by the uproar over the massacre by Anders Behring Breivik in Oslo and on the island of Utøya. The killer’s 1,500-page “manifesto” was packed with references to and quotes from the Counterjihad movement, with Fjordman and Robert Spencer heading the list.

The apparatchiks of the Legacy Culture — not just in the media, but academics, politicians, and public intellectuals — were unwilling to let a crisis go to waste. They let loose with both barrels against those of us who resist the Islamization of our societies. Since Gates of Vienna was Fjordman’s most frequent venue, we were drawn into the media frenzy along with the major players. Our fifteen minutes of fame went on for months, and I can’t tell you how glad we were when the furor finally died down.

When the uproar was at its height in early August of 2011, someone suggested to me that I might want to shut Gates of Vienna down to protect myself. I said, “[Epithet redacted] that! I’m not shutting anything down!” My Scottish blood comes to the fore whenever hostile forces poke at me, and my default response is always defiance.

I’m glad we decided to keep on with it, and follow the Breivik saga as it unfolded. The Butcher of Utøya was tried the following spring, convicted, and sentenced to the maximum prison term that Norwegian law allows — twenty-one years. He was eventually ensconced in a well-appointed prison suite, from which he issued occasional proclamations and demands via his lawyers.

A coda of sorts was provided in the fall of 2013, when Mr. Breivik sent a letter to various outlets of the mainstream media. In it he confessed that his devotion to the Counterjihad had been a hoax concocted to draw the blame away from his true allies, the “nordicist” movement — i.e. the neo-Nazis.

Strangely enough, Breivik’s confession received virtually no attention in the media. If it weren’t for the hard-left Swedish site Expo, we never would have been aware of it. We were fortunate to be able to obtain a copy of the letter (PDF), and posted it so that anyone who was interested could take a look.

But there weren’t many people interested in the fact that Breivik was actually a Nazi who held the milquetoasts of the Counterjihad in disdain. The media weren’t about to acknowledge that their Narrative had been utterly false. They had no intention of taking responsibility for ruining the reputations, careers, and lives of the people they had slandered. None of that was of any importance — the Narrative must go on.

Bruce Bawer has published a retrospective on the whole sorry affair at FrontPage Mag. Below are some excerpts:

Enemy of the People

Norway is still treating Peder “Fjordman” Jensen as a criminal.

by Bruce Bawer
April 16, 2019

Since 9/11, thousands of deadly jihadist atrocities, big and small, have taken place around the world. Almost uniformly, the Western media totally ignore the small ones, and also ignore the big ones that take place in Israel, the Muslim world, and non-Western locations generally. As for the large-scale terrorist acts that occur from time to time in major Western cities — that is to say, the attacks that are too massive and too close to home for the media to get away with ignoring — the mainstream journalists who cover them devote a good deal of their time to tiptoeing around, or openly and vociferously denying, the connection between these actions and the religion of Islam. Indeed, it is by now an indelible part of the media narrative in these instances that the real victims — or the first victims, or the ultimate victims — of jihadist terror are the members of Western Muslim communities who, we are repeatedly told, have been unfairly stigmatized ever since September 11, 2001, and who, in the wake of every new act of Islamic terror in the West, experience, or at least tremble in fear of, a fresh, powerful, and unjustified anti-Muslim backlash. Virtually never does any mainstream Western journalist ever acknowledge that jihadists, when they massacre infidel men, women, and children, are following explicit instructions set down in the Koran — the book that every believing Muslim on earth considers holy. Even now, going on eighteen years after 9/11, some journalists honestly don’t know that jihad comes right out the Koran; others do know, but would never publicly connect these dots. Neither would most politicians or media commentators or supposed “experts” in Islam. For to do so would be to violate the most important unwritten commandment of the post-9/11 Western world: namely, thou shalt not admit that those who commit murder in the name of Allah, far from being traitors to their faith, are, on the contrary, the most obedient of its adherents.

The media have done a remarkable job of keeping the lid on this truth. One of the few times in recent years when someone let it out of the box in a big way was on June 20, 2017, when Tommy Robinson, appearing as a guest on Good Morning, Britain, suddenly held up a copy of the Koran, sending the show’s host, Piers Morgan, into an instant, and palpable, panic: “Show some respect!” Piers insisted. “There are,” Tommy replied, “a hundred verses in this book inciting violence and murder against us.” Piers repeated, with a rare urgency, plainly rooted in trepidation: “Show some damn respect for people’s religious beliefs!” Tommy asked why he should be expected to “respect a book that incites murder against me.” “Put it down!” Piers again demanded, unwilling to answer a question that, in fact, answered itself. Tommy, refusing to put the book down, proceeded to quote critical remarks about Islam by prime ministers William Gladstone and Winston Churchill. Meanwhile Piers tried desperately to talk over him, calling him “a bigoted lunatic” and an “Islamophobe” and accusing him of “doing something deliberately inflammatory and poisonous” and “stirring up hatred.” Forcefully, Tommy countered: “This book is the reason we’re in such a mess!” Piers rejected this plain fact, feebly asserting that “terrorists abuse the nature of Islam” — a statement that made no sense whatsoever — and as Tommy began to read aloud a Koranic verse calling on believers to murder infidels, the segment was brought to an abrupt end. One can only imagine the sheer panic in the control room.


