[eng-fr-esp-it-sp] Neither Oblivion Nor Ceremony : Against the Cult of the Carrion

Into Rebellion Distro receives and transmits:

(eng) Here is a text that we send to a few international anarchist
websites and places in five languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Serbo-Croatian), for publication, printing and mostly for opening a debate. It’s about the death of our comrade Mauricio Morales and some thoughts about the wave of commemorations from the anarchist movement around the world since his death, four years ago.

(fr) Voici un texte que nous envoyons à quelques sites et lieux
anarchistes internationaux pour publication, impression et surtout pour ouvrir un débat. Vous le trouverez joint en cinq langues (anglais, espagnol, français, italien et serbo-croate). A propos de la mort de notre compagnon Mauricio Morales, et quelques pensées à propos de la vague de commémorations du mouvement anarchiste autour du monde depuis sa mort, il y a quatre ans. Continue reading

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Dark Nights #34 : ‘In Memory of Mauricio Morales’ – June 2013 (ACN)

From 325:


PDF: Dark Nights #34

June issue of Dark Nights dedicated to the combative memory of Mauricio Morales.

Other contents include: CCF trial reports; Letter from A.Theofilou; Letter from anarchist prisoners Fivos Harisis & Argiris Dalios; Update on Gabriel Pombo da Silva by Marco Camenisch; Italy: ‘Operation Ardire’ – Update; Belgium: ‘Operation Ashes’: Comrades’ houses raided; Catalunya: Raids and arrests as 5 anarchists are jailed in Madrid.

For a black plague that spreads the virus of anarchy.

Anti-Copyright Network 2013
International Translation & Counter Information


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500 ans de résistance autochtone

(Copies available through Into Rebellion Distro)


Depuis Média Recherche Action

La brochure 500 ans de résistance autochtone de Gord Hill maintenant disponible en français.

Pour consulter la brochure, cliquez ici!

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Nouveau Blog // New Blog: lasolide.info

La lutte n’est rien si elle oublie ses prisonniers et prisonnières !

Nouveau Blog: lasolide.info

S’il vous plaît diffuser largement!

Salut! Nous vous écrivons pour vous informer de la mise en ligne d’un nouveau site internet; lasolide.info (la Solide comme solidarité, pour solidifier nos liens et nos capacités révolutionnaires de lutter contre la loi, l’ordre et la récupération). Ce site est une initiative faisant suite à la grève étudiante de 2012. Il a pour but d’être un outil de communication afin de se garder informé-e-s des prochaines dates de comparution, des actions de solidarité ainsi que des autres luttes qui nous entourent. Car, la grève de 2012 était bien plus qu’une combat contre la hausse des frais de scolarité.

Sur le site vous trouverez différentes informations au sujet de la grève, dont une chronologie des arrestations, une liste des prochaines dates de cour, une catégorie juridique afin de démystifier le langage judiciaire ainsi qu’une rubrique portant sur la solidarité. Ce site se veut un site contre les prisons donc divers liens et articles sur les enjeux anti-carcéraux, anti-répression et anti-flics s’y trouvent, d’ici et d’ailleurs. Continue reading

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Montreal Anarchist Bookfair 2013 (May 25 & 26) // Le Salon du Livre Anarchiste 2013 (25 & 26 mai)


Mark your calendars …
Two days: Saturday, May 25 & Sunday, May 26
10am-5pm on both days

The Anarchist Bookfair will take place in two buildings across from each other in Parc Vinet:
– Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV), 2450 rue Workman
– Centre d’éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (CEDA), 2515 rue Delisle
A short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro.

No gods, no masters, no bosses, no borders.
FREE. Welcome to all!
For anarchists, and people curious about anarchism.

