Abhijit Iyer-Mitra인증된 계정


𝙎𝙬𝙖𝙙𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚 𝙉𝙞𝙙𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢 𝙎𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙝𝙖, 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙤 𝘽𝙝𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙝𝙖 (better die defending your beliefs than capitulate) Gita 3.35

New Delhi, India
가입일: 2013년 10월


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  1. 메인 트윗
    2017년 9월 9일

    Russians amazed at my exquisite ballet skills. Declared next incarnation of Natalia Besmertnova I'm invited to be Primo Don of the Bolshoi

  2. 1분 전

    Another fascinating piece on what Sardar Patel thought of Mohandas

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2016년 3월 20일
    님에게 보내는 답글
  4. 15분 전

    400 years? God where do they find these Einsteins? “Feminist” to boot, doesn’t care about victims of sexual misconduct as long as the perp does “something great”

  5. 21분 전

    All the while you fret and fume, read this fabulous piece on what Ambedkar thought of Gandhi. When you finish reading it ask yourself why is it the loudest ‘s are busy defending Gandhi and ignoring his peccadilloes. (Hint mediocrities of a feather)

  6. 46분 전
  7. 59분 전

    A fantastic series of articles on Mohandas Karamchand, Do read, Do share “British stooge, pathological liar, no ideology save power - his own, tecieved regular intel on INC president Bose from the Brits”.... etc etc

  8. 1시간 전

    The depths of Gandhi’s depravity. Tut tut tut

  9. 2시간 전

    Well the coward is trying to have his “outstanding scholarship” kept secret you see. I for my part am waiting to get my hands on it

  10. 2시간 전

    😂 well see this is what spit roast swine looks like

  11. 2시간 전

    An interesting discussion on national security, especially the thinking that went into the INC’s security strategy document between Gen Hooda & . Do watch with an open mind

  12. 3시간 전

    Again, READ the definition of terrorism. “Indiscriminate” being the decider. Here they picked the target, that they misidentified the target doesn’t negate “indiscriminate”

  13. 5시간 전

    Churchill won WW2 for Britain .... ergo the engineered Bengal famine was right? This is my issue with “artistic” types discussing issues way over their limited comprehension levels

  14. 5시간 전

    UNSC resolution 47 is actually a great weapon for India. It means no referendum can be held till Chinese occupied Kashmir, Aksai Chin & territories north even of India’s territorial claim are not handed over to india FIRST! Everything else is sequential

  15. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5시간 전
    님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    “Rahulie”... New entry in Fauxford fictionary of

  16. 5시간 전

    A plebiscite is not a recognition of occupation. By that measure every bi/multi ethnic/lingual state one group is “occupied”. Occupation is occupation and plebiscite is plebiscite.

  17. 6시간 전

    Who’s the “Feku” now?

    이 미디어는 민감한 콘텐츠를 포함할 수 있습니다. 자세히 알아보기
  18. 6시간 전

    Absolutely sir. Except in India’s case both Britain and India+Pakistan recognised said occupation. In Kashmir’s case the UN doesn’t recognise it as occupation. Ditto Tibet. Ergo they both have a right to peaceful protest, not armed protest

  19. 6시간 전

    An assassin is not a terrorist. One fundamental aspect of Terrorism is the killing should be INDISCRIMINATE (plus the mala proibita & mala in se definitions which don’t apply here)

  20. 7시간 전

    Did he kill an Indian? Last I checked John Saunders was a Brit. The UN charter (applied here retroactively) recognises the right of armed resistance to an occupation.

  21. 7시간 전

    Let’s be clear, Godse was a muderer. His “deshbhakti” doesn’t absolve him. Let’s be equally clear that Gandhi was a horrific sexual predator. His “deshbhakti” doesn’t absolve him either Apply the same yardstick to both else you’re a hypocrite


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