Before March 15, 2019, there was July 22, 2011, when Anders Behring Breivik exploded a truck bomb outside a government office building in Oslo and then shot up dozens of teenagers at a Labor Party youth camp on the nearby island of Utøya — his professed motive being to punish the politicians whom he considered responsible for the Islamization of Norway as well as the future politicians who would inherit the philosophies, policies, privileges, and powers of today’s Labor leaders. Before Breivik headed out that day to commit mass murder, he posted online a lengthy “manifesto” that was part history, part political commentary, and part instruction manual for those whom he imagined would join him in his crusade. Much of this document, it turned out, consisted of texts by other people that Breivik had lifted without permission. The person whose writings Breivik made the most extensive use of was a young Norwegian named Peder Jensen, who had written many sober and learned essays about Islam under the name “Fjordman.” Peder had attended the universities of Bergen and Oslo and the American University in Cairo, learned Arabic, earned a master’s degree with a thesis on Internet censorship in Iran, and was part of a civilian observer mission on the West Bank in 2002-3. He planned a diplomatic career, only to discover that his frankness about Islam was not welcome at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He then became a prolific writer on the subject. Unlike the Koran, however, Peder’s oeuvre contained not a single word calling for action of the sort of which Breivik was guilty. But that didn’t matter to the apologists for Islam in the Norwegian establishment. Immediately Peder was lumped in with Breivik and, to a very large extent, held responsible for his crimes. Other critics of Islam, myself included, were tarred with the same brush, but Peder got the worst of it by far.

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Gateway Pundit Exposes the MSM Narrative on Church Burnings in France

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, exposes the refusal of the MSM to name this particular evil. He has some links to other sites which give cumulative damage to churches in France.

Makes one wonder if this is a growing phenomenon which will only intensify now that the Big One has been taken down.

Here’s Jim’s home page, full of interesting American news. Scroll down to see the link to a news item from the U.K. Sun, claiming that 875 churches were damaged last year in France.

So who is Macron demonizing? Why those gilets jaunes, of course. In many respects, they are the French equivalent of America’s MAGA hat troops. They want their country back.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/16/2019

French billionaires have pledged more than $300 million to help repair the cathedral of Notre Dame. Meanwhile, culture-enrichers on French social media celebrated the fire in the cathedral.

In other news, a Presbyterian church in South Carolina was vandalized and spray-painted with Islam-related graffiti on Sunday night.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Dora, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Pierre Cassen: “The Pride of Our History is in the Process of Burning Down!”

Pierre Cassen is the founder of Riposte Laïque. He is one of the most prominent Counterjihad activists in France, and has been prosecuted and convicted for “inciting hate” with his words and actions.

Mr. Cassen recorded the following video after yesterday’s horrific fire at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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What are the Electoral Prospects for the German Socialist Party?

Katarina Barley is a member of the SPD (Socialist Party of Germany), which is a partner in the “Grand Coalition” with Angela Merkel and the CDU. Ms. Barley is currently Minister of Justice, and is an SPD candidate in next month’s elections for the European Parliament.

In the following interview Ms. Barley answers questions about the upcoming elections, as well as various questions about the SPD’s domestic policies. She deftly dodges the most difficult questions, but a few of her answers are worth noting. Most significantly: she considers anyone who supports the existence of sovereign nation states to be an “enemy of Europe”.

Also: she thinks the call for a 2% increase in spending on NATO to be far too much, more of a financial load than the country could possibly bear.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/15/2019

Today’s devastating fire at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris miraculously spared much of the interior, as well as the stained glass windows. President Emmanuel Macron vowed that the cathedral would be rebuilt.

