Lucien van der Walt, 2004, “On Bakunin: Introduction to the South African Edition,” to “Basic Bakunin” (Zabalaza Books)

Lucien van der Walt, 2004, "On Bakunin: Introduction to the South African Edition," in Basic Bakunin (South African edition), Zabalaza Books, Durban/ Johannesburg, no page numbers.  (Basic Bakunin, first published in the UK around 1993, can be read here). ON BAKUNIN: INTRODUCTION TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN EDITION (2004) Lucien van der Walt This pamphlet provides an … Continue reading Lucien van der Walt, 2004, “On Bakunin: Introduction to the South African Edition,” to “Basic Bakunin” (Zabalaza Books)


[CHAPTER] van der Walt, 2019, “Syndicalism” (in ‘The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism’)

Lucien van der Want, 2019, "Syndicalism," in Carl Levy and Matthew Adams (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism, Palgrave, pp. 249-263. Get the PDF here A survey of the core ideas, debates and historical developments in the tradition of syndicalism, taken here as anarcho-syndicalism and revolutionary syndicalism, including De Leonism and the IWW tradition. Contrasts … Continue reading [CHAPTER] van der Walt, 2019, “Syndicalism” (in ‘The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism’)

[CHAPTER] van der Walt, 2017, “Anarchism and Marxism” (in ‘The Brill Companion to Anarchist Philosophy’)

Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Anarchism and Marxism", in N. Jun (ed.), The Brill Companion to Anarchist Philosophy, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, pp. 505-558. Get the PDF here This paper provides an analysis of the relationship between Marxism and anarchism, developing a systematic exposition of the strategic and theoretical diffferences between the anarchist and Marxist … Continue reading [CHAPTER] van der Walt, 2017, “Anarchism and Marxism” (in ‘The Brill Companion to Anarchist Philosophy’)

[VIDEO]: Lucien van der Walt, 2017, “Anarchist/ Syndicalist Perspectives on Soviets, Revolution and Workers’ Democracy in the Russian Revolution”

Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Anarchist/ Syndicalist Perspectives on Soviets, Revolution and Workers' Democracy in the Russian Revolution," input on panel,  at the "1917 Russian Revolution Centenary Festival," Newtown, Johannesburg, 10-12 November. Note: There is a small bit missing at around 21.26 minutes (technical error) but the video continues thereafter. The Q&A session was not … Continue reading [VIDEO]: Lucien van der Walt, 2017, “Anarchist/ Syndicalist Perspectives on Soviets, Revolution and Workers’ Democracy in the Russian Revolution”

[PRESS]: “1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance Today” Rhodes > Latest News 1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance Today Date Released: Mon, 23 October 2017 10:43 +0200 By Thandi Bombi Veteran activist Oupa Lehulere and Rhodes University’s Lucien van der Walt presented a truly revolutionary lecture during the 2017 Labour Studies Seminar Series recently. Lehulere called his paper 1917-2017 The Russian … Continue reading [PRESS]: “1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance Today”

[TALK]: 17/10/17 | 4:15 pm | Oupa Lehulere & Lucien van der Walt | 1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance

LABOUR STUDIES SEMINAR SERIES 2017 The next seminar in the Labour Studies Seminar Series is presented by Oupa Lehulere and Lucien van der Walt, entitled "1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance Today". This will be the last seminar for 2017. Date: Tuesday, 17 October 2017 Time: 4: 15pm Venue: BARRATT LECTURE THEATRE 3 The … Continue reading [TALK]: 17/10/17 | 4:15 pm | Oupa Lehulere & Lucien van der Walt | 1917-2017: The Russian Revolution and its Relevance

[REFERENCE]: Alan Robert Lipman, South Africa (1925-2013) (by Lucien van der Walt)

Lucien van der Walt, 2017, "Alan Robert Lipman, South Africa (1925-2013)," Southern African Anarchist & Syndicalist History Archive, 27 April. Online at Alan Robert Lipman, born 6 June 1925 to a Jewish South African family, and raised in Johannesburg and Vrede, passed away on the 27 January 2013.[1] He trained as an architect at … Continue reading [REFERENCE]: Alan Robert Lipman, South Africa (1925-2013) (by Lucien van der Walt)

[DISCUSSION]: Lucien van der Walt, ca. 2000, “For the Working Class, Against Bolshevism: Once more on the class nature of the Soviet Union in reply to cde Chris Malikhane”

