Woman accused of being Chinese influence agent tells her story for the first time

Woman accused of being Chinese influence agent tells her story for the first time

Australian Sheri Yan served 20 months in jail for bribing the United Nations president. She expressed remorse and wrote a novel. She says allegations of spying, though, are a different matter.

Behind the dark glasses Sheri Yan’s eyes are moist. Her voice wavers as the 63-year-old recalls her time in a US prison and the impact her headline-grabbing New York arrest over a United Nations bribery scandal had on her Australian family.

Yan was born in China, moved to America in the heady 1980s “looking for freedom”, and married an Australian diplomat. After her precipitous fall, she has opened a new chapter as a novelist.

Sheri Yan in Beijing.

Sheri Yan in Beijing.Credit:Sanghee Liu

The Halfway House, its cover depicting a beautifully coiffed Chinese woman handcuffed in an orange jumpsuit, sold out in Chinese bookstores after its release in February. It will go to a second print run. There are discussions with an international literary agent about English-language publication.

Yan says the novel is about the emotional bonds between female prisoners in America. She insists it is fiction.

Sheri Yan during her time as an inmate at Connecticut's Danbury federal prison in the US.

Sheri Yan during her time as an inmate at Connecticut's Danbury federal prison in the US.

But pressed, she quickly agrees that key scenes are drawn directly from her own experience – such as being woken by FBI agents in yellow bulletproof vests who burst through the door of her home one morning in 2015.

“They asked me to put on shoes that are easy to walk in. At the FBI building they asked me if I needed a lawyer. Without thinking, I said ‘No’. In my mind I really couldn’t think of what I had done wrong … I would tell them the truth.”

Yan has done no publicity for the book, which is imbued with remorse. It was written in ballpoint pen inside a Connecticut prison.

“Writing saved me,” says the novel’s foreword. “When I began to serve my sentence, I was locked alone in a cavernous concrete room without sun, rain or air. I was in shock. I felt that my soul was being shredded apart … If I had not been worried about my elderly parents in Beijing, I might have ended my life.”

Bribes and remorse

In 2016, Yan was sentenced to 20 months' prison for conspiring to bribe John Ashe, president of the UN General Assembly, for whom she worked. She pleaded guilty. Five out of six charges were dropped.

“I take responsibility. I paid for my mistake,” she tells The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Beijing.

Sheri Yan and John Ashe.

Sheri Yan and John Ashe.Credit:

But she rejects accusations aired in the media that she is a Chinese spy, or that she was part of a broader attempt to influence the United Nations. These allegations were never raised in the US court.

"Beijing's secret plot to infiltrate UN used Australian insider" read one headline in November, on a story alleging Yan was an agent of Chinese government influence.

ASIO raided Yan's Canberra home at the time of her New York arrest looking for evidence of spying, it was reported.

Sheri Yan and her husband Roger Uren.

Sheri Yan and her husband Roger Uren.

Yan says the spy allegation has hurt her, and family including her husband, the former Australian diplomat Roger Uren, more than the shame of her US conviction. Her 88-year-old mother vomited when she was told by a Chinese friend late last year.

“I almost had a heart attack, because it hurt,” she says.

The US court was told Ashe had solicited bribes from a wide range of people in breach of UN rules, but he died before facing trial. And Yan says the claims she was part of a Chinese Communist Party plan to infiltrate the UN are “nonsense”. It was Ashe who recruited her, she says.

“I met him at a conference in Hong Kong and was invited by him to act as his adviser on Asian relations. Under Ashe’s suggestion – not the Chinese Communist Party's – I co-founded the Global Sustainability Foundation and Ashe wrote the foundation’s opening statement,” she says.

Yan says she met Ashe in 2012 – before he became president of the UN General Assembly - when they sat at the same table at a conference dinner.

“When I asked what are Asian affairs, he said, 'Mostly fundraising'.”

The court heard that Ashe, the UN ambassador for Antigua and Barbuda, was “predatory” and it must have been a “jackpot day” meeting Yan, who moved in Chinese business circles.

“I felt so honoured,” she recalls. The United Nations is “a supreme institution in the eyes of Chinese people”.

But Yan says there was another, highly personal reason for her to accept the job. Her Australian daughter, Victoria, was soon finishing high school in Beijing, where Yan had been working as a business consultant. Victoria would leave to study at the prestigious US women’s college Wellesley in Boston in 2013.

Life, often, is not defined by what you did but whom you met.

A character in Sheri Yan's novel, Halfway House

“I thought if I took a job there, at least my travel expenses will be covered and I can see Victoria more,” Yan says.

The court heard that Victoria believed if she had gone to university in Australia as her father had wished, instead of insisting on studying in the US, “this would never have happened”.

“My plans made my mum come up with a way to be close to me … my mum would never have had any proximity to the UN had it not been for the fact that Boston and New York are a few hours apart by bus,” she told the court.

Fundraising and networking

Like the characters in her novel, Yan had to sell her Washington apartment to fund her US legal fees. She says she has only paid back a third of what she owes friends who lent her money to pay for her defence.

She describes the legal process in her novel: “It was like taking a slow suicide pill, explaining the organs in your body, one at a time, including your most private parts, to your lawyer.”

