From the Ashes of Otto’s Chemical Lounge , the Blue Hippos were a Twin Tone band.
I must admit that I’ve never been a big fan of the Blue Hippos, but I believe (it’s been a while) that I own one of these long out of print records, but I haven’t listened to it probably since the day I bought it. When I was working on my cable access show in the early 80’s, I went on a binge for about a year buying just about anything locally released so I could play it on the show. Most of that stuff is packed up in boxes, probably never to be looked at again. That’s why I really got to liking these music blogs. I’m able to find a lot of the old records that I owned back in the day, but never transferred to CD/MP3, or that I just plain missed out on because of poor distribution or limited supply. No matter what folks in the music industry will tell you about how the internet has killed their business, it has become awesome for old farts like myself that just want to hear some of those old vinyl records, and cassette tapes that I have piled up in the basement but will probably never play again. It’s also been a great way to check out the bands I missed the first time around…most of which are completely non-existent today. Those are the bands that I celebrate here!
I’m just direct linking to another blog that has this posted. No point in duplicating their work, so head over there and get it!
Tags: Blue Hippos, Otto's Chemical Lounge
January 16th, 2019 at 9:46 AM
Hello, I’d like to talk with you about Twin Cities punk. I was Yuck Foo on tcpunk, and I’m currently working on a documentary about MN Hardcore. I came on to mention that there was an original version of the Blu Hippos that were hardcore… Way before Otto’s. Anyway please email me, I’d like to talk –