Why Won’t Maduro Let US Humanitarian Aid Into Venezuela? History.

The mainstream media is full of images and stories of Venezuela’s inhumanely authoritarian leader Nicolás Maduro pushing American offerings of humanitarian aid away from Venezuela’s border with Columbia. The mainstream media serves us up our offerings of news as if each headline story was an isolated event, floating alone on an ahistorical sea, unmoored from … Continue reading “Why Won’t Maduro Let US Humanitarian Aid Into Venezuela? History.”

Five Striking things You Didn’t Know About Venezuela

The radical opposition’s case in the unfolding Venezuelan coup rest upon the claim that, since Nicolás Maduro’s second term in office was secured through an illegitimate election, the office of president has been vacated and should, constitutionally, be filled by the President of the National Assembly. Leaving aside the question of whether a contested election … Continue reading “Five Striking things You Didn’t Know About Venezuela”

What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Venezuelan Coup

The coup that is unfolding in Venezuela is not an American backed coup: it is an American coup. Mainstream media coverage paints the events only as American recognition of a legitimate constitutional correction of government. Even in the left wing and alternative media, where writers condemn the American intervention, many of them feel the need … Continue reading “What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Venezuelan Coup”

The Syrian War Is Over – It Never Should Have Started

At the close of 2018, President Donald Trump announced that American troops were being withdrawn from Syria. By the open of 2019, National Security Advisor John Bolton and Senator Lindsey Graham were saying that there would be no withdrawal before a full defeat of the Islamic State and other objectives were achieved. As usual, the … Continue reading “The Syrian War Is Over – It Never Should Have Started”

Rogue: America and the Post Unipolar World

America strives for hegemony. If the American dream is that an individual can make it to the top, the political equivalent is that a nation can. And the American dream is that that nation is America. "Hegemony" derives from the ancient Greek word "hegemonikon," a word used by the Stoic philosophers to mean the leading … Continue reading “Rogue: America and the Post Unipolar World”

Brazil: Our Work Here Is Done

Round One In 1964, a little discussed action was prepared by the Kennedy administration and carried out after his death by the Johnson administration. It represented the first steps in Kennedy’s plan to transform Latin America’s militaries from forces that defend against external threats, as they were intended, into forces that ensure "internal security" by … Continue reading “Brazil: Our Work Here Is Done”

When All You’ve Got Is Bullying: A New Way of Dealing With America

The secret comments that Donald Trump made off the record leaked. He was not sincerely negotiating a compromise: he was bullying his opponent. If any deal was to be made, he boasted, it would be "totally on our terms." America’s negotiating partner was "working their ass off," Trump admitted, but "every time we have a … Continue reading “When All You’ve Got Is Bullying: A New Way of Dealing With America”

The Three Landmines That Could Kill the Korea Deal

A denuclearization deal with North Korea is more within reach than anyone could have thought possible a very short time ago. Thanks to the tireless diplomatic work of Moon Jae In of South Korea and the unexpectedly adept diplomatic work of Kim Jong Un of North Korea, a joint statement between North Korea and the … Continue reading “The Three Landmines That Could Kill the Korea Deal”

Trump’s Ten Lies: A Response to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Speech

After listening to Trump’s speech explaining his decision to pull out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement with Iran, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that Trump’s speech contained "over ten lies." Khamenei didn’t go on to name the lies. So, what were the lies Trump told? Lie #1 "The … Continue reading “Trump’s Ten Lies: A Response to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Speech”

The Meaning of Verification

As North Korea begins to open up to the world, what must they be hearing? Two of the loudest stories concern Donald Trump’s reactions to countries accused of having active weapons of mass destruction programs. Trump bombed Syria for using chemical weapons, and he has now officially pulled out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of … Continue reading “The Meaning of Verification”