Sell Tickets to Your Non-Profit Fundraising Event

Easily sell tickets and manage sponsorships for fundraisers. Sign up for free to get started.

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Let’s grow together.

Eventbrite provides non profits with all the tools needed to make any fundraising event a success.

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    Simplify your planning

    Create a 100% mobile-optimized event page and start selling tickets in minutes.

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    Grow your fundraiser

    Grow faster with Eventbrite’s built-in event promotion and social sharing tools.

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    Manage your donations

    Manage smarter with 24/7 access to data, reports, and check-in tools on any device.

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Simplify your planning and set yourself up for success.

Delight your donors with a simple purchase flow and gorgeous event pages that look great on any device.

Start fundraising in minutes with a simple set-up process.

Track donations and sponsorships in real time with 24/7 access to more than 15 different reports and chart views.

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Grow your charity every year.

Drive additional sales through Eventbrite's marketplace.

Promote your charity with free tools like custom email invitations, built-in social sharing, and targeted event recommendations.

Get donations from anywhere, including on your site, and with our official Facebook events integration.

*Buy on Facebook only available in the US

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Manage Fundraisers Smarter with reports and data at your fingertips.

Track donations in real time from any device with 24/7 access to more than 15 different reports and chart views.

Go mobile. Use the Eventbrite Organizer mobile app to scan and sell tickets and track entry in real time.

Save time with our seamless integrations with over 100+ tools you already use, like Facebook, Mailchimp, and Salesforce.

Get the latest event insights and best practices

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It’s free to get started

Use our tools for free and pay only when you make a sale. You can even get your money before your event with our Advance Payouts program.

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Take us for a spin

Check out our on demand demo to learn more about how Eventbrite can help grow your business.

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Free Event Resources

Need marketing tips? Help with a sponsorship proposal? We’ve got you covered. Check out our blog for event organizers.

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Get in touch

Hosting a large or complex event? Schedule a chat with one of our seasoned event experts.