Stop the Wall

The Stop the Wall Campaign’s aim to tear down the Wall is aligned with the Palestinian desire for liberation—for those of us inside and in exile, the young and old, those who have died, and those yet to be born.

We are a grassroots movement uniting the struggle of the popular committees in the villages, refugee camps and cities struggling against the Wall and the settlements and the efforts of Palestinian civil society.  

Our call is to:

  • Stop the Wall
  • Dismantle parts already built
  • Return all lands confiscated for the Wall
  • Compensate for all losses.

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Click here for the full Call.

Click here to see an overview of the #WorldwithoutWalls 2017 mobilization.

#WorldwithoutWalls 2018 on its way....

After the powerful coming together of struggles for a #WorldwithoutWalls in 2017, this year we renew our call for InterAction, November 9 2018.

We are many, we are everywhere and we are building every day a #WorldwithoutWalls.



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The Latest From Palestine

2018 has seen Stop the Wall involved deeply in the struggle against Israel’s relentless efforts to reduce the Palestinian people into Bantustans, dispossessed, displaced and enclosed by walls and checkpoints. Against all odds, we have achieved a number of victories and given hope and support in the crucial moments to our people in struggle. Stop the Wall is now releasing an inspiring summary of our struggles and achievements throughout 2018. Reinforcing Steadfastness is the main strategy to resist Israeli plans of expulsion and dispossession. 

On Sunday 3rd of March 2019, the judge of the Israeli enforcement authority, rejected the request submitted by the advocates of the Sabagh families to freeze and cancel the eviction order of the five Sabagh families, which was issued on the 8th of January. The 32 persons that constitute the five families are again under immediate threat of ethnic cleansing.

On Friday, February 22, Palestinians organized a mass protest to remember the 25th anniversary of the Massacre of the Ibrahimi Mosque and to protest the ongoing segregation, repression and dispossession of the Palestinian population in Hebron at the hands of the Israeli military and the illegal settlers in the city.

Beginning of the year, Israel's minister for 'strategic affairs' had called for the treatment Palestinian prisoners are suffering in Israeli jails to be even worsened. As raids inside the prisons are increasing, inmates are injured or even dying, Stop the Wall joins the Palestinian Higher Committee for Prisoners Affairs for regular protests in support of the over 5000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons.

Together with the children of the local school that Israel wants to demolish, Palestinian grassroots movements, including Stop the Wall, and the Cultural Center of Beit Anan, held on Tuesday February 5 an act of defiance and steadfastness.

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New Resources

CEMEX is a global holding company that through its subsidiaries provides construction products and services in more than 50 countries and maintains trade relationships in 100 nations. This downloadable infographic explains the deep complicity of Cemex in Israeli apartheid: it owns 4 production plants in Israel's illegal settlements and provides construction material to the Wall, the settlements and military checkpoints. 

The report 'Israeli militarism in Latin America' prepared by the Latin American BDS movement describes the situation of the Israeli war industry in several Latin American countries, detailing the arms trade with the different Latin American governments and the Israeli state and private sector.

This over 80 page report pursues two different aims: on the one hand, it responds to an interest shared by several people from this continent to understand the impact of Israeli militarism in their countries and the consequences it can have on their social freedoms; on the other hand, it responds to the call for a Military Embargo against Israel made by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee.

The result of the report is part of the joint effort to unite struggles against militarism and Israeli Apartheid.


On April 10, about 100 activists from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro held a protest against the 2018 edition of the LAAD, the International Corporate Security Trade Fair, which takes place this week in São Paulo. Known as “Fair of Death”, this is the biggest weapon trade market in Latin America and includes many Israeli companies as exhibitors.