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March 27, 2019 - click here for index of articles.

A tale of two cops

The 2018 annual reports of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) are revealing. So too are the royal commissions into the financial sector and into trade unions. Even more so is a comparison of how these two bodies operate.  more ...

Editorial – Marxism and sustainable development

Marx identified many potential sources of contradiction in the expansionary dynamic of capitalism. In examining the sources of crisis in capitalism, Marx did not ignore the pressures economic expansion could place on the natural environment. Nevertheless, the full scale of this potential contradiction was not yet visible in the 19th Century.  more ...

Perth celebrates International Women’s Day 2019

UnionsWA, the peak union body in Western Australia, called for a rally on Friday March 8 to commemorate IWD 2019. This is a day of struggle for working women in Australia and internationally.  more ...

Unions target CDP

Whole families breached for participating in cultural business, real jobs replaced by “modern day slave labour”, workplace health and safety issues, bullying and double dipping are just a few of the Community Development Program (CDP) horror stories First Nation Workers’ Alliance members and educators are dealing with on a daily basis.  more ...

Steeling for the future

On average the 2017 figures published by the World Steel Association show that 1.83 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) were emitted for every tonne of steel produced. The steel industry generates between seven and nine percent of direct emissions from the global use of fossil fuel.   more ...

Taking Issue – Korea is One

The summit held in Hanoi on February 27-28, between the leaders of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States of America, was meant to be part of a process to normalise US-DPRK relations and to allow for a stable and lasting peace on the Korean peninsula, including its de-nuclearisation. This was in line with the Korean and American people’s desire for peace and prosperity.  more ...

“The road to Havana passes through Caracas”

Already embarked upon overthrowing Venezuela’s socialist government, the Trump administration is now renewing its efforts to squash Cuba as well, and Title III of the 1996 Helms-Burton Act is joining an arsenal of weapons employed by the US in what Cubans regard as genocidal aggression. This is the latest addition to the US’ long record of implacable hostility toward Cuba, which features terror attacks, military invasion, germ warfare, internal subversion, and almost 60 years of economic blockade. Devoid of natural resources ready for US plunder, Cuba offends by having defended socialism and national independence.  more ...

Against racism and war

BRITAIN: The phrase lacks elegance but does the job. “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”  more ...

Free market access?

LONDON: Putting it ever so bluntly – what the world doesn’t need now is Donald Trump taking control of international trade negotiations.  more ...

Film Review – Juanita

The new Netflix original movie Juanita deals with a woman who is sick and tired of being sick and tired, and she’s going on a vacation to not have to take it anymore. The main character, Juanita, is an older African-American working-class woman who has found herself drowning in the societal ills that many Americans deal with constantly: low-paying jobs, poverty, oppression, and the overall stress of dealing with a system that seeks to work many into an early grave.  more ...

Quote of the Week

Those who offend against these little ones and cause them to offend,
it were better a mill stone should be placed around their neck and be cast into the sea.

Jesus of Nazareth about little children

This web page was last updated: Thursday, March 28, 2019.

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