[JOURNAL] van der Walt, 2016, “Global Anarchism and Syndicalism: Theory, History, Resistance,” ‘Anarchist Studies’

Lucien van der Walt, 2016, "Global Anarchism and Syndicalism: Theory, History, Resistance," Anarchist Studies, volume 24, number 1,  pp. 85-106 Get the PDF here. GLOBAL ANARCHISM AND SYNDICALISM: THEORY, HISTORY, RESISTANCE Lucien van der Walt ABSTRACT: The discussion below is a lightly edited transcription of a talk given by the author at the Ay Carmela, … Continue reading [JOURNAL] van der Walt, 2016, “Global Anarchism and Syndicalism: Theory, History, Resistance,” ‘Anarchist Studies’

[JOURNAL] Lucien van der Walt, 2001, “Pour une Histoire de l’Anti-impérialisme Anarchiste: ‘dans cette lutte, seuls les ouvriers et les paysans iront jusqu’ au bout’”

  Lucien van der Walt, 2001, "Pour une Histoire de l'Anti-impérialisme Anarchiste: ‘dans cette lutte, seuls les ouvriers et les paysans iront jusqu' au bout’", Refractions, number 8, (France) pp. 27–38. Get the PDF here.  

[JOURNAL] Byrne, van der Walt, 2015, “Review Article: Worlds of Western Anarchism and Syndicalism: Class Struggle, Transnationalism, Violence and Anti-imperialism, 1870s–1940s”

Sian Byrne and Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Review Article. Worlds of Western Anarchism and Syndicalism: Class Struggle, Transnationalism, Violence and Anti-imperialism, 1870s–1940s". Canadian Journal of History / Annales canadiennes d'histoire, volume 50, number 1, pp. 98-123. Get the PDF here.    

[JOURNAL]: Lucien van der Walt, “Bakunin’s Heirs in South Africa: Race, class and revolutionary syndicalism from the IWW to the International Socialist League, 1910-1921”

Lucien van der Walt, 2004, “Bakunin's Heirs in South Africa: Race, class and revolutionary syndicalism from the IWW to the International Socialist League, 1910-1921”, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, volume 30, number 1, pp. 67-89. Get the PDF here ABSTRACT: The historiography of the socialist movement in South Africa remains dominated by the … Continue reading [JOURNAL]: Lucien van der Walt, “Bakunin’s Heirs in South Africa: Race, class and revolutionary syndicalism from the IWW to the International Socialist League, 1910-1921”

[JOURNAL]: van der Walt, Alexander, Bonner, Hyslop, 2009, “Introduction: Labour crossings in Eastern and Southern Africa”

Peter Alexander, Philip Bonner, Jonathan Hyslop, and Lucien van der Walt, 2009, “Introduction: labour crossings in Eastern and Southern Africa”, African Studies, volume 68, number 1, special section on “Labour Crossings in Eastern and Southern Africa”, African Studies, volume 68, number 1, pp. 79-85.PDF online here. OUTLINE:  Substantive introduction to a special section of African Studies, … Continue reading [JOURNAL]: van der Walt, Alexander, Bonner, Hyslop, 2009, “Introduction: Labour crossings in Eastern and Southern Africa”

[TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “Ο Αναρχισμός και ο Συνδικαλισμός ως προοπτική, στρατηγική και εμπειρία της από τα κάτω σοσιαλιστικής δημοκρατίας: μια απάντηση στον Daryl Glaser”

Greek translation of Lucien van der Walt, 2013m "Anarchism/Syndicalism as a Vision, Strategy and Experience of Bottom-up Socialist Democracy: A Reply to Daryl Glaser," Politikon: The South African Journal of Political Science, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 2, 339 – 349. Ο Αναρχισμός και ο Συνδικαλισμός ως προοπτική, στρατηγική και εμπειρία της από τα κάτω σοσιαλιστικής … Continue reading [TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “Ο Αναρχισμός και ο Συνδικαλισμός ως προοπτική, στρατηγική και εμπειρία της από τα κάτω σοσιαλιστικής δημοκρατίας: μια απάντηση στον Daryl Glaser”

[JOURNAL]: Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “Anarchism/Syndicalism as a Vision, Strategy and Experience of Bottom-up Socialist Democracy: A Reply to Daryl Glaser”

Anarchism/Syndicalism as a Vision, Strategy and Experience of Bottom-up Socialist Democracy: A Reply to Daryl Glaser LUCIEN VAN DER WALT Politikon, 2013, Vol. 40, No. 2, 339 – 349 PDF is here and here ABSTRACT Examining the theory and practice of ‘mass’ anarchism and syndicalism, this paper argues against Daryl Glaser’s views that workers’ council … Continue reading [JOURNAL]: Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “Anarchism/Syndicalism as a Vision, Strategy and Experience of Bottom-up Socialist Democracy: A Reply to Daryl Glaser”

[JOURNAL] : Bonner, Hyslop & van der Walt, 2007, “Rethinking Worlds of Labour: southern African labour history in international context”

Philip Bonner, Jonathan Hyslop and Lucien van der Walt, 2007, “Rethinking Worlds of Labour: southern African labour history in international context”, African Studies, volume 66, number 2/3, special issue ‘Transnational and Comparative Perspectives on Southern African Labour History’, pp. 137-180. Introduction to a special issue of African Studies, arising from a labour history conference in … Continue reading [JOURNAL] : Bonner, Hyslop & van der Walt, 2007, “Rethinking Worlds of Labour: southern African labour history in international context”

[ANALYSIS]: Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “(Re)Construindo um Cânone Anarquista e Sindicalista Global: resposta a Robert Graham e Nathan Jun sobre Chama Negra“

Portuguese translation of Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “(Re)Constructing a Global Anarchist and Syndicalist Canon – a response to Robert Graham and Nathan Jun on ‘Black Flame',”  ‘Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies,’ special issue on ‘Blasting the Canon,’ No 1  (2013), pp. 193-203, which you can read here.Source:  Instituto de Teoria e História Anarquista (ITHA) … Continue reading [ANALYSIS]: Lucien van der Walt, 2013, “(Re)Construindo um Cânone Anarquista e Sindicalista Global: resposta a Robert Graham e Nathan Jun sobre Chama Negra“

[TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2010, “Botta e risposta tra Spencer Sunshine e gli autori del libro “Black Flame” sulla rivista “Anarchist Studies””

This is an Italian translation of an exchange on “Black Flame” between Spencer Sunshine and Lucien van der Walt, in “Anarchist Studies” journal which you can read here. Botta e risposta tra Spencer Sunshine e gli autori del libro "Black Flame" sulla rivista "Anarchist Studies" Nel 2009 è uscito il primo dei due volumi del … Continue reading [TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2010, “Botta e risposta tra Spencer Sunshine e gli autori del libro “Black Flame” sulla rivista “Anarchist Studies””

[JOURNAL]: Exchange on “Black Flame” with Spencer Sunshine and Lucien van der Walt, in “Anarchist Studies” journal

Anarchist Studies , which describes itself as "an inter-disciplinary journal of scholarly research into the history, culture and theory of anarchism", some time back carried a critical review of Lucien van der Walt and Michael Schmidt's Black Flame: the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism by Spencer Sunshine. Lucien van der Walt was permitted … Continue reading [JOURNAL]: Exchange on “Black Flame” with Spencer Sunshine and Lucien van der Walt, in “Anarchist Studies” journal