In other news, a Florida man threatened to destroy the town of Indiatlantic with an army of turtles.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, Dora, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Pollution of the Lavabos in Notre-Dame de Paris

The following article is poignant in light of what happened today at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris.*

Daniel Hamiche is a French Catholic journalist and writer. In a brief post from 2018 he quotes Le Parisien in his discussion about the deliberate contamination of holy water in the stoups (a stoup is a basin or font of holy water that worshippers dip their fingers in, commonly known as a lavabo by American Catholics):

Stoups of the Notre-Dame cathedral polluted

By Daniel Hamiche
August 12, 2018

I prefer to use the word ‘pollution’ rather than ‘poisoning’, which was even put in the quotation marks by Le Parisien. It is rather common that imbeciles or villains pollute the stoups in churches — in my own parish one Sunday, a couple of years ago, I had to clean a stoup whose sacred water was dyed red…

An act of vandalism? Of malice? Vengeance of a pagan? Bad schoolboy joke? The mystery is still there… This Saturday morning, a team of police from the police station of the 4th arrondissement [of Paris] arrived at the île de la Cité, at Notre-Dame de Paris, after mass. To investigate. On Friday [August 10th] Catholic tourists, who came to gather together at Notre-Dame [the verb “to gather” here has the connotation of “worshipping”, or praying together since it is also used for going together to someone’s grave to pay respect, or meditate], were allegedly poisoned by… holy water! “They complained about burning around their faces after crossing themselves with the water from the stoups, at the entrance of the church, according to the police source. They also suffered from headaches. A Church representative, worried, went to the police station of the 4th arrondissement, responsible for the area [where Notre-Dame is located], in order to report the events. To elucidate the facts. To protect his flock. […] In the alleys, a priest, in his alb confirms the incident: “It was above all very smelly, the water.” And, while looking towards the sky: “What can you do! It’s unfortunately an evil act. They want to poison the world!” […] Finally, after an investigation, the fine bloodhounds from the police station of the 4th arrondissement concluded the absence of danger. No complaint was filed, and no official investigation was opened. In Notre-Dame, it was decided, per security measures, to empty the water from the stoups and to bleach them! The stone basins have been completely cleaned and filled with fresh water.

*   Yes, I know the fire was reportedly set deliberately at two separate locations, and I know that President Macron had mandated that 50% of the renovation workers at the cathedral be culture-enrichers. There may be articles in tonight’s news feed about it; I’m not sure.

Of Brainwashing and Bathwater

MC weighs in on all the latest trendy socialist initiatives that plague the 21st-century body politic in the West.

Of Brainwashing and Bathwater

by MC

The idea of child abuse is defined by a Christian doctrine based upon the words of Yahushua (Jesus), “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” It goes on to explain that those who meddle with these children of the kingdom will suffer a fate so bad that they should drown themselves.

It is quite graphic and it is inbuilt into the Christian culture.

So, if we step outside the Christian culture we need to beware, for many a baby is thrown out when we vote for either Islam or humanism.

In the period following the Russian revolution in 1917 we have some graphic accounts of child abuse. Maxim Gorky (or maybe Orlando Figes quoting Gorky) describes starving little girls lifting up their skirts and exposing themselves in the hope of attracting the attention of someone who could give them a crust of bread in return for favours. These children were just the useless human rubble left in the street after the purging of the class enemy. They were “useless eaters”, as Adolf called them in his identical revolution two decades later.

The various socialist revolutions discarded (or worse) many children, for Karl Marx wrote no scriptures specifically about protecting children.

I have never understood Ali Bakr (the first Caliph after the prophet) giving his six year old daughter to a man he must have known to be a sexual predator, but then there is no protection for children in Islam either.

When we step away from Judeo-Christianity we leave behind some very profound doctrines.

The French revolution started as a revolt against the abuses of the Aristocracy and Church leaders who had abandoned their calling at the behest of those same Aristos, for they believed that the ten commandments no longer applied to those of the ‘important’ bloodlines; they were only for the peasants.

In the power vacuum that followed the storming of the Bastille, a series of new political religions based upon humanism and the goddess of reason took hold, so the tumbrels rumbled, the drums rolled — as did the heads of the many of the innocent — and children starved.

The Ten Commandments and other Judeo-Christian principles establish a framework that has worked and has produced a working environment which, although not perfect, has created a peak of civilization, and it is only in a civilized state that child abuse can even be defined.

But socialists, of course, think they can do better, and that by demolishing the house built on rock, they can replace it with something more fair and more equal but built on the sands of toleration and moral relativity. And that this time it will not fail like on every other occasion man has experimented with self-godship.

What they cannot seem to understand is that it was Judeo-Christianity that was the real healing and beneficial revolution, and that it is their new socialism that is the same old, same old cruelty and abuse.

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Culture-Enriching Ructions in Copenhagen

Rasmus Paludan is a Danish anti-Islam activist who has appeared in this space a number of times with various provocations in Vollsmose, Nørrebro, and other culturally enriched neighborhoods in Denmark. The Danish government recently made Koran-burning legal, and Mr. Paludan has been holding Koran-burning events (and other “Islamophobic” street theater) as a result. In his most recent provocation he was just warming up for the main event by tossing a Koran around when Muslims began rioting against him. He attempted to move his demonstration to another location, but the rioting and car-burning became even worse. Eventually the police forbade him to demonstrate anywhere, labeling him a danger to the public peace.

In the following interview Rasmus Paludan describes what happened last weekend in various parts of Copenhagen. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for conducting the interview: