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  • December 11, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Attacks Across Afghanistan Leave at Least 30 Dead
    The New York Times: At least 12 people were killed on the outskirts of Kabul on Tuesday when explosives in a vehicle detonated near a convoy of security forces, Afghan officials said, and at least 12 others were wounded. It was the deadliest of several violent attacks across Afghanistan on Tuesday that left a total of more than 30 dead, most of them members of security forces.      Full news...

  • December 7, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    250,000 forced to flee Afghanistan, worst drought in years
    Associated Press: Wheat and opium farmer Murad Khan Ishaqzai, 80, has never seen a drought as bad as the one ravaging western Afghanistan where more than 250,000 people have been forced to abandon their homes. After his crops dried up in Gormach district of Badghis province earlier this year, Ishaqzai rented a truck and drove his family hundreds of kilometres through Taliban-infested areas to the neighbouring province of Herat.      Full news...

  • November 28, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    At least 30 Afghan civilians killed in US air strike in Helmand province
    Reuters: At least 30 Afghan civilians have been killed in US air strikes in the Afghan province of Helmand, officials and residents of the area said on Wednesday, the latest casualties from a surge in air operations aimed at driving the Taliban into talks. Afghanistan’s NATO-led force said Afghan government forces and US advisers came under fire from Taliban fighters in a compound in Garmsir district and called in an air strike.      Full news...

  • November 25, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    A Thousand Girls Like Me: An Afghan Woman's Fight Against Rape
    Al Jazeera: “Every woman in this country has a hundred owners. It’s always been like that. Fathers, brothers, uncles, neighbours. They all believe they have the right to speak on our behalf and make decisions for us. That’s why our stories are never heard but buried with us underground.” - Sahra Mani Mosawi, filmmaker      Full news...

  • November 23, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    27 soldiers killed in mosque blast in Afghanistan, official says
    Associated Press: An explosion ripped through a mosque inside an Afghan army base in the country’s volatile eastern Khost province as Friday prayers were drawing to a close, killing 27 soldiers and wounding 57, the military said. The blast may have been set off by a suicide bomber or a remotely detonated bomb but nothing was officially confirmed and details were sketchy. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the explosion.      Full news...

  • November 22, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Mother had ?no other choice? but to sell her 6-year-old daughter
    CNN: An unprecedented drought in Afghanistan has led to families selling their children just to be able to feed their households. CNN has spoken to multiple families around the western city of Herat who have been forced from their homes because of a record dry spell that, according to the United Nations, has forced more people from their homes in 2018 than the record violence afflicting the country.      Full news...

  • November 20, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    In Afghanistan, a 17-Year Stalemate
    Foreign Policy: Another devastating suicide attack in Kabul on Tuesday and an independent report on the situation in Afghanistan serve to underscore what is now a growing consensus in Washington: that the United States is making no progress toward ending the 17-year-old war there. More than 50 people were killed and at least 80 others injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up inside a wedding hall in the Afghan capital, according to reports.      Full news...

  • November 15, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Thousands flee as Taliban attack Afghanistan?s ?safe? districts
    Reuters: Thousands of members of Afghanistan’s mainly Shi’ite Hazara ethnic minority have fled their homes in the central province of Ghazni as the Taliban have pressed into two previously safe districts, officials and witnesses said on Wednesday. In heavy fighting over recent days, hundreds of Taliban fighters have seized large areas of Jaghori and Malistan districts, both heavily populated by Hazaras, a group that has long faced discrimination in Afghanistan.      Full news...

  • November 14, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    UN Paints Grim Picture Of Ghazni Situation United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Wednesday that the situation in Jaghori and Malistan in Ghazni province is “chaotic” and that thousands of families are fleeing the area due to ongoing clashes. In a news brief on the situation in the two provinces, OCHA said that heavy fighting broke out between the Taliban, supported by some local Pashtun communities, against pro-government Hazara militias in Khas Uruzgan district in Uruzgan province in early November.      Full news...

  • November 14, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The Most Elite US-Trained Forces In Afghanistan Were Routed By The Taliban
    Business Insider: The most elite U.S.-trained forces in Afghanistan suffered a devastating defeat to the Taliban in what’s often referred to as the country’s “safest district” over the weekend, in yet another sign the war is a lost cause. Early on Sunday, a company of roughly 50 Afghan special forces commandos was almost entirely destroyed in the rural district of Jaghori, according to a report from The New York Times.      Full news...

