
Documenting Minnesota Punk Rock – One post at a time!

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Strait A’s

Filed under: The Strait A's,Uncategorized — Tags: — mnpunk @ 3:20 PM

Some kind of Meownster

They have about 5 releases up on the Bandcamp site, but this one, contains all of the others and then some. If you like it, head over there and buy it. It’s only $5, and then you can download it and own it forever.

From the Bandcamp site:
Everything we’ve ever goddamn recorded plus 5 new demos. Packed with fun. Also, peanuts.

released 21 June 2012
Kat: Bass/Vocals
Chris: Guitar/Vocals
Nate: Drums/Vocals/Extra Guitar On 2 Songs
Downstairs Dave: Drums/Cheering
Eli/Phoenix/Kat: “Gimme An A’s”

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Mark Wilcox

Filed under: Uncategorized — mnpunk @ 4:06 AM

No Statik

No Statik is a bay area band but with one important tie to the land of 10 bajillion Mosquitoes. Mark Wilcox. Old folks like me will remember him from Destroy! & Impetus Inter. I know him as my former roommate at the THD house. That bastard used to pull his loose hair out of his dreads while showering and leave them hanging on the shower curtain rod for the rest of us to enjoy. Oh, and the only guy in the house to send his clothes home to mom to wash and fold for him. True story. However, Mark is also one of the nicest guys on the planet. The Mark I knew would bend over backwards to help out a complete stranger, and I’m guessing that has not changed.

So while this band may not be from MN, Mark is, and for that I gladly link up this video of their entire set at Chaos in Tejas 2011.

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Cardboard record player

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — mnpunk @ 2:31 AM


No music today, but rather a great way to play all that old vinyl you’ve got sitting in your basement because you sold your turntable years ago.   Plus it’s ultra portable!!!  Very stealth, so you could keep it on your desk at work, and no one will have a clue that you’re rockin’ old school at work.

Read about it here .

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Twin Cities Live Punk show 1985

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — mnpunk @ 2:00 AM

Minneapolis talk show from 1985 attempting to find out what is up with all those nasty punkers!
6 part video…watch them all. Thank Ollie for this amazing piece of history!

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Post #100!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — mnpunk @ 2:56 PM

No music today.  Just an update on the future of the site, and a look back at the first 100 posts.  Not bad for a site that got started just a few months ago.

Looking back, I’ve posted a lot of the bands that I grew up listening to, and found a few that were either after my active time in the scene or that I had just plain missed out on the first time around.  One of the first posts is an exclusive to the site (meaning that I ripped it myself and I’ve never seen anyone else with it, and that was an early demo tape of the 4 piece St. Paul version of The Strike.  Great early recording that I bought off the band after playing a show at Hamline or Macalaster or something.  $2 back then.    There have also been a few good YouTube posts as well; The Dirt Poor U-haul stunt from the 90’s, and the 2000’s version, In Defense playing inside a Taco Johns are both classics.

Looking forward, I’m just now starting to crack my archive of demo tapes.  I’ve got about 5 ripped now, and more planned.  Lots of punk and metal type stuff.  It’s becoming obvious now that I need to get those demo tapes transferred soon, as my cassette deck is not long for this world.  If anyone has some suggestions on what software to use to rip these tapes and records, quicker, please leave it in the comments of this post.  I’m currently using a 10 year old copy of Sound Forge that I bought way back in the day.  There has to be something more automated than this by now. Also on my list of things to do is to scan in all my old show flyers.  I’ve got a box of them in the basement so you’ll start to see those show up in the coming weeks as well.  once I’ve gotten through that, then I’ll move on to the vinyl.  I ripped most of the stuff I really like (and assumed would never make it to CD) a decade ago, so that stuff is ready to go now….even if a lot of it has made it to CD anyway.  Anyone that knows me, also knows I’ve got a TON of video footage.  I plan to rebuild the site similar to this one soon, so that stuff has a permanent home on the interwebs.  Don’t be surprised if I re-skin this site too….I can’t stand the way the posts look.

So while a lot of the stuff I’ve posted so far, was linked off of other sites, a lot of the newer stuff will be my own rips.  For anyone wondering why I linked back to the original posting site, rather than just downloading their hard work, and re-posting it as my own….I just don’t think that’s very cool.  Plus I hope that you’ll visit the other sites and find more stuff that you like.  Anyway,  I hope you enjoy the site.  As always, if you know of any of these posts being available commercially, or if you’re in the band, or ran the lable that put them out and you want me to remove the links, just say the word.  I’m not trying to take a buck out of anyone’s pocket.  I just don’t want some of these great bands music to disappear with time.

Stay tuned.  Good things are ahead!

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WLOL Radio

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 4:23 AM

FEAR commercial for WLOL

Okay, okay. FEAR is not from Minnesota. But WLOL was, and there are few bands that say “punk” more than FEAR.

WLOL was a Top 40 pop radio station back in the 1980’s in the Twin Cities. They did not play punk. That is why this commercial was so amazing! No one knew who FEAR was back then if they were outside of the punk scene. How high were the ad guys that came up with this idea?

If you like this one, check out the other commercials that FEAR did for similar radio stations around the country.

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Filed under: Uncategorized — mnpunk @ 2:00 AM

It’s my birthday, so fuck off , I’m not posting anything today.

Maybe you need a date after spending all that time in your basement by yourself.  Maybe you’ve got a significant other, but they are frigid ?  What would I know?  Why would I care?  Maybe you just need a record of it all?

Go away already.

Posting starts again tomorrow.

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