Ash Sarkar


Senior Editor . Literature bore. Anarcho-fabulous. Muslim. THFC. Walks like a supermodel. Fucks like a champion. Luxury communism now!

Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2012


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    3 thg 9, 2018

    At Novara Media, most of us don’t get paid. And a new media for a different politics can’t run on volunteers forever. Help us take on the establishment. Support our ‘subsraiser’ so that we can pay everyone at least one day a month!

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  2. 1 giờ trước

    Whether or not you agree with the actions of the protesters, you should be very worried about the misuse of legislation to punish non-violent direct action.

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  3. 1 giờ trước

    A fact of British history is that citizens mobilising collectively have broken the law in order to achieve their political goals. The use of counterterrorism legislation to prosecute the is an affront to democratic values. Me for the Indy:

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  4. 5 giờ trước

    Yesterday the were spared immediate prison sentences. I caught up with them on the court steps to talk about solidarity, the hostile environment, and why the real fight is only just beginning. Watch here 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

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  5. 5 giờ trước

    Honestly feel like Dennis Hopper is gonna turn up any minute and tell us we’re never gonna see 4G again unless someone Monzos him $3.7 million.

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  6. 5 giờ trước

    So... my train decided not to stop at my stop or any other stops and now I’m speeding out of London when I just wanted to get to Haringey. This is basically a hostage situation lmao.

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  7. đã Tweet lại
    16 giờ trước

    It’s an electoral risk, but Labour now have an unambiguous position on brexit. Its the only one that protects our economy and can bring the country together. Now let’s do everything in our power to bring Labour’s base with us.

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  8. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 2

    CONFIRMED: 12 community service sentences and 3 suspended prison sentences for activists. Nobody’s going to jail!

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  9. đã Tweet lại
    22 giờ trước

    none of the will spend tonight in jail. the relief is huge but the reality is this charge should never have been brought. its the hostile environment that shouldve been on trial. we must use this moment + energy to continue the fight. this is just the beginning 🔥

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  10. 22 giờ trước

    Every single defendant I spoke to today, despite the intensity and brutality of state intimidation they’ve faced, emphasised that their experiences paled in comparison to those affected by the Hostile Environment policy every day. Footage up on later.

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  11. 24 giờ trước

    As expected, Heathrow 3 have suspended sentences and 250 hours community service. Everyone else has 100 hours community service. No jail time. Every single protestor will be going home tonight!

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  12. 6 thg 2
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  13. 6 thg 2

    “She just goes to a different school, I swear.”

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    John Humphrys today announced he'll be leaving at some point this year. On last week's TyskySour and were puzzled about his most recent intervention on Brexit.

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  15. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 2

    Hundreds of people here chanting in support of . Incredible scenes.

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  16. 6 thg 2
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  17. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 2

    This is “socialism of fools”. Evidence for focus on Israel seems to be a flag on screen at a rally, friendly relations between L American far-right and Israeli far-right, and Israel selling weapons to L American dictators. All are also true for U.K. or US, why focus on Israel?

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  18. 6 thg 2
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  19. 6 thg 2

    Statement from defendants here. Won’t be long until they’re out of court!

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  20. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 2

    Judge sentencing indicates he will give 12 defendants community orders and three suspended sentences. represents them.

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  21. đã Tweet lại

    Man who has lived in UK for 41 years (since he was four) has had his deportation to Jamaica cancelled. Which is good news, although seems crazy that anyone thought it was a good idea to deport someone to a country they have no memories of and where they have no ties.

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