Take up the fight for socialism!

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality, the youth and student wing of the Socialist Equality Parties, unites students and youth for peace, social equality and the rights of the working class.

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World Socialist Web Site Perspectives

Christoph Vandreier kicks off US speaking tour with well-attended meeting at UC Berkeley

Christoph Vandreier, deputy national secretary of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP), began his United States speaking tour Monday night at the University of California, Berkeley. The lecture, entitled, “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight it,” was attended by 70 people, principally college-aged students from UC Berkeley and workers from the surrounding San Francisco Bay Area.

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Free Julian Assange!

The World Socialist Web Site emphatically condemns the forcible seizure and arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. We call for an all-out campaign in the UK and internationally to defend Assange, oppose his extradition to the United States, and secure his freedom and return to Australia, with guarantees against any future prosecution.

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The Strategy of International Class Struggle and the Political Fight Against Capitalist Reaction in 2019

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An assembly of political bankrupts: Historical Materialism and Jacobin host “Socialism in Our Time” conference

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Our Statement of Principles

The IYSSE has sections in multiple countries. Learn more about our principles in the countries closest to you:

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) is an organization of students and youth around the world which insists that chronic social problems, including the danger of war, can be solved only through an end to capitalism. Society must be reorganized along international socialist lines—on the basis of social need, not private profit.

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What is Socialism?

Free Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange!

The Social and Political Roots of Mass Shootings