XName | Kazar hosting Logout
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Primary : 151955
Secondary : 50347
Total : 202302
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  This Free DNS hosting service is provided to help people that don't want to lose time and money with providers not always reactive to DNS changes.

We can provide you primary and secondary name server for free (but if you like this service, please contribute !)
All zones hosted as primary or secondary on our main server - ns0.xname.org, are automatically replicated on our secondary servers, ns1.xname.org and ns2.xname.org. We recommend to always use the 3 together for better redundancy.

Commerial Usage
  A commercial usage of XName service is possible for small companies. A financial contribution is then mandatory to avoid beeing considered as abusers.

  • multi-users groups (with read-only and/or read-write users) with action logs
  • IPv6 AAAA records
  • .in-addr.arpa zones (with PTR records)
  • automatic modification of associated reverse (or normal) zone
  • Templates for zone creation
  • Zone filling using existing zone data on a remote server
  • Sub-zones creation and delegation
  • in-addr.arpa IP range delegation
  • dynamic update (see here)
  • automatically managed, refresh occurs once per hour

  a mailing-list with infos about the availability of our service is available : send an empty email to xname-availability-subscribe@xname.org to subscribe.

To unsubscribe, send an empty email to xname-availability-unsubscribe@xname.org

  A mailing list with infos about new enhancements of our service is available. To subscribe, send an empty email to xname-news-subscribe@xname.org

To unsubscribe, send an empty email to xname-news-unsubscribe@xname.org

Contact us
  If you have questions, don't hesitate to mail us at xname@xname.org.
Warning: only non-FAQ questions will be answered.

  If you like this service, you can contribute.
May 22. 2013: suppression of a blacklist checked during zone creation. Answering always 'true', it was blocking the new zone creation.

May 1st 2013: web server was unreachable since April the 30. at night. The server has been re-installed.

March 31. 2011: web server was unreachable the last 48 hours. hardware issue solved. Only web access was impacted.

September 21. 2010: lot of problems with ns1 during the last days - the service is beeing reinstalled on a new hardware

February 16. 2010: Following intermittent problems with our database servers during the last 3 days (index corruptions, etc) we moved to a new dedicated server. More than ever we need your support: Contribute!

To reach administrators, use email address xname at xname.org. Be sure that your question is not already listed in the FAQ.
For spam problem, use abuse at xname.org.
Contribute !
If you like this service, please contribute. This service exists only thanx to some people generosity. If everyone gives a little something, it's a further step to a long-term service.
Warranty & Disclaimer