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South-African territory: Armed Attack at the #eKhanana Land Occupation in Cato Crest

The comrades on the eKhanana Land Occupation in Cato Crest have fought a hard and brave struggle for land. Today there was a successful launch of the branch, and a celebration of the victory that has resulted in land being won after a long struggle.

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#Korydallos Prison: ‘There are women living with the constant fear that they will never come out of prison alive.’

Piraeus, Greek territory: While mainstream media in Greece have been focusing on the lives of VIP prisoners, a small number of men who have power, money and good relationships with prison guards, they gloss over the fact that prisons across the country have been severely affected by budget cuts, poor healthcare, ill treatment, lack of hygiene and drug abuse.

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#RefugeesGR Documentary: Just People

Alexander Moust and Lucienne Groot are making a documentary about Refugees in Athens. Arash and Zarah, whose lives and future are at stake find numerous ways to support each other and rise up in creative ways. The project is financed with a crowdfunding campaign.

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#GiletsJaunes: “This is a turning point in history!”

Make no mistake, the Gilets Jaunes are in this for the long haul. Today, April 13, was the twenty-second successive Saturday that they have taken to the streets in huge numbers to revolt against President Emmanuel Macron’s neoliberal regime.

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#Cologne: 750 people demonstrate against AfD event in VHS

750 people demonstrate against AfD event in Cologne VHS adult education center. AfD and police kick protesters out and have an empty hall.

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South African territory: #Abahlali to launch a branch in #Ekhenana

Today we will be launching a new branch in our new occupation in Ekhanana Cato Crest. We will also be celebrating our victory after the court ruled in our favour earlier this year. Prior to the victory in court the community of Ekhanana had been facing brutal evictions from the eThekwini Municipality’s Land Invasion Unit.

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Solidarity with the Solidarians – We are all #Linksunten #Indymedia!

German territory: When the exchange platform and the leftist medium linksunten.indymedia was banned in the summer of 2017 in the course of the G20 protests, it didn’t take long for three Berlin journalists to take the initiative and show their solidarity with those affected and resisted the ban with an article. Now they are prosecuted themselves – the accusation: use of the trademark of a forbidden association and support of this association.

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#Athens #Exarchia: Government and police use refugees as scapegoats

Athens: Statement by Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Space City Plaza about the eviction of the Azadi and Babylon refugee squats.

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Breaking news: Anarchist prisoners deprived of educational furloughs

Two anarchist prisoners, Theofilos Mavropoulos, member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Yiannis Michailidis, have been housed in Tirintha prison for some time now.

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#GiletsJaunes: “We must exit capitalism”

On the weekend of April 5-7, more than 800 Yellow Vest delegates from all over France gathered in the town of Saint-Nazaire for the second Assembly of the Assemblies of the Gilets Jaunes movement.

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