

Photo: Steve Rhodes (used under Creative Commons license)

Google, the Silicon Valley search giant, has
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) plans to hold a protest outside the offices of Nelson Peltz, board chair of Wendy’s fast food restaurants from March 15-18. The protest will highlight ongoing human rights abuses faced by the agricultural workers in Mexico who pick tomatoes for the chain.
One in ten Amazon employees in Ohio needs government assistance to make ends meet, according to a
Drone, Inc. is a guide to the contractors and the technologies used in targeted killing by remotely piloted aircraft operated by the U.S. intelligence agencies and the U.S. military.
Asda Group Ltd., the British division of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, has reached a deal with one of Britain's largest unions that marks the most significant concessions the global retailer has made to organized labor.
Feeling brainy? Than this article about the "financialization" of almost every aspect of modern life will help explain how we got to a place where obscene executive pay packages, Ken Lay, exploding consumer debt and the widening gap between rich and poor, and why it won't last. Or something.
Was your Microsoft Windows 95 packed and shrink-wrapped by a Washington State prisoner? According to one prisoner who works for Exmark, a company specializing in product packaging, approximately 90 prisoners at the Twin Rivers Correctional Center (TRCC) in Monroe shrink-wrapped 50,000 units of Windows 95.
A U.S. Justice Department indictment unsealed Friday accused R. Allen Stanford of Stanford International Bank, based in the Caribbean money haven of Antigua, of operating a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme with the help of Antigua's top banking regulator, Leroy King.
Seven activists in Guangdong province, a key manufacturing hub in China, have been detained in a major crackdown on labor rights organizers. The arrests follow a steep rise in protests and strikes at factories that have long exploited migrant workers from rural areas with low pay and working conditions.
The Rio Tinto Shareholder Coalition, backed by worker-owners and trade unions in Australia, Europe and the United States, today launched an unprecedented global shareholder proxy contest with one of the world's largest mining companies, Rio Tinto.