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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    6. Juli 2017

    It is time for a thread on traditional urbanism, or town planning 13th century style. I will dispel some myths of modern dis-urbanism.

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    1. März 2017

    "Love requires certain preparations; restraint, reservations. Like a religion that was very early placed in the heart." — Jacques Chardonne

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    5. Nov. 2017

    “J’aime les sentiers que j’invente, les relations inutiles, les choses sans renommée, et tout ce qui ne vaut que pour moi.” — J. Chardonne

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  4. hat retweetet
    29. Jan. 2017

    "I doubt of progress, when I see little by little disappear from Earth, all that is charming." — Jacques Chardonne, "Claire", 1931.

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    7. März 2018

    History Major without a plan? Spend the summer writing a book about a charming historic place: a square, a city block, an alley, a cafe etc. How was it built? Who built it? Who financed it? What inspired its builders? How did it evolve? Who cared for it? Plans and designs?

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  6. vor 12 Stunden

    The Ministry of Agriculture offices in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, is something different. Built ca. 2000. Known as the Palace of Farmers. The tree is sculpted in painted iron.

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  7. vor 13 Stunden

    “Le front des cathédrales est celui du peuple français, je veux dire de cette part encore si grande de notre peuple qui réagit naturellement, selon sa nature, et par des mouvements spontanés...” — Georges Bernanos, La chemin de la Croix-des-Ames, 1943

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  8. vor 13 Stunden

    « La France est le pays des cathédrales, des saints, des héros et des fous. » — Georges Bernanos

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  9. hat retweetet
    17. Apr.

    Lorsque Benjamin Mouton (ancien architecte en chef de ) ne croit pas à l’accident, vous m’excuserez de ne pas y croire non plus. À bon entendeur. 🙏🏻

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    vor 22 Stunden

    If I got the commission to rebuild Notre Dame’s tower I would replace what was lost faithfully. Paris has suffered enough

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  11. vor 14 Stunden

    Remember that there is a reason you no longer know these things: industry needs you to keep buying their products ecen though it is far more expensive, environmentally disastrous and will rot your home. They want you ignorant and incapable.

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  12. hat retweetet
    14. Feb. 2017

    Revere the local. Reject the global.

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  13. vor 15 Stunden

    Lovely article with charming photos of the huge variety of vernacular building materials and techniques across the UK. It is barley scratching the surface but a good start. Reject the global, revere the local!—as I always say. Good for the environment too.

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  14. vor 15 Stunden

    First ancient shipwreck opens to recreational divers. I wish I was a diver but my heart is not in it. It looks spectacular.

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    vor 21 Stunden

    Notre Dame should be restored to her condition prior to the fire. If any changes are to be made at all, it should be to complete her as foreseen in the original plans.

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  16. vor 16 Stunden

    They broke the golden rule of conservation: weak materials always go over stronger materials. The other way around means disaster happens, especially when the material is load-bearing, as in this cob wall, which was soaked through moisture build up.

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  17. vor 17 Stunden

    The Prince who ordered this gate to be built to his summer retreat in 1646 had a sense for rustic beauty. The gate itself was rebuilt in the 1960s at its present location, a faithful copy of its royal original.

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  18. vor 17 Stunden

    Build it right and it will last. A million times more environmentally friendly than anything built in the last 100 years.

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  19. hat retweetet
    17. Apr.

    People talking about who should be trusted to help rebuild Notre Dame. I’ve got a guy who’s just recently become available.

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  20. vor 18 Stunden

    The Lie as a Form of Existence, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago. And we are all living in the Gulag now, we are all forced to keep our head to the ground and faithfully repeat the lies, that keep accumulating, to the point where we can't keep track of them anymore.

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  21. vor 18 Stunden

    The other day I was visiting a small town near Tokyo looking to acquire land for a summer home. Just as I said good bye to the real estate agent, in front of the charming train station, a chubby old man in overalls rode past us on a pony. It was a sign from the Gods I am sure.

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