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Below is a list of all cities within the State of Arkansas in which we have business listings.

Population for Arkansas: 2,916,372

Total Males: 1,431,252
Total Females: 1,485,120
Median Household Income: $40,531
Total Households: 1,128,797

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Number of Firms, Establishments, Employment, and Payroll by Employee Size for Arkansas (2015)

Arkansas 01: Total 50,451 65,175 1,003,113 $39,451,191
Arkansas 02: 0-4 28,802 28,838 48,598 $1,741,734
Arkansas 03: 5-9 8,789 8,845 57,733 $1,776,378
Arkansas 04: 10-19 5,218 5,500 69,257 $2,223,589
Arkansas 05: <20 42,809 43,183 175,588 $5,741,701
Arkansas 06: 20-99 4,650 6,434 171,702 $5,698,094
Arkansas 07: 100-499 1,179 3,644 132,437 $4,646,215
Arkansas 08: <500 48,638 53,261 479,727 $16,086,010
Arkansas 09: 500+ 1,813 11,914 523,386 $23,365,181

Green Initiatives & Environmental History for: Arkansas

Basic History

The first Europeans to arrive in Arkansas were members of the Spanish expedition. Later the French and Native American groups came along. Arkansas became part of the Territory of Missouri in 1812. The cotton boom of 1818 brought the first large wave of settlers. In 1819, the area was made a separate entity. Arkansas achieved statehood in 1836.

Environmental History

Arkansas has at least 2,600 native plants, and there are many naturalized exotic species. Cypresses, tulip trees, beeches, water oak, hickory, apple blossoms and orchids are abundant. The native animals include 15 varieties of bats, mink, white-tailed deer, chipmunk, black bear, wild turkey, mourning dove, cat fish, paddle fish, salamander, and 36 kinds of snake. Twenty three animal species were listed as endangered or threatened by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The leopard darter, bald eagle, gray bats, cave crayfish, least tern, red-cockaded woodpecker are listed as endangered. Among threatened plants listed are the pondberry, bladderpod, fringed orchid, and running buffalo clover.

Green Initiatives

Arkansans are taking steps that help protect their precious natural environment and move them towards a greener economy. They are committed to finding new energy sources and conserving the ones they have. They have developed green initiatives related to water, energy, recycling, and employee programs that are in line with their mission to inspire people to care about the planet. Arkansas Green Guide profiles the people, companies and technologies that are moving towards a more environmentally sound, sustainable way of life at work and at home. The Government bodies, lodging properties, businesses, restaurants, Arkansas Outdoor Power Equipment, etc, are actively promoting the ‘green cause’. From recycling to water conservation to using energy saving appliances and reducing carbon footprint, they are choosing eco-friendly options to help the environment from further damage. They have Environmental Green Plan for energy, water and solid waste use; manage environmental performance by monitoring electric, gas, water and waste usage information on monthly and annual basis; implement recycle programs (including those for hazardous materials found in fluorescent bulbs, batteries and lighting ballasts) to the full extent available, and purchase Energy Star labeled appliances and equipment. Such initiatives are also helping conserve wildlife and biodiversity in general. They play a crucial role in the conservation of vital ecosystems, critical wildlife habitats, and threatened species. They also strive to maintain essential ecological services, such as conservation of threatened flora varieties.

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