For the working class, against Bolshevism: Once more on the class nature of the Soviet Union in reply to cde Chris Malikhane Paper prepared by Lucien van der Walt for the Lesedi Socialist Study Group [This paper was, in fact, never presented as Lesedi got caught up in 2000 in the struggle against the neo-liberal … Continue reading [DISCUSSION]: Lucien van der Walt, ca. 2000, “For the Working Class, Against Bolshevism: Once more on the class nature of the Soviet Union in reply to cde Chris Malikhane”

[TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Εξουσία – Επανάσταση – Αναρχισμός”

From Εξουσία - Επανάσταση - Αναρχισμός Το ζήτημα της ειδικής αναρχικής πολιτικής οργάν To παρακάτω κείμενο παρουσιάζεται χωρίς τις υποσημειώσεις για την ευκολία ανάγνωσης, μιας και το κείμενο είναι αρκετά εκτενές. Οι υποσημειώσεις θα παρουσιαστούν σε μελλοντική έντυπη έκδοση του κειμένου. Στo συγκεκριμένο κείμενο ο Lucien var der walt εξετάζει περαιτέρω τα ζητήματα που … Continue reading [TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Εξουσία – Επανάσταση – Αναρχισμός”

[SPEECH]: Lucien van der Walt, 1996, “What’s ‘Left’? Is There An Alternative To Capitalism Today?”

Lucien van der Walt, 1996, “What's  "Left"? Is There an Alternative to Capitalism Today?," talk given at a public meeting hosted by the Workers Solidarity Federation (WSF), at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. 22 August 1996. Comrades, the starting point of this talk today is that we need an alternative to capitalism. We need … Continue reading [SPEECH]: Lucien van der Walt, 1996, “What’s ‘Left’? Is There An Alternative To Capitalism Today?”

[ANALYSIS]: Lucien van der Walt, 2000, “In a Neoliberal World: Is Nationalisation a Route to Socialism?” (Lesedi presentation)

Lucien van der Walt, 19 August 2000, "In a Neoliberal World: Is Nationalisation a Route to Socialism?" (Lesedi Socialist Study Group, Wits University, Johannesburg). Get the PDF here. Text below. Is nationalisation a route to socialism? Paper by Lucien van der Walt (revised after presentation) Lesedi Socialist Study Group, Johannesburg 19 August 2000 Nationalisation – … Continue reading [ANALYSIS]: Lucien van der Walt, 2000, “In a Neoliberal World: Is Nationalisation a Route to Socialism?” (Lesedi presentation)

[ANALYSIS]: Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Self-Managed Class-Struggle Alternatives to Neo-liberalism, Nationalisation, Elections,” ‘Global Labour Column’

Lucien van der Walt, 2015, "Self-Managed Class-Struggle Alternatives to Neo-liberalism, Nationalisation, Elections," Global Labour Column, Number 213, October 2015 Text below.     Get the PDF here or directly at the Global Labour Column site. Introduction by Global Labour Column (GLC) editors: "In this week’s article, van der Walt expresses pessimism against statist Left policies as … Continue reading [ANALYSIS]: Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Self-Managed Class-Struggle Alternatives to Neo-liberalism, Nationalisation, Elections,” ‘Global Labour Column’

[AUDIO]: Lucien van der Walt, 21 August 2015, “Classes, Commons, Collectivisation: Labour and the Left” (at “Class, Colonialism and the Commons: The Case of Southern Africa” colloquium: Rhodes University, South Africa). Chaired by Mazibuko Jara (United Front)

[TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Contrapoder, Democracia Participativa e Defesa Revolucionária: debatendo ‘Black Flame’, anarquismo revolucionário e marxismo histórico”

Translation into Brazilian Portuguese of Lucien van der Walt, 2011, “Counterpower, Participatory Democracy, Revolutionary Defence: debating Black Flame, revolutionary anarchism and historical Marxism,” International Socialism: a quarterly journal of socialist theory, no. 130 , pp. 193-207, which is here.   Lucien van der Walt. “Contrapoder, Democracia Participativa e Defesa Revolucionária: debatendo Black Flame, anarquismo revolucionário … Continue reading [TRANSLATION]: Lucien van der Walt, 2015, “Contrapoder, Democracia Participativa e Defesa Revolucionária: debatendo ‘Black Flame’, anarquismo revolucionário e marxismo histórico”