Inside prison, Yan heard the song Hello by Adele on the radio, and tracked down an inmate who had it on MP3, exchanging the song for postage stamps. The lyrics apologise for breaking a heart – “I must have called a thousand times, to tell you I’m sorry”. It inspired her to write.

Sitting on her bunk bed, with Victoria’s photo and an email of encouragement from an Australian novelist friend, Yan wrote in ballpoint. She literally cut and pasted with scissors and glue to edit.

Yan wanted to finish the book by May 2017, in time for Victoria’s graduation from Wellesley.

“On the 26th of May that year, though I was not at her graduation, she had in her hand her degree, her honours, and the 400-page handwritten draft of The Halfway House,” says Yan.

“When I think of my daughter’s graduation day, no mother around but my book on behalf of me, letting her know how much I love her, how sorry I am, I can’t help my tears.”

While on bail, Yan began working with a Brooklyn charity for the children of incarcerated parents, Children of Promise. She turned their art lessons into a book called Art from the Heart to showcase the charity’s work. The impact of prison on African-American families is woven through her novel.

After she left prison, Yan became executive director of the charity, doing what she knows best, fundraising and networking, introducing an architect who had been an inmate friend to help construct new premises in the Bronx, establishing a link with the Museum of Modern Art.

Sheri Yan (centre, back row) at New York's Museum of Modern Art with the charity Children of Promise, of which she is executive director.

Sheri Yan (centre, back row) at New York's Museum of Modern Art with the charity Children of Promise, of which she is executive director.

The house with a 'wok' on the roof

Yan lives with her elderly parents in Beijing, caring for them but also financially dependent on her 89-year-old painter and poet father, who is blind. Her daughter works in New York, her husband in Hong Kong, but the family still call Australia home.

When Victoria was born in Canberra, Yan’s parents came to stay for a year to help with their baby granddaughter. But the thought of her townhouse in Kingston now saddens Yan. She is horrified at what people must think about the huge satellite dish on the roof.

Yan says before her arrest there was a plan to bring her parents to live permanently with her in Australia. So she bought two wooden beds, and asked the local electronics shop in Kingston to install a dish so they could watch Chinese television to allay boredom.

When it arrived, “the wok” was huge.

After the media allegations of spying, Yan says she can’t stop thinking about the satellite dish.

“Even though it is not true, I am angry and sad and it does bother me,” she says. “They must think it is some equipment.”

Her parents' advanced age now precludes moving them to Australia because of health insurance costs.

Yan grew up in a family of writers and editors – her father has written 40 books of poetry, including several held in the National Library of Australia.

Her childhood friend Yan Geling, who supported her throughout the court case, is a prominent Chinese-American novelist and Hollywood scriptwriter whose stories have been turned into films by directors Zhang Yimou and Ang Lee. The two Yans shared food as children living in a writer’s compound in Anhui province during the brutal Cultural Revolution, a time when books were burned. They remained close as they forged new lives as US citizens.

'Business is all about the relationship'

Sheri Yan has been described as a “social queen”, but sees herself in her former life as a businesswoman. She ran an events management business in Beijing, the Australia China Club which she says had the support of the Australian embassy.

In the years before a free trade agreement was signed with China, she organised events on mining, agriculture and film that brought together Australian and Chinese businesspeople and officials. But the business made little money.

Yan says she worked briefly for Australian property developer and political donor Chau Chak Wing when her team at the Australia China Club was hired for a few months in 2011 to organise the first conference at his Imperial Springs conference centre in Guangzhou.

Former prime minister Bob Hawke, deputy prime minister Wayne Swan, Australian ambassador Frances Adamson, and the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter Abigail, attended, according to the conference handbook.

Asked to explain the Chinese business culture of networking, Yan replies that in 40 years China rapidly changed from being a completely closed society “to a place where wealth comes first, and who you know and what connections you have became more important”.

She doesn’t think this is uniquely Chinese, and points to a promotion for the TV network CNN using the slogan “Business is all about the relationship”.

“Of course, this must mean a decent, clean, transparent relationship,” she adds.

And Chinese businesspeople love to take photos when they rub shoulders with officialdom.

“It is a privilege to have a photograph with important people … It used to be if you go to any office and you see the wall, they will have a photo with so-and-so. Wow, they feel like he is connected.”

Chinese businessmen who donated to Ashe’s UN charities were offered the opportunity of a photograph to hang on the wall.

“In order to find sponsors to support our activities at the United Nations, we invited some Chinese entrepreneurs to New York, including [to meet] the president of the United Nations General Assembly, to take photos. That was my sad history. I will make sure that history will never be repeated,” she says.

One character in her novel observes: “Life, often, is not defined by what you did but whom you met.”

A related UN bribery investigation involving Ashe netted another conviction in March, with former Hong Kong politician Patrick Ho sentenced to three years.

Yan says she met Ho at a conference in Hong Kong she attended as chief executive of Ashe’s Global Sustainability Foundation. They later attended a public dinner in New York. They have “politely” spoken a few times.

“I did meet him – that is all.

"To say I am working with him to influence the UN is a very wrong statement.”

Kirsty Needham is China Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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