  • November 13, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The U.S. Never Dropped As Many Bombs On Afghanistan As It Did In 2018 [Infographic]
    Forbes: 17 years after U.S. forces and the Northern Alliance captured Kabul, half of Afghanistan has been retaken by the Taliban and the war is dragging on. ISIS have also become increasingly active in the country and approximately 14,000 U.S. troops are still serving there in an attempt to contain a growing wave of extremism. Even though the conflict has been making fewer headlines in recent years, the U.S. has never dropped as many bombs on Afghanistan as it did this year.      Full news...

  • November 12, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Deadly Clashes, Suicide Bombing Kill Dozens In Afghanistan
    RFE/RL: Dozens of people have been killed in violence across Afghanistan, including in a suicide bombing in Kabul targeting a protest by members of the mainly Shi’ite Hazara minority, officials say. The Islamic State (IS) militant group claimed responsibility for the suicide blast on November 12 that killed at least six people and wounded 20 others in the center of the capital, where hundreds of people were protesting the government’s failure to protect the Hazara community from Taliban attacks.      Full news...

  • November 9, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    US War On Terror Kills Nearly 147,000 In Afghanistan The US-led war on terrorism has killed about 507,000 people in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan post 9/11 attacks and is showing a 22 percent increase in deaths in the past two years, a study by a US institute says. The study by Brown University, titled Costs of War, released on Thursday, shows that the death toll includes civilians as well as US and allied troops in the war zones, local military and police forces, as well as militants, who have died from war violence.      Full news...

  • November 8, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Billions in aid to Afghanistan wasted, including money from Canada, U.S. agency finds
    The Globe and Mail: Billions of dollars in Western foreign aid to Afghanistan, including from Canada, has been lost to widespread waste, lax oversight and endemic corruption, a U.S. watchdog agency says. The U.S. Special Inspector-General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said in a report to Congress that aid money has gone to build medical clinics without electricity or water, schools without children and buildings that literally melted away in the rain.      Full news...

  • November 7, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban tax collectors help tighten group?s grip in Afghanistan
    Reuters: Every two months, Mohammaddin visits a tax collector in Chardara district, in northern Afghanistan, and is given receipts to show he has paid his tax and utility bills. The service is professional, he says, though the paperwork he receives does not bear the name of state-owned power company Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat, which provides the electricity, but instead carries the printed logo of the Taliban.      Full news...

  • November 6, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban Pummel Security Forces Across Afghanistan
    The New York Times: Dozens of soldiers and police officers were killed or captured in nine Taliban attacks that overran security bases and outposts in different parts of Afghanistan during a 24-hour period that ended on Tuesday, officials said. In perhaps the most severe blow, insurgents captured battalion headquarters of the Afghan Border Force in Farah Province, in western Afghanistan, killing or taking prisoner nearly the entire contingent of officers, with as many as 20 dead.      Full news...

  • November 3, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    In Afghanistan, failure is heaped on failure
    Washington Examiner: We have failed in Afghanistan, and our government is beginning to admit it. Numbers from the 41st quarterly report to Congress by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, SIGAR, offer a clear and bleak assessment, reaffirming what the public and lawmakers have long known, which is that President George W. Bush’s ambitious project to build a nation-state in that remote tribal territory was flawed and unrealistic.      Full news...

  • October 31, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Suicide attack near Afghanistan?s biggest prison; seven killed
    AFP: A suicide bomber targeting a bus carrying employees of Afghanistan’s biggest prison killed at least seven people on Wednesday, officials said, in the latest militant attack in the war-torn country. Another five were wounded in the blast near the facility in Kabul, which police spokesman Basir Mujahid said had hit a vehicle that staff of Pul-e-Charkhi prison were travelling in.      Full news...

  • October 30, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    REPORT: Half Of Afghanistan?s Population Now Lives In A District Outside The Government?s Control
    The Daily Caller: About half of all Afghans live in a district outside the full control of the government in Kabul, according to an analysis of Afghanistan’s population data, yet another metric pointing to the inability of U.S.-backed Afghan security forces to roll back the Taliban insurgency. The assessment comes in a report published Monday by the Long War Journal, a news and analysis website associated with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.      Full news...

  • October 29, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Suicide attack targets Afghanistan election workers in Kabul
    Al Jazeera: A suicide bomber detonated explosives near Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission (IEC) headquarters in Kabul on Monday, injuring at least six people, officials said. The IEC spokesman says a staff vehicle was targeted and left at least four election officials and two policemen wounded.      Full news...

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