I am Vicențiu-Marian Ciorbaru and I work as a Software Engineer for the MariaDB Foundation, based in Romania, Bucharest. I consider myself to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to server development. Having had to fix problems in many places, ranging from query-optimiser, authentication, replication, packaging, as well as platform specific problems, I have had experience with many parts of the codebase. I am also a fast learner and can jump on any problem that we deem to be important. Past projects include Roles, Window Functions, Custom Aggregate Functions.
My passions include teaching and making things work, both in the software world as well as in the hardware world. I use to teach Algorithm Design at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and I now mentor students in programming, both locally as well as for other programs internationally such as Google Summer of Code. I enjoy speaking at conferences and you will probably find me at one of the Open Source Events around the world. I also hold a masters degree in Artificial Intelligence and will gladly enjoy discussing recent developments.