Lucien van der Walt, 1993, “The Fire Next Time: Lessons of the Los Angeles (LA) Uprising”

This was an introduction written for a pamphlet called No Justice, No Peace: An Eyewitness Account of the Los Angeles Riots, which was reprinted in two South African editions, one from Backstreet Abortions distro, one from ARM, both based in Johannesburg. Some bits hold up well. THE FIRE NEXT TIME: LESSONS OF THE LOS ANGELES … Continue reading Lucien van der Walt, 1993, “The Fire Next Time: Lessons of the Los Angeles (LA) Uprising”


[PRESS]: on crises, 2011, in “Fired mineworkers in a hole” Kwanele Sosibo, 09 Dec 2011, "Fired mineworkers in a hole," Mail and Guardian Mothusi Setlhako has not been underground since November 2009. But, two years later, he still hovers around the Aquarius Kroondal mine’s parched, dusty surrounds in Rustenburg like a restless ghost. Ever since his dismissal, with about 4 000 of his colleagues, for … Continue reading [PRESS]: on crises, 2011, in “Fired mineworkers in a hole”

[PRESS]: On unions, in 2019, “Vavi Happier to be Outside the ANC Alliance Now” Simnikiwe Hlatshaneni, 14.2.2019, "Vavi happier to be outside the ANC alliance now," The Citizen He wants people to understand, though, that trade union fragmentation does not ‘serve the agenda of the workers’. Is it indeed colder outside the ANC tripartite alliance? South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) boss Zwelinzima Vavi says recent events, such as … Continue reading [PRESS]: On unions, in 2019, “Vavi Happier to be Outside the ANC Alliance Now”

[TALK + AUDIO]: 27/03/18 | 4:15 pm | Lucien van der Walt | What Are We Fighting For? Possibilities for Decent Work, Unions and Rights in Africa

A recording is available: The Labour Studies Seminar Series, Rhodes University, Makhanda, presents Lucien van der Walt: "What Are We Fighting For? Possibilities for Decent Work, Unions and Rights in Africa" Wednesday, 27th MARCH 2019/ 4:15pm Venue: Eden Grove Seminar Room 2 ALL WELCOME!!!! THE PAPER: This paper discusses whether the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO's) … Continue reading [TALK + AUDIO]: 27/03/18 | 4:15 pm | Lucien van der Walt | What Are We Fighting For? Possibilities for Decent Work, Unions and Rights in Africa

Interview: “The Subterranean Fire Of Class Struggle” (Lucien van der Walt)

The Subterranean Fire Of Class Struggle: Professor Lucien van der Walt, Department of Sociology (Rhodes University) By Luke Alfred (2015)   PDF online here.   "Reports of the death of the broad working class are greatly exaggerated," says Lucien van der Walt with mild but discernible flourish. "Too many experts believed it anachronistic, passé. But if you look … Continue reading Interview: “The Subterranean Fire Of Class Struggle” (Lucien van der Walt)

Lucien van der Walt, 2011, “The Crisis Hits Home: Strategic Unionism, Anarcho-syndicalism and Rebellion,” Zabalaza Books

Lucien van der Walt, 2011, The Crisis Hits Home: Strategic Unionism, Anarcho-syndicalism and Rebellion, Zabalaza Books, Durban/ Johannesburg. Get the PDF here This is basically a pamphlet reprint of Lucien van der Walt, 2011, "COSATU's Response to the Crisis: An Anarcho-Syndicalist Assessment and Alternative," ASR/ Anarcho-syndicalist Review, number 56, pp. 11-13: HERE. In Italian HERE.

Lucien van der Walt, 2002, “The IWW,  Revolutionary Syndicalism & Working Class Struggle in South Africa, 1910-1921”

Lucien van der Walt, 2002, The IWW,  Revolutionary Syndicalism and Working Class Struggle in South Africa, 1910-1921, Zabalaza Books, Durban/ Johannesburg. Get the PDF here 

Lucien van der Walt, 1994, “Chimurenga! The Lessons of the Zimbabwe Liberation War”

Lucien van der Walt, 1994, “Chimurenga! The Lessons of the Zimbabwe Liberation War,” Unrest, number 1, pp. 16-17, 23.   THE VICTORY OF a seemingly militant ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) in Zimbabwe’s 1980 independence elections, following a long guerrilla war (the “Chimurenga“) against White colonialism, was greeted with jubilation. Today [i.e. 1994], the hopes raised … Continue reading Lucien van der Walt, 1994, “Chimurenga! The Lessons of the Zimbabwe Liberation War”

Lucien van der Walt, 2004, “On Bakunin: Introduction to the South African Edition,” to “Basic Bakunin” (Zabalaza Books)

Lucien van der Walt, 2004, "On Bakunin: Introduction to the South African Edition," in Basic Bakunin (South African edition), Zabalaza Books, Durban/ Johannesburg, no page numbers.  (Basic Bakunin, first published in the UK around 1993, can be read here). ON BAKUNIN: INTRODUCTION TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN EDITION (2004) Lucien van der Walt This pamphlet provides an … Continue reading Lucien van der Walt, 2004, “On Bakunin: Introduction to the South African Edition,” to “Basic Bakunin” (Zabalaza Books)

Lucien van der Walt, 2003,”Introduction” to new edition of Bonnano, “Anarcism and the National Liberation Struggle”

Lucien van der Walt, 2003, "Introduction to the Second Edition," in A.M. Bonanno, Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle (South African edition), Zabalaza Books, Durban/ Johannesburg, pp. XXX.  Introduction to the Second South African Edition (2003) by Lucien van der Walt The ongoing struggle in Palestine is only the most obvious of a number of … Continue reading Lucien van der Walt, 2003,”Introduction” to new edition of Bonnano, “Anarcism and the National Liberation Struggle”

Lucien van der Walt, 1994 “Introduction” to Alfredo Bonnano’s “Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle”

This first appeared as Lucien van der Walt, 1994, "Introduction to the South African Edition," in Alfredo Bonanno, Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle, ARM, Johannesburg, South African edition. The text below is the slightly revised version from the 2019 3rd South African edition, which is available in full HERE. TO CITE: Lucien van der Walt, … Continue reading Lucien van der Walt, 1994 “Introduction” to Alfredo Bonnano’s “Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle”

Lucien van der Walt, 1998, “The Life of Bakunin”

Lucien van der Walt, 1998, "The Life of Bakunin," Internal Bulletin of the Workers Solidarity Federation (WSF) of South Africa, number 2, March/April 1998, pp. 11-13, republished as "The Life of Bakunin: Anti-imperialism, Anti-capitalism, Anti-statism," Anarkismo, 1 June 2014, HERE , which is copied below . Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1873) can be seen as the founder of libertarian socialism (anarcho-syndicalism). … Continue reading Lucien van der Walt, 1998, “The Life of Bakunin”

[ANALYSIS]: Lucien van der Walt, 2008, “Επαναστατημενη Ισπανια Και Αναρχοσυνδικαλισμος,” Νυκτεγερσια

Lucien van der Walt, 2008, "Επαναστατημενη Ισπανια Και Αναρχοσυνδικαλισμος [Revolutionary Spain and Anarcho-syndicalism]," Νυκτεγερσια, issue 1, pp. 48-55.  Get the PDF here