-> Participants from all over Quebec and North America, booksellers and vendors, workshops, films, discussions, kids activities, art exhibits and more!
-> Part of the month-long Festival of Anarchy held throughout May 2013 at venues and locations all over the island of Montreal.
-> Tabling will take place over two days: May 25-26, between 10am-5pm.
-> Tabling will take place in the main auditoriums of both our locations: CEDA and the Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier.
-> The callout for vendors, workshops & presentations, film, art and Festival of Anarchy events will be posted in November. Continue reading

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Dark Nights #30 : ‘Days of Action in Solidarity with Marco Camenisch’ – Jan 2013 (ACN)

From 325:


PDF: Download Dark Nights #30

Internationalist newsletter to download and publish on the fly. Put together from reports via Actforfree/BourbourAs, Contra-Info, Informa-Azione, Liberacion Total, etc… Features front page article about the demand for immediate release of anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch, who is held beyond his prison tariff. Secondary article “On Anti-Fascism” by an egoist-nihilist via Athens IMC. Inside is letters from the admins of counter-info project Culmine, Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa Di Bernardo, plus court-reports of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and more besides. Extensive direct action chronology covers the last month including the resistance to the Greek governmental repression against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian infrastructure, Villa Amalias, etc… Out of the era of false time into the destructive present!


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New Blog: ”In defense of the Black Bloc”

From: violentanarchists.wordpress.com

Is the Black Bloc a police tool?

Rioters in Egypt throw back teargas.

From the Arab Spring to the student protests in Montreal to the Plaza occupation movement in Spain to the Occupy movement in the US, people are giving up on pacifism.

Now that more people are participating in protests and social movements and seeing for their own eyes that nonviolence doesn’t work, that sitting down and raising your hands doesn’t change anything, and that there’s no dignity in letting yourself get beaten by cops, those who want to hold us down have come up with a new lie to keep us from getting stronger.

The lie is this: that the Black Bloc is full of police infiltrators, even led by cops, and that those who mask up and riot in the streets are state agents, “provocateurs.”

If people give up on pacifism, what’s the next best option, from the perspective of the government? Continue reading

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325 #10 – Out now (ACN)

(Copies available through Into Rebellion Distro)

From 325:

The tenth issue of the infamous and chaotic anarchist-insurrectionary zine is now available from the Anti-Copyright Network.

Download PDF here: 325 #10

Download the A3 cover for printing in high resolution (33MB)

“With this issue we wanted to explore the topic of the ‘prison-society’ and the logic of information technology which makes it possible. Other articles outside this section in the magazine speak for themselves, such as the article Disreputable Mavericks by Venona Q.; the presentation by Jean Weir (which considers at points the armed group Azione Rivoluzionaria); the interview with 3 eco-anarchists in the UK; the necessary proposal Lone wolves are not alone by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-FRI… and more…” Continue reading

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Inflammable #2 – Montreal Anarchist Zine

(Copies available through Into Rebellion Distro)

From Sabotagemedia, November 28th, 2012:

light it up!
Texts, communiqués, and reportbacks primarily from Montreal…
moments of revolt that warm the heart…

“The moment where we take back our lives, where we free ourselves from morality, fear, and the identities imposed on us. It cannot be stopped by a negotiation table, nor a ballot box. It isn’t the beginning of a movement nor will it die with a movement: It is to be alive, free, and wild!”

This issue is for all those who have weathered repression this last year. For all the strong hearts willing to put their freedom on the line. Continue reading

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Dark Nights #16: Insurrection … Is the Mother of Revolution – March 2012

From 325, March 1st, 2012:

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

4 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This handout issue features a front page article from Actforfreedomnow/BoubourAs, the secondary article concerns anarchist revolutionary solidarity and the struggle against prison by Guiseppe. Also inside is an incomplete direct action chronology of the past few weeks and the breaking stories of the moment : CCF- Imprisoned Members Cell and accused others will be indicted with 250 attacks carried out in the name of the Revolutionary Organisation over the course of its history; Val Susa, Luca Abba is hospitalized fighting against the High-Speed Rail (Italy); Santiagio: State demands 15 years prison for Luciano ‘Tortuga’ (Chile).


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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