We Need To Talk About How Mental Health is Political Shon Faye looks at the politics of mental illness. The biases of how it's defined, who gets diagnosed and how people affected can resist discrimination and cuts to vital services.
Gay Pride & Capitalism: What Is Pinkwashing? As pride season approaches Shon Faye looks at how corporations and governments have co-opted the LGBT movement.
Trans People Need Feminism and Other Feminisms Need Us Shon Faye on patriarchy, misogyny and why mainstream feminism has to include Trans women.
Is it time to abolish masculinity? With men responsible for so many of the world’s problems you could be forgiven for thinking there is no hope left for masculinity. But what is masculinity, how can it be understood and taken apart for better? Shon Faye gives their two cents. What do you think? Comment on the hashtag #ShonThisWay
What Does It Mean To Be Queer? Is everyone transgender? Can straight people identify as queer? Shon Faye asks: If queerness is defined by a rejection of labels how should queers differentiate and support the identities most vulnerable to patriarchal oppression?